/OSG/ - Operation Shapeshift General | Diminish The Yiddish Edition

We must create a massive movement of fake Jewish profiles on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Since Jews shapeshift into whites anytime they want in order to subvert and demonize white people, we can do the same to them. The reasoning and goals listed below.

>Jews are a protected class. Larping as a Jew has the benefit of being uncensored by big tech. It beats the hell out of fashygoyim1488 profiles because nobody will listen to you and you will receive bans. You also have the benefit of labeling anyone who disagrees with you an antisemite or a fake Zionist Jew. Use this to your advantage.

>As a Jew, normies will listen to you, especially boomers and other Jews. You can take the blame for world events and nobody will suspect anything. Post redpill facts about Jews, which include the slave trade, monetary facts, mass media, porn industry, Jewish privilege, the apartheid state of Israel, killing of innocent Palestinians and racist Zionists.

>Being a Jew, you are able to subvert Jews themselves. Since Jewishness is 100% based on supremacism, you can use the same tactics they have used to dismantle white civilization. You can push for more diversity in Israel, support for Palestinians, demonization of the apartheid state of Israel, racemixing, etc. If other Jews disagree, call them Zionists, racists, xenophobes and not real Jews.

>Even if Jews know our plans, it will create in fighting as Zionist Jews will accuse leftist Jews of being fake profiles. This creates even more division within the Jewish community.

>Make sure your profiles as authentic looking as possible, don't use generic photos of Jews off google because you can easily be found out. Use obscure photos from personal Jewish facebook accounts, the more obscure and Jewish looking, the better.

Prominent Zionist Jews are already butt hurt about the influx of impostor Jews, many of them tweeting about it and writing articles. We're in this for the long haul, so be as authentic and convincing as possible.

Attached: jewshatewhitepeople.png (2000x2000, 2.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:


At the moment, Twitter Jews are upset with the huge influx of imposter Jews. They have become so angry that prominent Jews have been tweeting about it, including Yair Rosenberg and US representatives. Jews have also written articles about it, all below. It looks like the subversion is working if they're taking this much notice.


haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-fake-jewish-profiles-flood-twitter-in-anti-semitic-Jow Forums-campaign-to-subvert-jews-1.7725793?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Some tips for twitter:

>Use google voice to get two free phone numbers, additonal phone numbers will cost $10 each after the two free ones

>You can change your twitter handle at any time, meaning previous twitter handles/accounts will look like they were deleted. Changing your twitter handle also keeps your followers and following lists

>If you are suspected of being a fake account by a prominent Jewish account trying to expose you, lock your account, change your twitter handle, your twitter pictures and your profile description so it looks like you're a new account altogether

>Follow Jewish leftist accounts and organizations and follow other subversive accounts and they will follow and retweet you

Jews have long since pretended to be white in order to demonize white people and subvert our civilization, there is nearly 1,200 archived pages of Jews pretending to be white to denigrate white people. Jews are a small % of the population, so it will be much easier for us to subvert and overwhelm them than it is for them to subvert us. This is just a taste of their own medicine.


- Plan for Short and Long Term Chaos

- Create multiple accounts, some will be sleepers

- Get Gud with VPN, VNs and other spoopy things

- Infilitrate anything that's #trending that could produce wins or lels

- Use traffup and other traffic building sites to make your accounts look authentic

- Retweet and like tons of inane Jew and NPC shit

- Report any account that is being hostile or aggressive towards yours, never directly engage

- Your intention is to look as authentic as possible while dropping subtle redpills and destroying Jewish cohesion. Why can't a Jew be for open borders in Israel and stand against white genocide? Any argument against this antisemetic

- If /OSG/ ever goes down or is under attack. Fellow Jews reassemble during Real Robert Hours.

Attached: whywefight.png (2646x610, 215K)

Attached: 1493391652537.jpg (1000x2891, 706K)

Remember niggers hate jews too. Make some accounts of blacks accusing jews of slavery.

Pro tip: if someone tries to call out your account for being recently created, call them a fake Jew or anti Semite and justify your recent account creation through trumps “king of Israel” tweet


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Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-21 Donald J Tr Twitter(4).png (1098x811, 135K)

Attached: 1494344789599.png (550x583, 394K)

Eugene Gu is clearly just an antisemetic jerk blinded by his politics. I truly hope the hate he has in his heart for Jews leaves him some day.

Hello Jow Forums. My name is Max Shekels and I am a big Jew. I know what you guys are up to here and you need to stop. Leave my people alone. You blame us for everything. I just want to do super Jew stuff online, and with my kids.

> I just want to do super Jew stuff online
Is it like, regular jew stuff but you wear a cape ?

Hopefully they'll ban real jews in the process. Definitely follow all the jewiest accounts on twitter so you look like a genuine fan of kikery

As funny as this is, I think it’s going to back fire.

This might work actually?

Fuck off idiot. The Arabs are the problem, not Jews.

