I'm feeling a little down tonight but fuck all that, it's time for a self-improvement tread to pass on better information to anons worldwide so we can all become better men.
Self improvement thread /sig/
The Dao is the path, only through no action one can become a sacred man.
Hit the gym homie, start taking 5g of creatine daily
Calesteria é melhor, se você se importar com ficar forte.
I dropped 10 pounds in 3 weeks (194-184) by eating under 1500 calories per day and doing cardio on an empty stomach in the morning. I run sprints twice a week for HIIT. It's pretty simple, fatties are just lazy.
Working out right now in my basement. Probably what has snapped me out of my mood to make the thread in the first place.
O melhor é manter o corpo em movimento, o resto é conversa fiada.
Good going bro
For any anons in highschool or in early college. Take AP classes if you can to get credits and check out CLEP exams to get yourself exempt for certain courses that do not pertaib to your major. This will prevent you from having much debt and allow you to graduate early.
Any other tips for self improvement?
good luck, bro!
For those looking to embark on the way of /sig/:
> Death is imminent and beyond that is mere speculation. Treat what time you do have left as invaluable and, as it should be, irreplaceable.
>Find your "why". There is the possibility of divine introduction and equally so mere cosmic accidence to explain the reason for why there is life on Earth. Avoid frivolous speculation and create your own meaning for your existence.
>Are you here to help people or to hurt them? In what way do you strive to bring about your intent?
>What do you wish to manifest of yourself and into the world? How will you get there? Allow for variations in your plan and create contingencies.
>Are your habits in alignment with what it is you are trying to accomplish? What changes must you make of yourself to bring yourself to a streamlined path towards your goals?
>Identify who you are. What do you value? What will you allow and where will you take a stand? This is of vital importance.
This is really nice.
>25 m
>6'3", 193 lbs, 13%bf
>$80k a year salary, engineer
>I lift, rock climb, snowboard, paint, write
>Own my own house, still travel the world
>Only debt is my mortgage
>Suicide-ly alone
What the fuck am I supposed to do to get a gf at this point?
a social life retard. that's the most important factor. lowlifes who do party drugs, have no future get more women then you.
talk to girls retard
Thank fren.
Remember bros:
Feelings do not come first. Feelings do not create thoughts, thoughts create feelings. You do not feel happy and then work, you work and then feel happy. You cannot and will not succeed in anything you seriously want to accomplish if you allow yourself to be a blackpilled self-pitying piece of shit. Never regret.
Life is the perpetual prison break.
Tonights the night, some of us won't make it.
Make sure yall read Ted Kaczynski's manifesto, lots of good advice there as well.
>Life is the perpetual prison break
Well said brother, all the best to you.
If you crave pasta, eat pasta. If you crave chocolate, eat chocolate. Just be mindful that what you’re eating isn’t packaged processed fake food. And go easy on the junk food, too.
Talk to girls user. Don’t get into a mindset that you deserve a gf who is so so hot jbc you can check off a bunch of material accomplishments.
How do I stop looking ten years older than I am? I'm only 25 and people constantly think I'm older than 30. At first it was fun when I was 18 and looked 21, but now it's really bothering me
Shave your head/beard and start working out/eating properly, all the info you need to start is on body building forums.
have a bump friend
Are you balding? Get hair transplant surgery. It's only like $2,000
lets keep this going
> escape from neckbeard island
Words of wisdom
Remember what we could have had
>Go on trips
>Learn foreign language
What is this stupid shit? Who wrote it a fucking woman?
You're supposed to look older you stupid fucking pathetic beta, it's called being a man
All i expect from the future is to get older for my body to start malfunctioning and to eventually die, possibly (probably) forever.
In the meantime it all seems to come down to blind faith IMO, it also all seems like human vanity and i've never trulky seen anything i consider to be "deep" I think existence was a mistake, why? life is seemingly randomly unfair and i'm on the shittier end of it. That simple.
