
How do you guys feel about Reddit’s censorship? The sites gay, but none of us can deny its cultural and political significance.

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i really do not care about what they do there.

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You should. The sheer control of information is going to influential in this election

Look who is beyind that website, you'll be surprised (or not)

Oh I know. I just think it’s a very powerful tool

no shit

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So what do we do? Shit pisses me off

Reddit is still a thing?

It’s like the third most visited site in the US or something like that.

the fact they raid this site, on a daily, would suggest their real place in american culture.

They’re advocating for this sites banning rn

They pretend to be intellectuals but delete anything that goes against the mainstream narrative. In pic related all the guy was saying is that we shouldn't blindingly trust was big for-profit corporations put in vaccines especially when they are forced on people, which is honestly pretty reasonable. But because it could be interpenetrated as anti vaccination and the fact that it goes against the retarded redneck anti vaxxer stereotype it was deleted. I fucking hate that god damn website because of shit like this, at least here you can say whatever you want as long as it's somewhat political.

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They censor basically everything that goes against their narrative. The users are insufferable stereotypical millennials. Unfortunately, as a propaganda outlet I believe they are going to be very powerful come 2020

I visited it for the first time in probably two years yesterday. The artificial way they all interact is so faggy. Maybe it's the point system. It's like they're all women or they're on a lame sitcom. They're samefagging even when they aren't.

Build a better social media from skratch.
Would require a few dollars.

There’s voat and gab, but it would appear those aren’t taking off

Of course it's popular. Anything mind numbing and built for normies usually is.

And Trump being elected made the site so much worse from what I've heard. Remember the ajit pai net neutrality shit and all the propaganda produced about it? Funny how non of it happened, or rather nothing even changed, but if it was for reddit I'm not sure if that whole situation would have been half as popular.

Yeah. The website is going to literally help decide this election though. Now it’s shilling China. If you’re a world power, reddit is the place to disseminate propaganda. None of the users are capable of free thought. The ones that speak out of line get deplatformed and head over here

Cause it's shit, just pale centralized copies.
We have the technology to build way better shit rn

Make the NPC lag, they are like pieces of a machine in there.

I think Reddit will be more divided this election than ever before. 2012 was Obama without question. 2016 was Bernie without question, and that was such a trainwreck that it led to quite a few Bernie supporters voting for Trump in spite.
This time? Yang? Bernie again? Warren? It's a lot harder to unite when there are 20 candidates all saying very similar things.

I stopped using it when they quarantined The_Donald and I dont miss it at all. Jow Forums is way more legit and real. Reddit is an echo chamber for leftist commies.

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>divided fags

That’s actually true. I think once the primary is done they will unite this time around though. They’re “anti facist” propaganda is on full swing right now. They want anything but Trump

The_donald are npcs too. Pol doesn’t blindly follow trump

I could see it, still.. look at how well it worked for them last time.
They're too desperate. Look at how many times they changed the sitewide rules just to get back at t_d until they finally quarantined it.
And t_d is so.. tame.
I wonder if they'll eventually pull a Tubmlr and double down on their bullshit so hard that they lose most of their base. Would not surprise me.

T_d being “tame” is one of those things I think we don’t have a grip on here. To most of the world, they are radicals. Idk I guess I’m rambling, but I think we are fucked. And reddit is going to be a big part of it.

Just got kicked off my account. Fuck those niggers.

reddit is a CIA datamining AI operation working on how to subvert public opinion

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Accelerationism is probably going to get Jow Forums shut down before anything else does
Idk if there are any decent alternatives

The next shooting will get this site shutdown, mark my words. And there is really nowhere left to go

I've been banned like 5 times. It's always for "violent content" but everybody knows that's a load of bullshit. Last time they banned me it was because I told some faggot that he was going to Hell when he died. Apparently that's violent even though reddit is run by atheists who laugh at God and Hell.

They can't censor us forever.

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>can’t censor forever

Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. That’s exactly what they are going to do. And we aren’t going to do shit about it

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Another shekel richer

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