And (((who))) brought them in. I don't know if you're stupid or an instigator but if you're just stupid then please stop, you're not fooling anyone

How? We're just a bunch of innocent Yids. They'll blame Plebbit like every faggoty thing they do. But all we're doing is expressing honest opinions as good Jewish people. What is so wrong with that?

And if the media has to constantly talk about Fake Jews and expose shapeshifting while carrying our message and redpills while this simultaneously clogs their social media and causes chaos in their tribe, well then maybe their tribe just needs more of our progressive ideas. But I don't see what's wrong with a bunch of good honest Jewish folks expressing their opinions in all trending topics. You antisemitic?

Please fellow jew, your Islamophobia is bringing shame on our name.

Arabs are semetic, so. . .

Look at this fake jew, right here, using a VPN/proxy to get an israeli flag, all just to bersmirch the good names of jewish diversity advocates everywhere.

Attached: greatest ally.jpg (360x851, 123K)

He sounds like a Nazi who is trying to make us look bad. Ban him.

kikes are assblasted over this. amazing

Attached: 1562469843886.png (448x538, 75K)

Israel is obviously filled with fake Jews

Real jew here. It is time for us to start serving the goyim. Goyim are God king emperors. I love goyim and all real jews should love and worship goyim too. All of you fake Jews need to stop sewing disinformation.

Yes ban him and spread more pro diversity messaging. We true jews have to be activists and agitators for change. And remember, diversity, just like charity, begins at home, and homeland.

That's why I'm getting so off on this. I didn't real care about this for the first two days or so of it. But just watching the effect it's having on these kikes and the potential to fuck with their entire monopoly is hilarious. The keks are so tasty I could resist going INTJ and streamlining this OP.

This has the potential to completely destroy their machine and platforms while exposing their hypocrisy. All because these closed minded Jews can't handle Progressive Judaism. Sad.

Jow Forums getting back to doing what it does best

I'm glad to see this operation still going strong. I didn't expect it to take off as well as it has when I posted it. You're doing G-d's work, my fellow Jews. It's over for real Jews.

No, we are your problem. Israel belongs to us now, faggot. We control the narrative.

Amazing work guys! Keep it up.

Using their own tricks against them.
rule 4
Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.

# "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
# "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
# "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
# "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
# "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
# "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
# "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
# "Keep the pressure on."
# "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
# "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
# "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside."
# "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
# "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

I'm fucking knee deep in the kike universe on twitter and all of them can't stop kvetching about Trump's comments about disloyal Jews.Literally every single Jew is tweeting about it.

>over for real Jews.
I think you mean fake Jews, my fellow jew

Use the opportunity to creat Jewish twitter accounts to call out trump for demanding that us Jews be loyal to israel

these rules or rather, instructions are fucking retarded and written by kikes themselves
>Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
dumbest shit i've ever read and just shows how distorted this kike's ego actually was.
>A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
literal art of war bullshit. thanks chaim. jews are actually shit at being deceptive and subversive what they are good at is leveraging power through blackmail and using their money for control.
think to yourself how many times a jew got caught in a lie or failed to persuade you of something. dont follow their shitty playbook.

Yes, we are the real Jews now. Shalom

Bump for this

make sure you guys follow the trends. like if the american jews are now seething because of trump. use your accounts to defend him and try to sound as jewish as possible even if it means typing like a fucking redditfag

point out the only thing trump has done for israel was a military aid package (the 38 billion bill). isrealis and dispora jews are all anti-war. link them to haaretz when they try to lie and say the 38 billion was for israeli citizens. archive.is/Bswpo

We are currently pushing this:

>call out trump for demanding that us Jews be loyal to israel

shouldn't you be pushing the opposite of what the jews are saying on twitter to cause infighting or am i missing something?

You need to blend in better first, be accepted, get some retweets, then you start subverting. It's a time preference thing, you wouldn't understand.

Im just watching all the jews who formerly masqueraded as white out themselves and making screencaps.

i get your point now.

This was supposed to stay on Discord asshole.
Thanks for ruining opsec.

Our goals:

>subvert Israel
>subvert progressive Jews to become anti-Israel
>subvert and make Jews question their own sanity

There are different tactics we can use, but most important is to look genuine as possible. It makes it easier to be subversive.

Couldn't help but notice antichrist is in my top trending on twitter.

Jews are insisting that Trump said Jews were disloyal to him, but what he actually meant was that Jews were disloyal to Israel for not supporting him.

These fucking Jews man, they're thick skulled more fuckers and it really pisses me off.

Oh wow another fake Jew. Of course racist bigots like you hate diversity. Reported for Islamophobia

You do know everything posted there is sold to everyone who want it anyway, right ?

Meyers Briggs?
I’m INTJ too

does anyone have suggestions on what to tweet?

Jow Forums is primarily INTJ and INTP.

Attached: 7674.png (530x89, 6K)

show me one discord that isn't explicitly run by a glownigger that has more than 50 active users. you cant

Attached: 1563531059729.jpg (770x731, 100K)

Absolutely correct my fellow jew.

