Why are there so many young women with tattoos nowadays?

Why are there so many young women with tattoos nowadays?

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Idk I went out with one that had a tattoo on the back of her neck. It let me know she likes getting fucked from behind and I blew my load in her on the first date

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Because it looks good, it repels Jow Forumstype incels and attracts Chads

A disgusting terrible trend. Because they are creatures just searching for 'coolness' and being 'in-group' the culture is simply blasting in the mainstream media with everyone having tattoos and that tattoos are cool.

Some of the tattoos I see are pure cringe.

Attempt to have some personality.

They are the post modernists. Chances are they're into the new age world order religion, narcissistic, sex addict, and demoralised.
Avoid at all costs. Only beta's last with these kind.

Daddy issues

I run a tattoo parlor and I can confirm most of my clientele are young women. No idea why. Degenerate AF if you ask me

They're letting you know.

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