That is Shitslam and NatSoc
And not based ChristianFascism and Christian Extremism?
Why the fuck does this board keep pushing the Meme
Other urls found in this thread:
Christian plunged us into 1,000+ years of nigger-tier misery. Christians also gave jews a monopoly on banking during this period, that is your greatest crime.
Codreanu is the most based European of the past century. A shame he was betrayed by his despicable monarch.
>Killing millions of whites
This is why i filtered out the Leaf Flag
All the small European nations who capitulated, confident of Allied assurances, are facing complete annihilation. It is entirely uninteresting whether this fate will befall them a little earlier or later, what counts is its implacability. The Kremlin Jews are motivated only by tactical considerations; whether in one case they act with immediate brutality or, in another case, with some reticence, the result will always be the same.
In the west, Christianity is unironically used by Jews and shabbos to promote Zionism, and many Protestant denominations and the Pope himself support mass-immigration and racial equality BS.
Also, Christianity conflicts with human evolution theory, which is an objective materialist way to argue for the differences of races, and that whites should be at the top of the racial hierarchy. Speaking of materialism, I'd argue that being egoistic atheists allows us to co-opt or recruit more leftists to our cause, who would otherwise be turned-off by spirituality or fundamentalism. I'm not saying white nationalist Christians can't be allies, just that it's okay to "pretend to be atheist" for realpolitik purposes.
I understand that the situation is different in many Eastern European and former-Yugoslavian countries though, where Christian groups are also de facto ethno-nationalist groups, who oppose both Muslims and Jews. Just adapt your pro-white strategy to your own nation and culture.
>Christianity is unironically used by Jews
Christianity was created entirely by jews. All of the first Christians were jews.
That's mostly a shitlib meme. Christian monks tirelessly copied and archived Roman texts in order preserve the knowledge we have today.
The fall of Old Rome also allowed for Anglos, Germanics, and Nordics to gain their own independence and power, so I wouldn't say it was all bad.
Based,well said.
So that would make "White ethno-nationalists" and Neo-Nazis the most compatible in the west?
Like Atomwaffen?
The only problem i see is that they are vulnerable to Muslim infiltration.
Stfu Leaf
With the way you shills always rag against Christianity it means it must be doing something right.
Fuck off already CanaGoy
Christians tried to eradicate all of our pre-Christian history, we had to learn about our emperors and classics from the fucking Arabs.
>the roman empire would have been strong without christianity
>looks at you with mercanaries
>schisms the empire in half
>too fucking big
>what never-ending civil wars
Less than a century after adopting Christianity foreign wars ceased, Romanization ceased, slaves were given full citizenship, and hordes of barbarians were allowed to settle provided their leader nominally converted to Christianity.
You mean Mudhuts in Scandinavia?
Christians are taught that we were nothing before the sandnigger rabbi saved us.
looks like modern day Europe
I don't know why they call them the "New" world order. they have always been. prince of darkness ruler of the earth. thats why you don't get attached tp (((worldly))) possesions. aim higher, for peace and love friends
you dont wanna live to be this old, doing what this monster has done. worlds oldest satanist currently (or close to it)
shes no human being
It took more than 1,000 years under kikestickery to regain the wealth, medicine, technology and bureaucratic sophistication of the late Roman Empire. Europe crawled out of nigger-tier misery immediately after we were finally able to suppress the church.
>the virgin autistic failed painter
>the Chad horse riding lawyer
christians were a majority during the descent into degeneracy and decay. They could have stopped the decadence, but they didnt. They are always tolerant, always looking to safe everyone, and never actually solve societal problems. Besides that, while muslims are open to niggers joining their thing, most muslims are ethno oriented, and are not excessively pro nigger, to the tune of being missionaries to dozens of niggers in africa. One could see the muslims being neutral to niggers, but the christians overwhelmingly positive.
So by these two basic metrics one can easily see who the superior religion is.
One will remove degeneracy, and dont care that much about niggers. The other will allow degeneracy and bring in more niggers. The muslims are now fighting the lgbtq thing in britain, not the christians. For they have to turn their other cheek.
Hitler prophecy status: Achieved.
Are you even familiar with Codreanu leaf?
