How do we solve the incel question?

How do we solve the incel question?

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some of those guys arent too bad looking its just a focal length issue. Maube they should get nicer haircuts

>Mass genocide against anyone white and anyone to the right of Karl Marx
>Mandatory MtF transition for any and all non-LGBT white men
>ContraPoints / Chapo Trap House communist reeducation
>Eradication of heternormativity
>Destruction of the United States of Amerikkka
>Abolition of white supremacy / white nationalism
>Hanging all Porky CEOS behind climate change
>Install Bernie Sanders as Supreme Leader of the United Councils of Soviet America

Start sucking ugly guy dick

What are you going to do? Make me watch contrapoints? Kill yourself.

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Most incels are probably lefties

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Set up a culturally defined age limit at which females will be used as pump n dump or electable for marriage then spread it around social media, i'd say 25 is a good starting point.

That solves the woman question and the incel question in one go

How can we cure op's obsession with sucking cock?

Or maybe just create a camp for incels, where they can learn philosophy, religion and martial arts, where no wahmen is allowed and where incel can live the contemplative lifestyle and monk bond with other bachelors.

You're scared, Porkychud — you WILL bow down to the Queer Tranarchist Front, or you will get the bullet like the rest of your Porky-deepthroating chud losercels. SURRENDER OR DIE!

I think it's due to fetal alcohol syndrome and doing drugs during pregnancy.

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>These are the people calling you incel online

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All those jews. They aren't white.


They are, and they are also mostly Asians living in white countries. Whites are actually underrepresented on incel forums compared to their share of the overall population.

All inceldom aside, how is it possible for so many alleged individuals to so closely resemble each other? They all appear to be brothers.
This looks like horseshit to me.

government mandated penis extensions

They have existed since the dawn of time. You can't do shit except the fact that you can ignore them. Or that you can give every man a free gf but thats not really possible is it?

State enforced relations with Femcels

Go make love to them

I don't understand the problem

There are actually femcel forums, for self proclaimed female incels. The funny shit is, they ban any guy who tries to ask them out.

The gym, most of them look like they need to bulk up and cut

transcend from sexual desires. stop giving into the urges. quit fapping / watching porn. don't make women your primary goal in life.