Why does Jow Forums lie so much about Sweden?
It's one of the cleanest, richest and friendliest nations on earth and not a war zone like you guys make it seem like
Why does Jow Forums lie so much about Sweden?
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Fuck off.
Why? I live in one of the best nations on earth, are you guys jealous or something since you lie so much about it?
We have almost no black people
Finns många sandnegrer där jag bor favä helt ärligt
Sweden would be a beautiful country to live. The nature is beautiful, the architecture is comfy, the people are beautiful.
But let's be honest... between being flooded with migrants and being run by hyper-leftists... why would any European be enticed to live there?
No thanks.
Because most people here are dumb enough to believe in things that come out of alt right propaganda machines
>My country is beautiful and peaceful
>We DON'T have a refugee problem, UNDERSTAND?!
>The nature is beautiful, the architecture is comfy, the people are beautiful.
>between being flooded with migrants and being run by hyper-leftists... why would any European be enticed to live there
Every country has its flaws, however Sweden has fewer than most other nations in the West
Rip, bor du i någon dålig förort?
We have some issues with refugees, but we are still one of the best places to live in the world
If I ever want to go on vacation in Sweden, where is the best place to go? Stockholm?
Rape rate
The claims are somewhat overblown, since most of the foreigners in Sweden are white Europeans. People see stuff like "Sweden 25% foreign born" and think it is talking about niggers, when really they're mostly Europeans from Germany or Finland or something.
But Sweden does have a feminism problem, and Sweden does have far too many niggers, even if it is not civilization destroying levels yet
lol wasn't it like a month ago that some nigger rapper was forced into brawling with skinny refugees that wouldn't stop fucking with him and trying to punch giant security guards, they had to get some girl in a hijab to translate and they threw him in prison?
I'd have moved to Norway years ago
Stockholm is great for visiting imo. It's a beautiful, clean and safe city. If you love beautiful buildings this is the city to go to since it has tons of old buildings, churches and palaces to visit. And if you want to enjoy nice nature you can go out to the archipelago (Skärgård) during a day trip from the city
Don't worry this will soon change
. Sweden has had limited success in absorbing its new countrymen and women. According to the National Audit Office, only 53 percent of refugees who arrived in 2003 had found jobs by 2013.
ii. Yet is quite evident that the net fiscal contribution of the average refugee immigrant must be lower than that of the average labor immigrant. Supporting this view, Ekberg (2009) summarizes Swedish studies since the 1970s and concludes that the average immigrant in Sweden was a net fiscal contributor during the period until around the mid-1980s, i.e. a period when the immigrant stock was strongly dominated by labor immigrants. Yet since then, refugees have come to make up larger shares of the total immigrant stock and immigrants’ net fiscal contributions have consequently been negative. Dustmann and Frattini (2014) also conclude that European immigrants in the UK are net fiscal contributors on average. Yet they find that non-European immigrants – where refugees make up a more important share of the total stock – on average receive more from the public sector than they put in.
iii. However, school outcomes have deteriorated in terms of basic skills proficiency, and equity in Swedish schools has declined. The fact that younger cohorts perform worse than their predecessors by international comparison is of concern, as a highly skilled workforce is crucial to sustaining competitiveness, living standards and innovation capacity in the long run.
Why can't white people admit their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions? Why must they blame everyone else?
>India fucked up?
>because they are le subhumans XD
>Brazil fucked up?
>because they are le subhumans XD
>*insert euromonkey country* fucked up?
Jow Forums is always wrong
>But Sweden does have a feminism problem,
Yes, they are trying to destroy the family. However hopefully after the next election we will have a conservative government
>Sweden does have far too many niggers,
No, we have almost no black people. A lot of arabs in the suburbs, but almost no blacks
>Sweden has had limited success in absorbing its new countrymen
That's a good thing. Why would you want Sweden to "absorb" shitskins?
I agree with you OP, some parts of Sweden that are free from niggers (like Skärgården) is close to paradise on earth but we can't ignore the growing immigrant problem anymore. The niggers and arabs need to go back to where they came from.
> after the next election we will have a conservative government
Yeah I'm sure KD and SD will save us
1950s US was the envy of the world. It took 20~30 years to ruin the fabric of this nation.
Even 10% muslim, which might seem "low" in number, is high when you consider the fact that 1 in every 10 people you will encounter now will be muslim. When you consider that their birth-rates are high and that number, even without immigration will skyrocket in the coming decades.
And I'm sure it must be disappointing to come from a country that was once known for comfort, community and trust and to lose almost everything but the comfort.
I mean, it must be no surprise that Finland has been stealing your title as the best place to live in the last few years given that they are not suffering in the same way as you Swedes.
Migrants are a big issue, however I think much of our immigration problem will be solved after the next election if M, KD and SD wins which seems very probable
>believes voting for conservatives will help
>no niggers in sweden
Where the fuck do you live and what party did you vote for?
Lol, it's only a matter of time become this filth becomes a majority. How do you fix that?? You don't
Be more like the Danes. Draw a line.
>Yeah I'm sure KD and SD will save us
Yes, especially SD have made the biggest positive impact on changing the debate in immigration. Just a few years ago the Moderates were talking about how there were no problems about it and you were called a racist for saying that it's problematic, however today it's totally the opposite.
