What should average person know about Ruby Ridge? What are the redpills associated with it?

What should average person know about Ruby Ridge? What are the redpills associated with it?

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Don't fuck with the feds

No shit.


They killed the dog first as a warning

the one thing i remember about that great documentary (can't remember the name at the moment) an user posted a while back about ruby ridge was when the lady opened her door to let the dogs in and a fed sniper turned her head into a canoe. why? because clearly an unarmed lady letting her dogs into her own home is basically a nuclear weapon and shooting them dead deserves a medal. the reason that incident sticks with me is because the feds were CLEARLY intent on simply murdering that entire family and they done in with the news cameras rolling and not a single thing happened to them.

America is evil.

Read "Every Knee Shall Bow"

An FBI ching chong sniper murdered Mrs. Weaver and Randy's baby as she stood in the doorway holding their baby.
Randy Weaver was a Green Beret war hero.

feds are afraid of lofentanil-dmso

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I don't own any weapons. That way I can't do anything stupid. I won't be holding a weapon, because I don't have any. Easy way to stay out of trouble. I get my feelings of doing something by bidding. Let the courts decide. Stay out of jail and help make the world better by investing in the system you want to change.

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Ruby Ridge showed what we are really up against. It's the final balckpill, they will find you and they will fucking murder you.

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>feds are afraid of lofentanil-dmso
More like feds give exact shopping list, wait for somebody to buy a percentage of it and then get an alert. That is the stuff I use to build. Give me access to their GPS data, I can do predictive programming on what they'll do next. I'm a data scientist. I use my skills now in bidding for President of the United States. I can offer something nobody has dared do. I offer the truth from a Distinguished Toastmaster, everybody with any education knows how hard and impossible this is to achieve.

The future is bright Wayne Lambright 2020

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The relevant lesson to your current life is William Barr is garbage and so is your kike government.

Fuck off with this "redpill me" shit.

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What is this from, something about a movie where he turns into a gross zombie or something?

Lon Horacchi was also the sniper that started Waco.

Federal agents murdered a man's family because he wrongthunk.

Men In Black I think

Goddamnit Wayne, you won't even publish how your supposed anti-gravity technology works.

You sure as hell can't come into my house, put your feet on the coffee table and call yourself a data scientist.

For the love of Christ, your campaign's website. Get a goddamn SSL certificate. What the fuck, Wayne. Floating electricity but no SSL certificate?

Men in Black

I’m unreasonably upset you didn’t know this, dumb fuck.

edgar the bug kek, hadn't seen that since it was in theaters, based

feds shot weavers son in the back and murdered his wife whilst she was holding the baby. current AG Barr tried to orchestrate a cover up of the incident.

They paid weaver 3.1 million for killing his wife and son. Fuckers killed a 14 year old and unarmed woman.

>Omg you didn't remember a movie who's main characters were a kike and a nigger who hunt down shapeshifting spacemexicans


>Lon Horacchi
Portrait of courage, typical of federales

Its going to get tied into the Uranium One story.
Swaps of farmland for uranium deposits in federal parks.
Bureau of Land Management corruption.

Just watch.

>What should average person know about Ruby Ridge?

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never let a fed set foot on your land

the weaver family name has a long masonic history of deception behind the curtain of the American dream and are involved in the ongoing occult pedophile rituals. Ruby Ridge has illuminati written all over it.
>fuck jann cather weaver

The media said they were white supremacists so everyone just shrugged their shoulders, except for the other half that didn't.

Ruby Ridge and Waco was the government telling The People not to get too free.

>Over the next three years, Weaver and the informant met several times.[20] In July 1989, Weaver invited the informant to his home to discuss forming a group to fight the "Zionist Organized Government", referring to the U.S. Government
This is what happens if you talk openly about taking down zionists. A government sniper puts a pullet in your wife's brain.

I have no idea what your going on about, you probably think you're being funny. I met Randy Weaver when his book came out and the man is genuine, you can tell the experience left him mentally scarred though. The lesson I got from ruby ridge is that the feds are nothing more than lowlife bloodthirsty thugs.

>Ruby Ridge and Waco was the government telling The People not to get too free.


lol, no. Don't fuck with a man with a plan.

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