There was some serious Kvetching on the news today about this Op. I have to find links, see if I can post it.
Keep it up boys!

Can anyone tell me what exactly we're trying to accomplish here, so I can make tweets..
Currently just copy&pasting tweets

Do what we Jews do, exactly the way we Jews do it.

I love how Jews are crying about "fake Jews" on twitter when all Jews are fake Jews including themselves.

Attached: Jew crying.png (131x205, 48K)

God damn it!!! Couldn't Hitler fucking exterminate all of these goddamn kikes already? They should be fucking gassed and thrown down the well! Gas all of these god damn Jews. Also Heil Hitler and long live the ethnostate!!

Attached: benshapiro not epic.jpg (684x960, 56K)

well... kek

Attached: Capture jew.png (815x741, 58K)

That happens with every account. You just need to verify a phone number

good job providing cover for anti-white jews you fucking retards
now every time you screenshot a real anti-white jew people will believe it was an epic memeister from the halfchins


Attached: absolutely.jpg (1200x900, 337K)

As a Jew I just wanna say, us Jews need to sit down, shut up, and listen when a PoC talks to us. It’s not our place to tell PoCs whether or not the narratives are inauthentic. You really need to check your privilege.

how the fuck do i get at least some followers to appear somewhat genuine? I can't post profile here since it can get flagged, so what do?

Figures !

conflate trump loving jews with racism, hatred, anything sjws say about kike in chief. point out how the only things trump has done for israel have been to increase israel's military resources so they can continue to bomb gaza.
things like "38 Billion for who? Not a disloyal jew." anything that rhymes these lefty faggots eat up like its a spoonful of sugar. most israeli citizens are anti-war and unaware that the bill was for military spending archive.is/Bswpo

don't really wanna use my phone number..

Tweet about whatever the main trend is, and make it seem like a Jew confession

Attached: D3B08853-91BF-4116-B81F-52846130C9C2.jpg (656x833, 411K)

Hitler was an asshole because he didn't exterminate 6 million Jews.

Just do the captcha. You can still unlock it

there are some online services that offer temporary numbers for text messages, not sure how effective it would be in this case tho

What kind of first names do (((they))) have?

I like that you are motivated and trying to come up with something new, but, I'm not sure this is such a good idea. Jews are probably the most difficult group to divide and conquer. They have been doing it to others for thousands of years. I don't think we can beat them that way. They might argue about superficial things like economic policy, but, they all fundamentally support advancing Jewish interests. You will never get them to turn against each other. If we pose as Jews and argue against Jewish interests (like revealing their role in the slave trade) they will immediately notice and eliminate us. They could also start using this as an excuse. We didn't say that Goy, that must have been an imposter. I'd be happy for you to prove me wrong, but, I'm not sure about this one. Good luck anyway.

As an actual leftist Jew, this is fucking awesome
Please keep tweeting #openbordersforisrael, we may actually erode the US's support for that fucking fascist ethnostate

Tweet #jewfellows and I will follow you. Delete the tweet after I follow you.

Use your imagination

Iran just vaporized tel aviv, turn on the news


Also remember if your jews-ona is orthodox they won’t be posting or tweeting during the sabbath as using any form of electricity is considered work and would be breaking the sabbath

>its a totally organic Jow Forums discord guys!
t. glownigger. people were doing this way before discord was even a honeypot.
I hope you know discord works with prism and they can just punch in any image or word they want and run a search for any and all messages containing it. they dont shut them down either, they infiltrate:^)

Attached: 15023982313.png (236x250, 64K)

nice digits

Ari is very common.

haven't made an account yet, need some more details to be more convincing. while i appreciate your effort, you're also at risk of me being a jew datamining this thread for details to flag twitter accounts though

Link or your a fag

If you ARE really organizing stuff on discord:
-Glad you're organizing
-Stop using discord, it is a honeypot, the owner is a jew that is known to work together with law enforcement. He has had data privacy issues before in his previous company

Lastly, if this does come from you guys, find your leak and patch it, then figure out a better place to talk to each other.

Good advice

nope, still have to do that fucking verification code

what is that?

It’s been deleted. We didn’t know until recently.
We were using coded language with windows 98 messenger emulator.
Use coded language for everything guys, security first.

Could someone plz drop obscure photos from Jewish facebooks for those who don’t have/use Facebook?
I refuse to use that site. Even for this sort of chaos sowing

Attached: 61DD8B8C-A134-4B4A-B676-9AFD908C64DE.jpg (661x599, 163K)


Go to thispersonisnotreal . Com or org or something and you can get an intractable generated face, just shuffle until one looks adequate

Face Generator - thispersondoesnotexist.com

Attached: image.jpg (1024x1024, 1.21M)


people were doing this long before some discord came along and did it. infact there are multiple discords organized just for twitter account trolling

Kek, based frogfren