Even wondered why Southern people resemble Arabs so much?

Even wondered why Southern people resemble Arabs so much?
Northern people should deport refugees or they will become lazy, greasy shitskins like Southerners.

Attached: Middle Eastern admixture.png (1280x930, 282K)


They don’t, fuck off with your fake charts.

It's not fake

Holds up

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I would give at least 60+ to Spain.

You nigger brain, Haplogroups aren't ancestry and mean nothing to the way you LOOK

Spain is more Berber admixture

>dude correlation =/= causation

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I bet it is. Meds aren’t shitskins.

They are Middle Eastern farmers retard. Northern Europeans are Western Hunter gatherers. Two entirely different races.

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you're conflating european, anatolian, and middle eastern neolithic farmers

This is bullshit propaganda. Also those people who lived in the Middle East during that time were white Europeans who were later displaced by Arabs, so ‘Middle Eastern farmer’ is a very misleading term.

Natufians are most similar to modern Saudi Arabians.

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fuck u faggot


Fucking memeflag fucking die youf ucking jewish cunt dick nigger sucking bitch you cum slut

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Doubt it.

Just delete this and fuck off already.

Look how his forehead is curved