>300 €
Are you content with the amount?
>enough to buy cheese, baguette, wine and saucisson for a month.
Yeah I'm fine.
How are you?
>300 €
Are you content with the amount?
>enough to buy cheese, baguette, wine and saucisson for a month.
Yeah I'm fine.
How are you?
0 dollars
85 dollars
0 dollars
about tree fiddy
$15 + emergency $100 bill in a concealed compartment in my wallet.
aout tree fiddy
My wallet is on my desk and has $112 in it. I also have $1700 in a drawer.
20 leaf bucks and change.
My MasterCard has a $50,000 limit.
I like my airmiles.
About 15€ that I cannot use like a fucktard for stupid shit
Around 800 AR$
Enought to eat for a week, our currency is at the drain right now.
My pants don't have pockets
Is the drawer near the window or below the bed?
$0. If Tyrone robs me, he’s not getting anything.
0, no reason carry money when am at home.
Poor fags everywhere. I carry around no less than 200,000 and always keep an emergency 50k in my car in case it breaks down and I need to buy a new one
75 cents. But I also have a pack of Juicy Fruit and a gas station receipt from a week ago.
>I am fine
i have all of my money on the back, the most i ever hold in my pocket is 100 bucks.
>shill supports banks
>backs will fall and you will be fucked
sure but its convenient to have a card.
Banks are insured retard
I always carry 2000euro at least so that if I meet a high end escort, I have enough for a dinner and more.
It’s a rule.
>wearing pants
m-maybe i can escort you desu~
How's the feeling?
Don't you like to have money in your hands?
Fiat? I wouldn’t dirty my hands
rules are rules, amrite
>High end escort
That's not a high end escort. That's normal hooker prices unless your talking about 5 dollar crackheads
Just enough for a sourdough stick, some Brie Des meaux and a nice drinkable red at Aldi’s
im carrying at least 300 freedom bucks on me at all times
spontaneous hookers play a pretty large role in my life
it's enough for your mother
Where do you live? What kind of car do you drive? Make model, color plate number etc.
>Banks are insured retard
user dont be silly, its convenient. same reason so many people have amazon prime even though amazon acts like a dick all the time.
Am I wrong?
7 euro. I'm broke af desu
Will you please kill yourself so we don't have to read stupid fucking Kike bullshit because you can't fucking read with a Tel a Viv education.
zero, i only use plastic, its way safer when you have nothing on you to be stolen.
i am fully aware that the safety net of banks will fall eventually. but i laugh because you seem to have bigger trust in them than i do. technically you are correct but for how long.
Indeed, I, myself, have adopted the potato standard.
checkem trps
Did you ask that last zero if it identified as 0? Didnt think so. Bet you believe in God over science too
I don't use cash
About 100,000 aud
cash won't exist for long my man. you can't even house yourself if you don't slave away at a LEGAL job. france is done. you cant house yourself if you don't have a job on records.
€ 5000 cash en €138368 in the bank and
€ 28429 worth of cryptocurrency
Nice try frogboi
>it's in the nightstand
Let's pretend d banks failed. The u.s. economy would have to go bankrupt for them to not pay the FDIC amounts. So that zero dollars I now have is worth the same as the X amount of bankrupt currency you hid under your mattress
Around R$1000, basically U$250,00.
I'm in my underwear but I have like 500 laying around
is that like 10€?
777 CAD
2850. Enough to hit the road in my hotrod camper when the SHTF
180$ and some change in my wallet and pocket.
52K$ in my expense account.
380K$ in my savings account.
90K$ in my checking account.
690K$ in my business account.
500K$ in various investments.
About 3 Million in assets.
I am a farmer. I operate 900 acres of farm land and another 500 acres of untouched wilderness just south of the Black Hills.
>wrong house
Oh well I still got the money
I have like $400 sitting in my wallet, might use it to go buy another gun
Fucking frogs
like $3 lol
>1500 kroner in wallet
>19000 kroner in the safe
>11.3 kilos of silver
>440 grams of gold
>88 grams of platinum
>Getting an escort to have sex
Oh, user.
5 for gas
43,19 €
500 CZK
Zero, I only use muh credit cards for cashback.
les gars en ce moment auchan et les sous enseignes auchan proposent des filets de sauciflar 10€ les 4 ou 5 ils sont DELICIEUX je suis le maitre saucisson de france j'en bouffe deux par semaine je suis savoyard je sais de quoi je parle, allez y et videz moi ces stocks c'est de très loin la meilleur cam en grande surface
You French pussies always try to talk yourself into things like having $300 is ok and you wonder why you’re entire country is beyond pathetic.
>having cash
I buy guns and ammo with my money
can i work on your farm as a slave mister?
ugh, well done dananon. As expected.
Hi Goyim how much cash do you have. Totally wont report post to IRS
Kek thanks for the pipe
Only niggers and poor fags go around bragging about how much money they have on them.
>Gets car broken into
>loses $50k
kek good one bucko
5 Euros. I use mostly debt cards. Only use real money when im going to the pros.
how many shorttimes can you buy with all those Philippine Pesos?
I have $24 dollars in my wallet and my bank account is literally at zero. I get paid tomorrow but I need to spend the $20 on gas right now cuz I got about 15 miles left.
One of the many nights where I have to decide between the Dollar Menu or a bowl of cereal for dinner, but otherwise I'm in good spirits.
what a monstrosity. poor SCAR. its frankenscar now.
In my bank account
I owe a dude 500kr
Feels bad man
>not having robbing money in your wallet.
let's talk about farming.
I can totally use your money to breed about 10 white babies
>robbing money
Is this some american tradition? a tip for the robber mayhaps?
Enough to pay 2 bills in serbia, our president can suck my hairy asshole
It’s so the robber doesn’t get pissed off and kill you for having no money
I don't carry cash because I live in a city full of niggers. I carry my .45 though.
2000 € and escort? Here I can get top tier by 100-120€ an hour.
is this what people normally do in yurope? i never bought sex in my life am i losing too much?
You think that's a lot, but it isn't. 2 bad harvests and I am a pauper, unable to pay my land tax, and homeless. I am not even close to being able to afford retirement. I work 10-16 hours a day. Closer to 16 during harvest as there is only a small window. Next year I will need to plant Kale or S.0.Y. for soil maintenance, so my funds now will basically be vastly drained because S.0.Y and Kale aren't high value crops.
But if I don't maintain my soil, I can't grow shit.
Seems like a lot more than it really is. Farming is expensive.
imagine believing this shit
imagine being this fucking gullible
>500 CZK
Czech or living near the the border ?
Yo you guys, this kid is fucking retarded yo
>decide between the Dollar Menu or a bowl of cereal for dinner
You don't have a wendy's near you so you can get the 4 for $4 combo?
44¢ and a $353 paycheck.
I’m content now because I have a drive to make more in the future
In my pocket? Nothing.
In the bank? About 750 000 dollars and a summer house. House is paid down and i am no loan slave.
what do you do with them?
I fucked one out of curiosity in toothpasteland and it was terrible, would not bang again
i know senpai, i don't envy you
just look at south africa, one day the niggers will visit because they think you are rich.
Imho people like you deserve a whole lot more respect than the (((businessmen))) who made scamming people into an art form
There are a lot of escorts in Europe.
Some Brazilian, but mostly Romanian.
100-200 euro an hour.
haven't touched cash in months
Er du en fattig?