What does Jow Forums think of Blaire White?

What does Jow Forums think of Blaire White?

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he makes a very lovely chick with a dick.


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Would breed.

Would penetrate

would fug dat bussy all nighg long

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The only tranny I can listen to and respect.


we don't need that kind of shit.

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Why does every damn e-thot get a thread.WHO THE FUCK CARES

Shave her head


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>Listening to trannies
>Respecting trannies
The_donald is calling to you, nigger

based self aware tranny

probably likes to be told what a freak it is when you smash the boi pussy

It's a man, you Swede

love blaire white

So i don't know who that is. How embarresing

degenerate gay man with a severe mental disorder


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I have no idea who this person is.

>Admitting to getting tricked by a tranny
Swede, you're embarrassing not only yourself but all of us now.

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I would..
Don’t judge me....

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would pound boipucci

I would pound the shit out of her asspussy and cum so far deep inside her that she would be the first trap in existence to become pregnant despite not having the right reproductive organs.

I watched some of his videos.
He has good points.
I tend to agree with him more often than not.
So yeah, he is alright


back when i was a bluepilled classical liberal i used to watch her videos and streams, she did a livestream where she went to pee during the stream and forgot to mute her mic so everyone could hear her tinkle.

All of the faggots that would french kiss blairs mantongue and caress his manly man hips while liking his manly man poop butthole are
1. NatSoc larpers
2. Pagan larpers
3. Hate themselves, hence hate god, henc make threads declaring their hatred of christians.

Know your enemy.

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I don't watch tranny videos.
He's useful as a stepping stone to the, right that's about all.

You retards actually believe this lying female attention whore? Kek

I’d let her fill my mouth with femenine sperm

And a stumbling block to all who begin jerking their dick to jim.

Just look at this thread.


Pol is fucking gay.

I'd throw him off a 10 story building with a ten foot poll. That's as close as I'd get to that degenerate druggy faggot.

may allah conquer cuck isle

she has a feminine penis

his real name is Robert White btw

last month was that little french singer, this month has been that girl currently on a sailboat, and adding this?
blech, catering to literal incels for clicks

>nu/pol/ is gay


she has a nice dick

mentally unstable
No reason to listen to

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gonna have to see the nudes to know for sure what's happening there

>"I'm now trad"

Man hands

Very mixed opinion. On the one hand he is a TRANNY and there is a level of mental illness to it that is inseparable. On the other, I think what he made me realize is that he at least put in a lot of effort and work to make him self a very passable trap. I think a major part of being conservative is being self sufficient and being able to take care of yourself, having respect for yourself and not being a burden. 99% of Trannies as far as I can tell dont hit the 2nd category I listed and become a parody of what they are trying to imitate. Most of them look closer to Chris Chan in my picture.

I watched a couple of his videos and he seems fairly reasonable, but I still see a disturbing level of irrationality that points to this person not great to be around.

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disturbingly attractive

Fuck off, Blaire.

He's alright as faggots go. Doesn't appear to be into kiddy diddling and just likes looking feminine while engaging in degenerate activities with other men.

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He's had surgery specifically to feminize his appearance. But yes, it is disturbing.

I'd suck her dick until her balls collapsed like a deep sea submersible at crush depth.

Well, shes a guy so...

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he's mentally ill

>a literal mentally ill dude trying to larp as a normal person and telling OTHER people they're mentally ill

Lotta faggots in this slide thread

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The Blair Witch Project didn't age well

It's a fake tranny you dumbasses

>fake tranny
come again, memeflag?

I think he was most likely savagely abused as a child and will now spend the rest of his life sterile, although he will undoubtedly abuse some adoptees.

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>you Swede
Fucking got em

Robert... sounds pretty normal. Why is it that these tranny fucks always choose the most ridiculous pornstar names when they “transition”?


Even 2D waifus are more real than trans women

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Yeah stupid you're being gaslit

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At least actual trannies have the metaphorical balls to mutilate themselves, what sacrifices has this dumb e-cunt made?

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quite revealing

Baphomet was a trans-sexual
Female Breasts+ Male Penis

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she's a witch, gives satanic tells all the time. One eye, 666 hand sign, you name it.

Lesbo witches are everywhere.

>just another alt right e-celeb cunt

or to be precise

>fake cunt alt right e-celeb with mental health issues

She's the only girl for me.

She's a better face for us than the Yanivs of the world.

Degenerate faggot

So was Kek.

You bring shame to the Phantom.

Would you wax Blaire's balls?

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I'm a degenerate tranny so I'd probably do whatever she wanted.


imagine watching blaire white in 2019

Cool dude, too bad he's got some mental problems though

A mouth is just a mouth
That's what I would say the next day if I found out after the fact.

40 Keks

I don't think about this literally who at all actually.

Obvious zionist shill positioned to be relateble to conservatives.
"Oh maybe trannies aren't so bad afterall"
"I am straight but I'd be gay with that man because he shares the same political views and looks kinda like a girl"
"I hate zionism but that shill says things I agree with while representing the zionist agenda to destroy western culture therefore I will now support everything I hate because I am horny and a secret faggot"
"I am too stupid to see through obvious deceptions"

>not wanting to lick up her fresh hot cum from her throbbing, spunking cock

Jow Forums is dead.

promoter of upper-class predatory morality

I would impregnate her

Blaire White has said xer mission in life is to get Jessica "wax my balls" Yaniv arrested, so I support this tranny and on the day of the rope maybe his rope can be lengthened slightly

i went for the tits
left for the cock
came back for the words
stay for the dick

God forgive me

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i wud go balls deep in dat nigga tight ass stg

shiiit i wud finna give dem titties a spin too T B H

nigga be for real. u get da mouth i got da ass. we gon eiffel tower dis nigga all nite Tbh.

Funny how he thinks being le epic contrarian tranny will net him points
He's still gonna hang for being a fucking loser degenerate pondscum.