Yeah, groups like Jow Forums, or The Right Stuff(dot)biz are more reliable in the West, since the Christian right is so pozzed. It might be possible for Christianity to "re-invent" itself as a white racial religion after the Zionist boomers finally die-off. By that time, globo-homo will have identified Christianity as "le evil white religion" anyway, and those who still support it will be forced to adopt white nationalism in order to survive.
I heard Attomwaffen was infiltrated by the Feds and exists to create bad optics. Although if America becomes brown shithole, I'd support going full terrorist like them.
>ChristianFascism and Christian Extremism
Christianity is part of the problem.
NatSoc is left.
Roman republic and the Athenian model of community democracy is where it's at.
Fascism=Italian failure
here is a nice graph.
the key issue is the banks. remove the bankers and everything is fine. bankers have been fucking with us since the nicene treaty
Christians gave jews a monopoly on banking in Europe for 1,000 years. 90% of our problems stem from this.
Our entire economy runs on money lending you subhuman. There's nothing wrong with lending money at interest.
it goes deeper
Nobody takes meme Catholicism in Burgerland seriously mate.
Also most of the Aids in eastern europe is because of drug use.
Jews packaged together Christianity to fulfill the jewish prophecies, destroy the Roman Empire and permanently invert our values. It plunged us into a millennium of misery.
facism may sound difficult right now beacuse right now its yee haw time but you will need facism to explore space
>another christcuck thread
things were fine before nitzche and marx
welcome to prisonplanet newfag. im going back to the day of the rake thread
and there is also more intersection between the christians, and the degenerates and lefties. The christians simply have too many values that align with socialist, anti racial realists values and help those who pursue similar goals. So I thought, if we hate niggers and degeneracy, lets try intersectionalism with our own groups lol. Traditionalist alliance against degeneracy. I think its doable if you remove ancient hostility between our people.
Are you a stormnigger or a kike larping as one?
>Poles,Russians and Jews
Nice try Rabbi
The entire civil rights movement in America was a Christian movement, led by the degenerate nigger Rev. MLK. Christians ended apartheid in South Africa, the entire campaign was rooted in "Christian" (anti-white jewish slave) values. They led the movement against colonialism. Christians opposed Hitler more effectively than the Communists.
truly you see what you want to see you gypsey nigger, looking at Rorschach's. Maybe if you actually read the letters assigned to the post you would understand the reasoning behind the picture. If the thread topic is about us preferring muslims over christians, and I also say that in the post. And then post a picture about it, the theme of the picture is not about east europe you retard.
Yet you suck their dicks when they beat up your monkeys in Combat Sports
Fuck off Hypocritical fag
The empire survived due to adopting christianity you stupid fuck, before adopting it there were huge civil wars that were eating the empire, hordes of never ending barabrians trying to also eat said empire, and slaverly was always seens as shit and was chocking the economy of the empire since the republic era. Barbarians were let in the army long before christianity was the state religion. also you seem to forget the part were the eastern part of the empire took all the parts that actually could help in the economy and split the empire in half
Than Lose meme Catholicism.
And meme NatSoc cause it's just another muslim ideology.
That's why i asked you "why not Christian Fascism" Iron Legion Doctrine of Codreanu
Yep pretty much, that is why I want to destroy christianity. And prop up Islam, for islam hates christianity too. And the islamic virtues are much more closer to our own. There is much more potential in long term cooperation between us. We dont have to mix together, but friendly terms, and common goals are ok.
and we have to do it before the lefties, and jews try to brainwash them enough. Ironically, we have to defend the muslims and their way of life from all else. For they dont know the tactics and slimey attack vectors that these pieces of shits use.
and give money to mosques so that they can destroy this filth. (srsly we should be giving money to islamics lel)
If anything
There was no saving it, the empire was too fucking big for the administration of the time, corruption that made india look efficient was too rampant.
Like wikipedia this shit or go to your local library it's fucking easy
do you even english language, can you even into comprehension. Christ go watch some marvel movies or some shit at your level to get a nice feeling for engish you gypsy nigger.
You know Niggers are accepted in Islam right?
Islamic girls in France are the biggest Coalburners.
