Sweden bombings and explosions up 45% in 2019

Why is this a stat? Bombings in Sweden should sit at zero practically every year. From January to July of 2019 there has been 120 explosions. One of the most beautiful and safe countries in the world is rapidly becoming a warzone.

What can be done? Is there a news source in Sweden that will actually report events truthfully? They don't seem to report the crimes which involve muslim invaders. Is Swedish news just an arm of the feminist, nwo government? There has to be local Swedes that do independent journalism to report the facts to the people.


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The media seems to be the enemy. These people are traitors to your country. They are protecting criminals

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Acthuchally the only thing that has increased is the propensity to report these bombings. FAKE NEWS AGAIN RUSSIAN BOT, HAH. Gottem.

>more exciting and interesting

Just like the good ole USA.

Is Peter Sweden the best reporter in Sweden? He is the only one I have seen that reports these things

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Ohh I feel so ENRICHED! Fuck crusty old boring Sweden, balkanization is where it's at.

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Same shit happens over here, tune in TV and the female greyhound, who was appointed to run this shithole tells me, that i am intolerant and my opinion, that we must first take care of ourselves before helping others, is a backwards and evil thinking.
Since Estonia is relatively poor and people aren't that fond of taking in refugees, i can only hope for, that civil war starts in the current tolerant bigger countries and this whole ISIS program in Europe, along with SocDems and naive liberals gets its coffin lid closed on its self.

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>There has to be local Swedes that do independent journalism to report the facts to the people.
There are some blogs and stuff I guess, but no MSM will report anything resembling the truth.
Most swedes go to the swedish equivalent of Jow Forums if they're at all interested in finding out what's going on in the country, but that's only if they already know something is wrong, which most don't.

Honestly Peter Sweden is a meme here. He is almost only known to non Swedes, and tends to be overly dramatic and get involved in drama such as the voice of europe debacle which I dont even fully undertstand (and don't want to).

Big zionist aswell. But im not gonna put any effort in discrediting so called right wing people since it is a bit gay t bh.

Is there a news source in Sweden that will report on these things?

And if anyone knows what gay is, it's you Sven.

Yea but those are all low yield hand grenades tgat do little damage

Don't fight Swedish GOYIM, (((we))) know what's best for Jew!

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Yes but all non MSM though, but the alt media is really big in Sweden due to this fact. You got Fria Tider, Samhällsnytt and Nya Tider to name a few. Then you got Nyheter Idag which is pretty decent but not red pilled.

At this point I'd rather live in Estonia than Sweden

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In 1947 Sweden legalized sex with children over the age of two with the consent of the mother and bestiality. Your
A disease.

Sauce that ridiculous claim that has nothing to do with this thread.

They just count bombing differently, right?

>the only thing that has increased is the propensity to report these bombings

>bombings always were part and parcel of sweden
can't fool me schlomo

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Bombings are not normal and were not a normal part of Swedish life until the flood of muslim filth that the EU and NGOs have forced into the country.

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Literally nobody cares. As long as there's something to watch on the TV people just pretend it doesn't happen

Bombings are quintessentially swedish

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Sadly, this is true everywhere. The day it starts kicking in their doors is the only time they will care. And then they will exclaim, "how did we get to this point"

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No Swedes are doing this. It's criminal immigrant gangs that blow up each others HQ's.

Of course. The media is one of the biggest problems in all western countries.

He doesn't even live in Sweden.

Fuck off memeflag and take your fucking pedo stuff with you.

You are correct. But these "bombings" are 100% gang on gang stuff, so the mussies are killing off themselves.

Yes, this is a BIG issue.

Yeah, and there are no innocent Swedes caught in the crossfire, ever.


accurate. highly accurate.

Bombing are just a part of living in a feminist country.

Still safer than living in the us

Kick them out or take inspiration from the Western Canadian playbook. "Shoot, shovel & shut up."

It worked when Somali crack dealers attempted to set up shop in Western Canada, the vast majority of those dozens of killings remain unsolved to this day.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.