Why you Americans hate my country so much, what ? we are not your small shit?
Why you Americans hate my country so much, what ? we are not your small shit?
only boomers hate Russia. most look at you with distant admiration and respect
Dont worry burgers are already destroying from inside.
Fix your english, fucking bydlo.
Also Sovok is not existing country, so they don't care.
hahahaha no we dont you stupid fucking nigger. go back to sucking dugins cock you faggot.
yea...enjoy sucking on that smog dumb asiatic nigger boy.
Yeah, sovok is a giant shovel in your ass, faggot. Go back to the gym, petuh
All was fine till you fucked up Georgia and Ukraine. Don't act like you did nothing.
Fuck off, butthurt gommy bootlicker.
Nobody care about your irrelevant non exist shithole. The Great America kicked your subhuman ass and now you will die due alcoholism and starvation. The faith that you totally deserved, svinosobaka.
OP is a gommy shill , which butthurt because Sovok death. Do not treat him like he is a russian. He is noviop Le Creature, low IQ subhuman.
> (You)
>yea...enjoy sucking on that smog dumb asiatic nigger boy.
First thing we dont have niggers and we dont feed trannies and niggers like you. Stay in your fag, tranny, nigger filled shithole. Because you cant live without welfare check tranny nigger.
It's the chinks. They want us to hate you.
>Why you Americans hate my country so much
We don't hate you. I think we should join forces and take over Europe.
Get fucked nigger commie dick sucker
zoomers also hate Russia because muh dota muh cs
Go wash your ass, Manya
> Fenya
The true language for degenerate subhumans like you. You're to stupid and not deserve at all to speak on glorious russian or english languages.
the delusional commie kike cock sucker will tell themselves anything
america is full of niggers who hate white people. you probably think your legacy "anti imperialism" rhetoric and communist track record or the fact that you might be some quarter-mongol muslim would give you a pass here. it doesn't.
niggers can't make anything. they can't build anything. russia has lots of stuff under the ground and lots of people who have an idea of how to do something with it. nigmerica is desperate to try to leverage the dying, fading intellectual capacity it has left to try to enslave russians to keep their already mediocre living standards propped up.
Most Americans are regular traditional Christian white people just like Russians and we have absolutely no influence over the country. Our government, media, banks and corporations hate Russia, this is because our country is totally ruled by evil Jews and you pogromed their great-grandparents.
>Most Americans are regular traditional Christian white people just like Russians
No, they aren't.
Hi brother
America still managed to vote in a president who ran on an explicitly pro-Russian platform.
Because we're angry the Soviet Union fell
Now Kiss!
We are not faggots like you.
Trump isn't pro-Russia in the slightest. He's a direct subordinate to the Brady bond/Browder crew. He has sent billions of dollars of heavy weapons to Ukraine to prop up the zionist-occupied government there. He has used economic antagonism and threats of military violence to coerce Western European governments to not purchase Russian energy supplies or complete pipeline projects to expand the capacity of Russian energy that bypasses ZOG satellite states like Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltic countries.
You have either gravely misread what Trump is actually doing or you are deliberately misrepresenting it. What Trump is actually doing is allowing non-Whites in America to build themselves into a fever pitch against White Russians to serve as a catalyst for the foreign war to dismember Russia that ZOG needs to survive.
We don't hate you bro, it is all government bullshit.
The average joe six pack has respect for your people.
>Trump isn't pro-Russia in the slightest.
I know faggot. Trump isn't even pro-American in the slightest since they broke him with the Mueller probe. We were discussing the character of the American people, tens of millions of white American Christians voted for a president who ran on an explicitly pro-Russian platform. There is no organic anti-Russian sentiment among European-Americans. All anti-Russian sentiment in our country is Jewish astroturf, that was my only point.
Я yчилcя в Poccии кoгдa я был в yнивepcитeтe. Чecтнo гoвopя, y нac в Aмepикe ecть тaкaя пpoпaгaндa кaк y вac в Poccии. Кoгдa я пpиeхaл дoмoй, иoи дpyзья мeня cпpocили o Poccии тaк: «кaк oни paзгoвapивaли c тoбoй, кoгдa oни yзнaли чтo ты aмepикaнeц?» и я oтвeчaл вceгдa «oни мнoй интepecoвaлиcь. Bpaжды мeждy нaми нe былo.» пo-мoeмy, этo eщё пpaвдa. Этo гpycтнaя пpaвдa, пo-мoeмy. Cepьёзнo, пpиeзжaй к нaми в CШA и cмoтpи. Ho мы aнoны, и пoэтoмy мы никoгдa нe yeзжaeм из дoмa гыгыгы
Фoтo из эpмитaжa Oтцa Дмитpия в Beликoм Hoвгopoдe. Tы дoлжeн пoeхaть тyдa
Trump was always an agent of the jews. He was never "broken". The Mueller probe was theater to generate anti-Russian sentiment and Trump played his role.
>the character of the American people
Yes, the negro character of the American people. For some reason you keep pretending it's still 1982.
>There is no organic anti-Russian sentiment among European-Americans
European-Americans aren't a relevant demographic in America anymore.
>He was never "broken". The Mueller probe was theater to generate anti-Russian sentiment and Trump played his role.
Even I am not that cynical and blackpilled. Trump used to occasionally do some pro-white and pro-American things, up until the day when the Mueller probe ended and he recognized the Golan heights.
>Yes, the negro character of the American people. For some reason you keep pretending it's still 1982.
America isn't more demographically negro than in 1982 and negros don't have any more influence over the culture than white people do.
>European-Americans aren't a relevant demographic in America anymore.
In the modern age the only demographic that is relevant is the one that controls the media. without which no political organization or coordination is possible.
No, he was never pro-White. Trump flooded Palm Beach city council meetings with interracial agitation propaganda in an effort to publicly shame them for not fast tracking his niggerkike-friendly country club in the area. Trump has a very, very long history of anti-White behavior. He is a republican, after all.
Who dis?
>Trump isn't pro-Russia in the slightest.
You have earned your pay today comrade!
we don't hate you we just don't trust you