Neck yourself please
>Yet you suck their dicks when they beat up your monkeys in Combat Sports
I browse Jow Forums do you really think I watch sports?
muted for being a gypsy nigger.
any way you look at it
Read Plato's Republic.
It goes deeper.
Christianity is a low tier jewish sect.
It's designed to welcome lower jewish social classes and the slaves, it's coping for the victim and that's how jews mount themselves on top because Christianity is originally designed by jews and to fit in the jewish society.
It's at a cultural level and mental level since the youth is indoctrinated so early to become underclass some said it was a religion for the slaves that's why the Roman emperor decided to adopt it, in order to obtain submission from the masses.
It's a disease that's why the jewish elders rejected it, the super political genius that was Jesus wanted to subvert the whole of jewry because he was denied leadership and any respectful recognition in the community.
Jesus was the first liberal, the morning star.
He would put you in a difficult survival situation like returning the other cheek and throwing away your wealth etc in order to make it impossible for you to be righteous so you HAD to be a sinner and always seek forgiveness, always be ashamed always feel dirty always feel compromised always feel the bong of sin-repentance-humility.
The muzzies come to secular liberal Europe and become fucked up due to the poz. They go fucking nuts a lot of them. I feel for them sometimes (not excusing their crimes and they need to go back)
Ma cac pe mata,de pizda vestica.
At least i can write/speak decent english.
Quickly now little pizda,use GT
Its the only solution
Nigger memeflag dick sucker
Adio pizdo
So fight fire with fire. Nicene Christianity is THE PROBLEM, not our ally.
No it's not, the autocratic model will bring a bunch of parasites at the top that will abuse power.
The classical republic is where it's at if you want decency.
Islam is the biggest nigger dick sucker religion there is.
Islam with Niggers go hand in hand
Niggers are to stupid and violent for Christianity.
That's why it's dying in Africa
Or muslim shills/cucks should be burned alive!!!
*All shills/cucks
too bad that he was a monarchist.
Well yea kinda, but see it as opportunity right now, lots of anons have lots of unrealistic ideas like "LETS START THE RACE WAR NOW LOL" or "LETS BECOME A WHITE NATION WITH OUR OWN MILITARY AND WITHOUT JEWS"
these things dont just happen overnight, you have to make use of opportunities, and what you have access to as of this moment, and pair it well with the capacity to enact change, that we, and I have right now.
And as such, if you actually see things from a non meme lens, as to what a realistic solution may be, helping the islamics to preserve their way of life is a great one! They too are under attack, they dont know how vile the jew/lefties are. And we do, and thus we can help them.
What happens in the future we must decide then, I dont want a race war with them, I dont want to kill them either. For I have become a traditionalist and pretty much went 180 on my opinions on them. If you have a friend that does not belong in your home, you do not kill him, you perhaps try to find a different home for him, with your own money, maybe help him with your own car. That sort of thing really.
Its always strange when people take such an autistic approach to the bible. They would have killed Jesus before he was born now.
like they are torturing/killing Wikileaks and Assange and shills still go on and on about julian being dead. he is Carl Jungs theory on archetypes.
Antichrist would be someone like Trump i suppose, tho they repeat throughout history over and over so their are infinite vessels for jesus and satan.
one absolute truth of life is the truth is persecuted, silenced and shamed away for a bit too loop back around and inconveniently for the satanists that run this world: There is a whole infinite different reality waiting for you and the hell you create for others on earth is where you will always be now.
check her twatter she's seething over her addiction to childrens blood. its why the shill for abortion. here is the Church of Satan being all ironic and cute.
^nothing suspect there I tell you wut
if you are not AI targeting individuals and customizing the bump order (open two browsers watch them not add up) you should be aware that this is not a containment center
Its where (((they))) can point and wave their finger every single time something happens IRL that was once discussed here.
then that person is
literally Hitler blah blah blah
pic always related. the Jesuits are more of a concern than jews or israel can be but no one takes it serious.
It didn't survive it went into terminal decline. The held onto the east until the Fourth Crusade looted and raped their capital.
