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how is germany not in there

Fuck Obama for letting our number get that high in the first place though

Living in Brazil will be preferable at this rate desu

Attached: canada_school.jpg (1200x900, 283K)

Oh fuck this looks horrible

too many to go on the chart

>6 refugees
6 too many amirite lads

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I would get on a plane and leave the country if my school looked like that

is.. is that canada?

You're running out of time Alberta. Separate & join the Union before the liberal faggots flood you with shit.

there's no where left to go

Attached: 1566424113904.jpg (133x185, 10K)

>pic relates is from 2016 census

Attached: TorontoVisibleMinority.jpg (1800x884, 182K)

theres places that are 80-90% "visible minority" in Canada

Attached: 1566424113904.jpg (398x291, 42K)

Rape-fuges don’t count.

This is because the definition of visible minority has nothing to do with actual population percentages. It just means "non-white"
>pic related
Also the reason we define these things is so that visible minorities can write that they are visible minorities and be refereed over white Canadians in employment and education.

Attached: vismin.jpg (879x328, 55K)

Congratulations USA!!!! Canada continues to lead the world in faggotry and shit skin genuflection.

That is actually a very old picture by today's standards and will be increasingly common as both the liberals and cuckservatives offer nothing to slow or stop the mass amounts of immigration.

Majority of the west, GTA&surrounding areas notably Browntown(Brampton)

The biggest thing here unlike in the states in Canada immigrants do not adapt Canadian values and instead bring their own and live in their own communities with them.

The real ethnic change hasn't been coming from refugees in Canada. Its been from changing to a points based economic system.

Attached: graph03.jpg (1144x523, 69K)

Do you know how much fucking money we pay Refugees? Literally hundreds of thousands of dollars a year per refugee family.

They are provided for better than UPPER MIDDLE CLASS. Think about that. And he was letting in hundreds of thousands of them.

All according to plan...
"Pierre Trudeau, on the Hate Committee with Maxwell Cohen, has already stipulated this intent in his pro-Soviet review, Cité Libre. See “La Nouvelle Trahison des Clercs” (“New Treason of the Clerics”) (April 1962) in which Trudeau calls for the new population and the new system, while anticipating the end of Canada, the “disappearance” of the French Canadians and the reduction of Britanno Canadians to insignificance on their own soil. Therefore, if according to Milton Klein, criminal charges ought to be laid for planning the physical destruction of a group by deliberately altering the conditions of its life to bring about its destruction,Pierre Trudeau should be the first to be hanged. (AAB)" - Adrien Arcand, "No to Hate"

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It used to be

White Canadians should all go to Quebec and secede

Still doesn't account for the cuckservatives towing the same line. There is A LOT more behind the scenes then we know about pulling the strings. The same strings behind blacklisting Ron Paul from all media coverage

What happened in the US that caused such a dramatic drop in refugees?

Quebecers would hate that. You have to understand, white Canada is a fairly new concept. English and French, anglo and Quebecois have been at eachothers throats since the start of this country. Its these divisions that Pierre Trudeau used to create his multiculturalism policy which brought about this demographic replacement.
The dissolution of British Canada has already happened. Now there are fragments of a Canada that once was, but that Canada was never considered really a unified white Canada, it was a confederation of very different European people, culturally, and religiously, and racially. (racial in the way they used to use it)

ever since multiculturalism was put into the Charter the conservatives have cucked to this. They have never been willing to attack this, and so their cowardice will be their ultimate downfall. As Adrien Arcand says, those that do not speak the Truth cannot solve the problems, they can only talk around them.

would literally be off the charts unfortunately

Canada was 53% White in 2016 and is now less than 49% White and rapidly falling

Attached: le 53 wiki.png (276x344, 11K)

How little you know. Visible minority is counted as WHITE the vast majority of the time in order to manipulate the statistics.

Who's the current head of StatsCan? why did the last head of StatsCan resign? It shows how little you know

Attached: kikecooking census.png (1388x198, 140K)

Attached: 1558564788816.png (1440x2341, 1.39M)

it is really embarrassing.

We are still getting 23k too many.

>97 in 2016

i dont reply to memeflags