There are no "suppose"s IMO, it is what it is. It's all human vanity/ego. We all want what we want, usually to be in perfect health and to look as good as our genetics allows to look.
Fascinating, very deep. So what do you do if your dick stops working and doctors can't fix it?
What are we reading?
For me? It's 1984, for the first time. I'm not in high school, I just never read it.
Books I read recently:
>Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger (loved it, big recommend)
>The Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile (wasn't a fan, much more about the Origins than the doctrine, and hyper specific to Italy in the era it was written, I wouldn't recommend)
>Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard (I read on Wikipedia some people believe this book is a satire of social darwinism, I don't think it is, the author is definitely for real, and it's a good book I'd recommend)
Existence is a fucking joke IMO.
I consider the demonic to be the only truth. The realm of all.
I've been discouraged from deadlifts and squats because of a fractured L1, what are some other ways I can get jacked? Thinking some combo of calisthenics/swimming/running but I'm not sure exactly what sort of a program to follow
How to raise testerone? I am low t and have gyno and want to better myself.
All horseshit IMO. Enjoy the coming AI/Singularity and your upcoming extinction/enslavement and that of your entire genetic line/descendants.
Learning a new language, all by yourself, demand long term dedication, being organized, accepting small steps progress, telling the little voice that says "not today" to fuck off. Four things that can later be used in every other aspects of your life to improve it.
It's not the only way to learn those things but it's a way and to some it might be an easier one.
In addition, you'll sound less like a typical burger.
Peace Love and Life Anons!
Our Love is Our Pride! Our Pride, Our Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!
It's all just sexual vanity/ego, the rest is bullshit added on to that very ugly core.
Everything about existence is ugly.
Weights, no fap, onions and boost vitamin D
That's nonsense you tell yourself because it's your biological programming, truth IMO is that "self improvement" is for morons who conviniently avoid the FACT that eventually they will reach a peak then start decaying then die, and that will be that.
What a fucking bunch of childish homos.
Death is coming, malfunction/disease before that and some of it possibly soul-crushing (i said it before and i'll say it again, what if your dick stops working and it can't be fixed?).
You might get cancer or a brain tumor tomorrow, chances are you have from 20 to 40 years left realistically speaking. Depends on your current age.
That's until you're 60, then consider yourself a zombie since you will be basically rotting from that point on. It's all fun and games until you're no longer young, then what? since apparently the other shit is meaningless.
I had been stuck at 6-7 pullups per set max since forever and despite my deadlift going up I couldn't break that barrier.
Swapped my HIIT from running to rowing machines, and in a month I've managed to break through and get up to 12 reps. Looks like sometimes all you need to break a barrier is to start a different exercise hitting the muscles that refuse to improve.
Grow the fuck up. those who aren't healthy have very serious reasons to not be so fucking optimistic about life or believe there is a God or anything "better" after death or any meaning at all to anything. Nevermind the deformed or really ugly or you know, non-Whites. Guys with microdicks too.
Self improvement is a fucking joke, we exist for whatever reason life is apparently unfair for no reason whatsoever, malfunction/disease is coming even if you're fit young and healthy then after a certain age you'll definitely start decaying no matter what you do, then you'll die.
Then what? probably nothing, nothing you did meant anything and your children if you have them won't ever survive whatever the elites have planned for them since the game is rigged and always has been.
unfinished discord if anyone's interested
obviously jannies here dont want people to self improve
cant even post this
currently creating guides/ infographics for people
will recruit mods if anyone wants
You get old you fucking die, in the meantime it's all vanity. What do you think happens after death? i think nothing.
Fucking morons, seriously. Literal fucking retards.
Stupid goyim cattle.
I'm not even memeing.
also no glowniggers allowed
>I supposed to do to get a gf
Talk to girls. Crush your fears.
Drink water and exercise.
Masturbation general?
Don't mind if I do...
Exercise will help your depression, so will stopping the drugs.