King of the Jews?

Should Trump be King of Israel?

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I still can't believe it. This is peak Clown World.

No,they have Netanyahu as king,Drumpf is a shabbos goy

Netanyahu is Trump's little bitch

You got that backwards.

its kinda funny that he's managed to make america hate jews by talking about them so much.

Trump just loves Jewjew cum.

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We haven't even gotten past the primaries yet

You mean your sexuality?

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wow what another timeline shift i love it lets go! tru /pol embraces this 100000%

>The left hate everything Trump likes.
>Trump "likes" Israel
>The left is shtting in Israel now
It was always 4D chess.

We already have a king, his name is Light Torch.

>Should Trump be King of Israel?
idk, but it would be funny


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Build your temple

2020 is gonna be one hell of a show. Probably going to end being who can suck the most Israeli cock. We already know daddy don can gabble it up pretty good.

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then we NUKE the entire fucking region.

Epstein is king of judea

your president is a kike dick sucker.

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You're incorrect

>marries all his kids to KIKES

> 67D russian roulette

The left has always hated Israel you dumpster fart.
The only defence the right has is "muh anti-Semitism" they've been slinging that shit for 50 years. Read a fucking paper.

Legit voted for a guy that advocated for it. The time will come.

You're incorrect

and then Israel will burn :)
legit will buy the most expensive bottle of liquor on that day.

At that point the only liquor you will have is rice-wine, good luck with becoming China's bread-basket colony.

at this point,
as long as you ALL burn,
im ok with everything else.

nigger i'd toast that day if i needed to do it with jenkem.