Cord boy's autism was quite funny
>shoots a cop in a court infront of everyone
>gets tried as far away from where he shot the cop so there is no chance his supporters end up in jury(since the Lasi police was very unpopular)
>All the jury appears with League symbols and swastikas
>he is found innocent
The church took on the role of help to govern and mediate Europe after the collapse of the HRE in full. Those that escaped Constantinople headed West and brought there knowledge with them and spread it. The enlightenment was brought about by men of God. People like to eat the lies they learned in high school and watched on the idiot box. They have no concept of time let alone history.
The church was also an incubator of knowledge. However, it certainly did have periods of politicization of new knowledge but this is a long and complex and doesn't fit well with the 'omg the church are fucking shit dark ages' type posters.
Islam is an offshoot of your jewish slave cult. You both believe your retarded sandnigger rabbi will come back during the end times and smite the enemies of mankind. Mary the jewish whore is the most revered woman in Islam.
>Jesus was killed but he resurrected
You see, you can't win against this guy, they got everything figured at the rhetoric level.
>he will come back
no he won't, it's t emphasise that no other man will be as good as Jesus
He was more political than religious and Christianity is a trap a sophism.
It was in terminal decline since the start of the 3rd century
>No it's not, the autocratic model will bring a bunch of parasites at the top that will abuse power.
Liberal democracy does that retard. Liberalism does that. Importing millions of foreigners is a Jewish trick to weaken state power and policy giving rise to a plutocracy. Fascism is using state power to vet and prevent that essentially, along with the required racial ethnonationalism needed to prevent parasites and form a strong volk of warriors willing to dye and protect the nation
Islam is the Military Wing of the Jewish Zionists.
Ok retard.
>The enlightenment was brought about by men of God
It was brought by literal freemasons.
We owe them everything.
>Mary the jewish whore
Literally the only source for this are from jews, and Celsus quoting the jews.
You have no idea what autocracy is all about it involves a different type of monarchy-like institution, coagulation of power between a bunch of few and their progeny families.
It is retrograde and it is backwards.
Oh wait, you're the Canadian freemason shill. Fuck off.
What separates the good states from the bad states in the Americas? Christianity. White nationalist slave-holding America was the first in 1,400 years to be based on Greco-Roman values instead of Christianity, the early freemasons that built America are eternal heroes to our race.
>You have no idea what autocracy is all about it involves a different type of monarchy-like institution, coagulation of power between a bunch of few and their progeny families.
>It is retrograde and it is backwards.
I do. And I prefer it because power must be centralized not decentralized where Jews can fling their money around and call the shots
I can show you ten jewish-Christian groups for every one you post. Christians in Canada sponsor 95% of our refugees. They see these sandnigger worshipers as kin before their own blood.
>He loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt. (Deuteronomy 10:18-19)
>Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt. (Exodus 23:9)
>No stranger had to spend the night in the street, for my door was always open to the traveler (Job 31:32)
A theocratic fascist monarchy the likes Codreanu wanted will never work again in this soulless world, user. It saddens me to say it but the Iron Guard as a movement was very specific to the timeline in which it developed, when most of the population actually self-identified itself as Christian (not just in name only, but actual Christians) and when most of the core of the Legionaries was composed out of smart university students that propagated the message out to the masses. A man such as Nae Ionescu, who was the spiritual godfather of the Iron Guard and an avid proponent of the "Romanism" philosophical current, which sought to redefine Orthodox Christianity as a doctrine that can seek both war and peace if needed (which went against the "turn your cheek" dogma that has plagued Christianity for so long) is a perfect example of a man that does not fit in the current world even if allowed to speak, which is very unlikely to be honest.
Truth be told, we have to realize that the time has passed for such a doctrine, the only thing we can do is to honor the men and women that have died for the Iron Guard cause and maybe implement some things from their doctrine in a new ideology. Just look at the general population of our country, for example, to realize that Christianity has become but a meme for most of the people - they don't care about the scripture, they don't follow the rules of God anymore, they simply parade themselves as Orthodox Christians when there's a big celebration and that's pretty much all. Despite the fact that almost 90% of the Romanians self-identify as Orthodox Christians, I'd reckon that only 20% of them know their business, the rest are NPCs that simply don't care about the soul of the nation.
tl;dr a theocratic fascist monarchy, however attractive it sounds for people that know their history, doesn't have a chance in the modern world, where spirituality is considered a meme and the soul has all but disappeared.
