What the fuck is going on today?

What the fuck is going on today?

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jews sweating

Fuckin' kek. Trump makes a clear joke. Media and Democrats freaks out and treats it as real.
Same old fucking story. Been goin' on since 2015 now. I'm fucking sick of it and literally none of it is Trump's fault. It's all the media / dems / autistic or dishonest lefties fault.

This is fake news. He never said that. .. right?

lol he just did..its not fake news. God bless Trump and the Jewish people and Jewish state.



We must accelerate the plan!

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Here's video of it

Dude will do anything to distract from the Epstein connection.



What the fuck was that

Trolling is just too easy when so many take every word you say as scripture.

Trump was chosen by Israel. He will lead them to greatness. Shalom!

Attached: israeltrump.jpg (750x788, 111K)

>he was just kidding you guys
>what you guys didnt laugh? I laughed so hard. why didnt anybody else laugh..?

Sgt Drebil was on holiday for a week, and as a result the populist right wing movement has turned into a shit show.

What do?

He also thanked somebody for calling him King of Israel and the second coming of God today.

He's right you know.

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How much mind does he have left to lose?

Does that make this the second cumming?

Trump with another 4d chess move

Huh I guess he is the antichrist

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It's like you faggots have never talked to a New Yorker before.
"Someone had to do it, and I'm the chosen one" is just cocky sarcasm, not a sincere declaration you're the second coming of Jesus Christ.

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fucking based

What’s the whole quote? The media took “I’m fucked, I was told investigations take all time and resources out of your term” and said it was a confession of guilt.

I'll never get bored of this.

>Trump does somerhing absolutely retarded
>H-he-heh it was a joke. 10D chess you morons.

I don't care anymore. I'm experiencing massive media burn out, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
>CNN artistically screeching about racism and how the President is an idiot
I just wanna go one week without everyone springing out...

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Idk man, this shit has kikes seething, I kind of love it.

>calls himself the chosen one of israel
>jews sweating
4-d cognitive dissonance

he said he was chosen by voters
talking about presidency

>who cares if we're being bred out of existence if Trump triggers the libs xD?

Right. Its funny though because kikes are all reacting to it like hes being 100% serious and declaring himself King of Israel.

Yeah that's exactly what I said you faggot leaf.

TRUMP is obsessed with Jews

This fucking presidency man. Shit is spiralling. The next election cycle is going to be bonkers.

Hahahaha. Lmao. My god. What the fuck is this timeline?

I mean.. he’s not wrong

I live Jersey and I've never anything like that.

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So he really is the Antichrist.. this is it. We are actually living in the end times.


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suggested no one, ever

Lmao. I just thought this was a fucking shitpost and didn't think it was real and I just looked it up and fucking hell, it's real. This timeline is unforgettable.

Anybody have the vid?


fuggin checked for 12 year god emperor reign

Libs really can't handle the bantz.

i love this man

>It's everyone's fault but Trump!
You are the problem friend. This is a perfect example of the type of thinking that's ripping our country apart.
It's always gotta be someone else's fault, it's completely outside the realm of possibility that someone said something retarded and should own up to it.

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>What’s the whole quote?
>But somebody-- Excuse me. Somebody had to do it. I am the chosen one. Somebody had to do it. So I'm taking on China. I'm taking on China on trade. And you know what? We're winning.
Somehow I don't think you would make a sincere declaration of being the Messiah in the context of a sound bite where your immediately following sentences are about how you're taking on China in trade.
But again, apparently vast swaths of the world have no familiarity with New Yorkers and don't realize casually tossing aside non-serious bravado lines like someone had to do it and I'm the chosen one isn't meant to be read as literal megalomania. The context should have made this obvious enough since the topic is a trade war, not him saving the world through a holy crusade or something. It's a mundane down in the sticks topic of back and forth bickering over tariffs and trade deals. Would be similar to if someone called himself the chosen one for being able to salvage your broken down car. Or calling yourself the chosen one because you just beat your friends badly in Mario Kart 64. You shouldn't have to clarify in cases with dopey mundane contexts like that how you aren't being serious.

I was born in Bergen County and you're full of shit. I bet you pump your own gas.

I have no idea why this made me laugh so hard

did this nigger really call himself the chosen one? like, he REALLY said that shit, unironically?

I MEANT the whole press speech

It's pretty clear. Repent to be cast into hell with your false prophet.

How much more can these people take? They know the truth, but have to pretend because of groupthink. This has been going on for years. It must be taking a toll on their health.

I read posts like these and I wonder if MIGApedes even have the self awareness to realize how transparent and stupid their bullshit is.

Middlesex. "I am the chosen one." is definitely not a common phrase here. And I have pahjeets to pump my gas, thank you very much.

he literally looked up to the sky and back and said that

Wait a second

Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

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no, you stupid fucking larper


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You're actually a stupid nigger

how do you expect me to take you seriously when you didnt even get digits

he truly is here to save us

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Jesus Christ (or is it Donald Trump now?) they are really taking things super out of context to make a headline.

How can you not love this?

they are literally losing their mind on twitter right now about it

Military chose Trump to do all of this over Ted Cruz, so he is the chosen one to an extent.

>Trump makes a clear joke.

That's been his presidency so far.

Trump shined another laser dot to distract while he MAGAs.

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Based Maga retard

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False Prophets are supposed to be universally popular, Trump is certainly not that.



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No shit? You think the media is lying in purpose? We need to tell people about it.

Jews getting found out

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So in less than 24 hours, Trump has called himself:
-King of the Jews
-Second coming of God
-The Chosen One

What the fuck????

Do you actually think he was being serious? Learn to take a joke you fucking kyke

>wordswordswordswordswordswordswordswords wordswordswordswordswordswords wordswordswordswordswordswordswordswords wordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswords

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it's simply a way of saying 'I didn't ask for this but by way of fate it has become my problem to deal with'.

Looks like we're almost ready for Pain.

>Trump has called himself
1 out of 3 ain't bad

15 year old kids have gotten charged with 3rd degree felonies for less.

No you.

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We are entering the God Emperor part of the timeline finally

Desperate for civ war 2 to distract


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>Trump makes a clear joke. Media and Democrats freaks out and treats it as real.
This is pretty much the party marketing slogan. Hysterical ? Weak minded ? Searching for easy answers where none exist ? If yes than being a democrat is the party of babies for you! At the DNC we don't just encourage thinking of the children, we let 6 year olds make policy!

yikes and out-of-touchpilled, boomer

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refer madness...

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Bibi is Trump's bitch

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Post stream new fren

These are all autismos. People who literally cannot cognitive understand the concept of a "joke" and recognize when something is meant to be funny or not. These are the same idiots that constantly post "DROMPF IS A FUCKING KIKE PUPPET" and stupid shit like that.

They're mentally ill. They're mentally lacking. They are deficient.

this is clearly him fucking around, I love this President