What makes you think your opinion is more valuable than a scientist who’s devoted their whole life to understanding weather?
What makes you think your opinion is more valuable than a scientist who’s devoted their whole life to understanding...
Lol the whole time I was thinking it was about Jews.
I know I'm not compromised
The issue I have with this cartoon is that man-made climate change isn't real.
Because I'm not being paid for said opinion.
A good scientist usually comes up with ways to solve a problem. He doesn't sit around regurgitating leftist talking points for brownie points. My opinion is climate change is real. And thats why we should stop overpopulating our countries with mass migration so that liberals and republicans can make money off their mindless consumerism. Fuck you.
-no sanctions against China/India/Nigeria for refusing to cut pollution
-only "solutions" are trying to put carbon taxes on average people and force them to buy a specific type of car
-autistic screeching that it's 100% manmade and anyone who disagrees is a fucking bigot, continuously failed to prove to the satisfaction of average people it's happening
-declaration that a hot summer and a cold winter is proof of climate change
A good scientist looks at things from a different perspective.
>a scientist who’s devoted their whole life to understanding weather?
Weather is not climate.
What angel comes down from the sky and anoints someone a "scientist?" Aren't you really just demanding that we have blind faith in an educational system everyone knows is fraudulent and full of politically motivated activist professors?
Why are you demanding answers to this question specifically, when a much more important one would be "what has the scientific community done to create such a total loss of trust from the public?"
Why should anyone take any environmentalist seriously who only ever nags white people and makes demands of Europeans, who pollute and litter the least by far, while completely ignoring China and India, who are jointly responsible for over 80% of all air pollution and ocean contamination on the planet?
Why do you believe the White Man's Burden exists?
Yup ironically all the screaming and yelling is making people care less. Do liberals need a tactic other then screaming and yelling? Would it help if they add in sarcastic quips and talked down to people? Does this comic do all 4? Do late night comedians need to turn it up a lil notch?
>retarded strawman because that’s all you have
Liberals are gonna cut down all the forests to pay for their stupid ideas.
Thats their solution.
Scientists fucked monkeys to create Aids. I don't believe their bullshit.
please tell me the name of the scientists and the journal and page they published they work.
scientists don't see the bigger picture
the bigger picture includes geopolitics
ww3 will bring "climate change" on a scale and on a sooner timeline than anything these scientists are remotely imagining
You're alright, spic.
Oh no I need to eat bugs and stop using plastic and throw away all my clothes for third worlders now and bike to work and drink piss water and film it
>90% of pollution in the ocean comes from 10 rivers
>none of those rivers are in white or formerly white countries
Yet it’s only us that seems to be doing anything about it. Get the chinks and street shitters, as well as the basketball peoples under control and then we can self reflect
Global warming is real but lmao if you think the elites want you to survive it.
They are basically using it as an excuse to make you more frugal about your life.
All while they do the exact opposite
About fifteen minutes of looking up who pays him and then reading the data behind his projections which objectively don't imply what he is saying.
Based and Caracas pilled
Maduro is a fucking jew
>a scientist who’s devoted their whole life to understanding weather?
Weather is not Climate.
My career doesn't require me to pretend I understand the weather
Cuz youre known liars and hateful zealots
>muh appeal to authority
Its a fallacy you piece of shit
Because they are retarded and parrot each other. Some are sellouts too. Also they never cared to lean about heat transfer in gasses, biology, solar activity, how to measure and graph data and basic stuff that interacts with each other to result in climate and atmosphere.
There is no scientist on earth who can predict the global climate with accuracy. None. Given the variables and scale involved, it is impossible. I know this because I do rocket science for a living. Go ahead and try to make a 100% accurate prediction about the wind, barometric pressure, temperature, and density of the various layers of the atmosphere on launch day. Go right ahead. We can make probabilistic predictions with some degree of accuracy, but we cannot "know" anything about the weather or the climate in the future, especially the far distant (from our perspective) future. It isn't possible.
I have no financial/reputation/livelyhood incentive to fall in line with a narrative.
>a scientist who’s devoted their whole life to understanding weather
That's actually funny because in Canada those "scientists" have proven to be less accurate at forecasting the weather than some random person tossing a coin.
if these climate scientists were confident in what they were saying, they wouldn't have everyone who disagrees with them on a ban list
"All climate experts agree" is an urban legend. It comes from a single magazine survey made incorrectly. All other surveys made correctly show that the majority of non-political climate experts don't believe it's happening. To be exact, they don't believe it's human-driven. Why would they? Climate has changed over and over without human intervention and the assumed human influence, CO2 level, does not show any correlation whatsoever.
Because all of the scientists who disagreed with that assessment were censored, hence why the Adam & Eve Story (about inevitable pole shifting causing climate change) had to be classified by the CIA several times and revised in a censored format for public consumption.
(((Who))) do you think is behind global warming?
Someone remake the pic as two women killed by muslim migrant
The Adam and Eve Story was not classified, it was published, reviewed and circulated among New Age groups with no problem. A copy of the book was put in a box at the CIA for some reason. They probably have heaps of dumb New Age garbage in their files.
I've watched scientists that devoted their whole life to understanding weather, with stellar credentials, deny this narrative from top to bottom, and actually show the evidence, the data and going through all the theory behind climate science in 3+ hours conferences. But nice try retard.
Their arrogance is only matched by their stupidity. Fuck climate change.
You're my favorite Mexican ever
What makes you think they devoted their life to understanding the weather?
Change to flat earth denial for lulz
The same can be said about religion and many other things.
>he think he can change anything on a planet scale
Can we agree on something? Can we leave the the bug eating for the slants, the seal flesh for the moes, the vege fruit diet for the lib trannies and the monkey for the tribes? The potato chips will fall where they fall and if good tech solutions for gas guzzlers does come about that works in a realistic world situation then so be it? It doesn’t matter if it true or not what matters is being clean no poison shit no rubbish no Indian plastic Mecca’s in the ocean and floating bodies etc in due course this will happen so I really don’t give a flying monkey rats ass if it’s true or not! Simple question is the house you live in and area you live clean! Trump the orange hulk makes a good point about cleaning and rats, maybe this thinking should be extended coal sooties!
Name one (1) study that shows any feasible legislation or government action can reverse global warming.