>child rape orgies constantly
>not you uncle billybong in the middle of Nebraska who's vaugly (((catholic)))
thoughts? i expect instant archiving this is a subject that always gets hushed and its a bit perplexing but not really
Take note how the shills with satan stars type. same boring desperate shit all day erryday
they are terrified of us not being terrified of them and why should we be they are filthy rats, Zionists are I mean. and not every jew is a zionist. there are more (((Christian)) zionists in the US than there are Jews on Earth. travel to Egypt, Syria, rest of the middle east, ask them how they feel about Americas murderous proxy state
Imagine the evil witnessed between those 4 eyes in pic related. shivers
>No it's not, the autocratic model will bring a bunch of parasites at the top that will abuse power.
That's the exact mode of how EVERY democratic republic in the history of western societies has ended up. Somehow whites forget to uphold muh individualism and other values and degenerate into selfish parasitism
oops wrong thread my bad nigga
You Mean Catholicism does that.
Golden age for jews during medieval age was in the islamic Iberian peninsula you dumbfuck, maybe it's possible that all Abrahamic (HMMM???) religions go hand in hand? whoaaa.
Yeah, your perfect infallible version of the cult is the proper one and everyone else deserved to be burned at the stake. We've heard this before.
Of the three pisslam is the best. That being said we're choosing between piles of radioactive shit.
Iron Guard was more poetic than political, it's so far from anything specific it might as well be considered belletristic writing, cheap at that from an overly enthused/exhaled idiot.
No political program/platform/anything consistent the leader always looking cocky and stupid.
He was mostly a symbol of winning against oppression and hurt that was so cemented and deepened in the Romanian serf society.
>That's the exact mode of how EVERY democratic republic
No it's not you brainlet cretin.
Your Church is infiltrated ours so far isn't.
The fourth crusade was autistic and helped in the collapse of the byzantines. To think it would have existed fine if it didn't happen is absurd. Alexios III raped the treasury, the balkans were rebelling, Imperial authority was at it's weakest. The only good thing that happened to them was kicking the normans out of greece
Most nationalists were from the south, which was Protestant, and most slave-owners were kikes themselves.
America is literally a liberal egalitarian republic. Washington supported the jews:
Hamilton (the most authoritarian and least liberal of the founding fathers)'s mother was once married to a jew (and if they fucked each other, it'd mean Hamilton was part-jewish), supported jews and central banking, etc., and was a homosexual:
Franklin funded the building of a synagogue:
>Claimed by American Fascist William Dudley Pelley in Liberation (February 3, 1934) to have appeared in notes taken at the Constitutional Convention by Charles Cotesworth Pinckney; reported as debunked in Paul F. Boller, Jr., and John George, They Never Said It: A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquotes, & Misleading Attributions (1989), p. 26-27, noting that historian Charles A. Beard conducted a thorough investigation of the attribution and found it to be false. The quote appears in no source prior to Pelley's publication, contains anachronisms, and contradicts Franklin's own financial support of the construction of a synagogue in Philadelphia. Many variations of the above have been made, including adding to "the Christian religion" the phrase "upon which this nation was founded, by objecting to its restrictions"; adding to "strangle that country to death financially" the phrase "as in the case of Spain and Portugal". See Michael Feldberg, "The Myth of Ben Franklin's Anti-Semitism, in Blessings of Freedom: Chapters in American Jewish History (2003), p. 134.
They raped and looted the Roman capital. Their fellow Christians. It was the final crusade. 700 years ago.
>Washington supported the jews
Washington support jews like Napoleon supported the jews. They wanted to fully absorb them. When America was created the Holy Roman Empire still had jews in ghettos with a monopoly on money lending.
It was financed by the Venetians.
>slave-owners were kikes themselves
This is an interesting claim, any proofs?
He is the reason why there aren't any "fellow white people" Jews in Romania anymore.
Ion Antonescu deported plebs and serf Jews.
Codreanu went after the top ones.
Most slave traders were jews and the trade is where it's at.
>He is the reason why there aren't any "fellow white people" Jews in Romania anymore.
Oh little brainlet summer child, you have no idea what happened to your iron guard friends in the communist jails?!