A lot of Syrians will probably get kicked out due to the fact that the war has ended and they have no legitimate reason to stay. Especially if we have a conservative government this will happen
Arabs=niggers. They are practically the same thing
THis is just a nice way to say that even after the (((economists))) manipulate the stats - multikultis still don't work much
>Lol, it's only a matter of time become this filth becomes a majority. How do you fix that?? You don't
They won't
Danes are filthy
SD has done more than any other party to change the debate and public perception on immigration from positive to negative
>1950s US was the envy of the world
I wish I could be this blue pilled. M, KD and SD wont do shit and you know it deep down inside user. The shitskins must return to where they came from but none of the mainstream parties wants to talk about it.
>A lot of Syrians will probably get kicked out due to the fact that the war has ended and they have no legitimate reason to stay.
Let's be honest, even the US hasn't managed to do this effectively under conservative governments. Even if somehow, you Swedes got the guts to send them back, they'll just come on back because they know they can just wait it out.
And you know the greater tragedy? Migrants will always try to bring back family and friends creating an endless cycle of chain migration.
I don't know where OP currently is but from where I am standing I'd not be surprised if I'm actually dead and in hell.
Send help
Not all of Sweden has been conquered yet.
Here are some of the places where the Caliphate has control.
Vivalla, Örebro
Gottsunda, Uppsala
Alby, Botkyrka
Fittja, Botkyrka
Hallunda/Norsborg, Botkyrka
Husby, Stockholm
Rinkeby/Tensta, Stockholm
Ronna/Geneta/Lina, Södertälje
Araby, Växjö
Karlslund, Landskrona
Nydala/Hermodsdal/Lindängen, Malmö
Rosengård söder om Amiralsgatan, Malmö
Södra Sofielund (Seved), Malmö
Bergsjön, Gothenburg
Biskopsgården, Gothenburg
Hammarkullen, Gothenburg
Hjällbo, Gothenburg
Lövgärdet, Gothenburg
Tynnered/Grevgården/Opaltorget, Västra Frölunda
Hässleholmen/Hulta, Borås
Norrby, Borås
Skäggetorp, Linköping
What about “little Mogadishu”?
>even the US hasn't managed to do this effectively under conservative governments
That's because American conservatives want unlimited immigration to lower wages.
Well Stockholm is a beautiful city, but Prague and Budapest are cheaper and more beautiful and easily accessible from the Netherlands.
I'd recommend you to go to to Abisko in the autumn for the nature and the northern lights.
Also the west coast is beautiful, but a bit windy. I assume less windy than the majority of the Netherlands though.
Åk till Bergsjön, Angered, Lövgärdet tex.
You must have never traveled outside of Sweden and saw how bad other countries can be....
Because if they form the government they also have the majority (often times) in parliament which means they can push through all their reforms. Unlike the US people from the same party in Sweden always vote within party lines which will ensure a majority as long as SD, KD and M wins most seats
It's not being blue pilled. This coalition will fix Sweden
That photo is sad. They can be sent back to where they came from. It seems the wars are over
There's bad places in every country
I would have absolutely 0 sympathy if that boat sunk.
True, but it wasn't always like this tho and it has turned for the worse and will continue.
>muh KD
>muh Ebba
Wake up user. Your people need you.
Don't try to normalize your problems.
I would be wary of conservatives. Conservatives are the ones who opened the doors for immigration in the USA, Canada, and UK. Conservatives are often a trojan horse because they work for big business and mostly only care about increasing GDP.
Ingen går att lita på idag, samma djävla skräp och elände. Lobbyister är de som kan påverka politiskt idag inte politiker.
Such a shame if all those rocket scientists and brain doctors drowned
I thought Minneapolis was part of the US not Sweden?
Its the worst nordic nation and your government has gone full retard on a lot of different politics, like gender and immigration.
Change the politics, and you may return to what you claim Sweden is.
>ignoring the grenade attacks
Nice shilling.
SD, KD and M is our biggest hope my friend. No other coalition could realistically fix our issues
GDP is very important and I have no problem with immigrant who come here to find work. However our refugees are a drain on the economy and is making Sweden weaker, less safe and poorer
>You must have never traveled outside of Sweden and saw how bad other countries can be....
I live in a no go zone and it seems only a few places in France and the UK are worse off than Sweden overall.
I travel a lot by the way, I've visited 14 European countries and a handful outside of Europe.
Chicago is probably worse than anything Europe has to offer, but comparing Europe to America is cheating.
Agreed, our best hope is to vote for SD, KD or M in the next election
I even remember reading about some conservative from Sweden who argued for immigration as a method to overload and break the welfare system there.
You've fucked your great country by opening your arms to migrants.
- rapes are sky high, #1 spot in Europe
- explosions are also #1 in Eruope, and have increased by 45% in just one year!
- you don't care about your girls getting raped
- police tell them tp stay home and don't go out at night. sounds great, just like the middle east.
Jag har tidigare röstat på SD men har förstått att det är samma skräp som resten av sjuklövern. För mig blir det AfS nästa val av ren princip men jag tror även att den svenska mannen måste förstå att bara rösta en gång vart fjärde år inte är nog. Vi måste börja organisera oss och ta tillbaka makten från våra verklighetsfrånvända politiker som säljer ut vårt folk och vårt land.
>I live in a no go zone
That sucks man, hopefully you will be able to move out soon
>a few places in France and the UK are worse off than Sweden overall.
English and French immigrant areas are WAAAAY worse than Swedish ones my friend
>I've visited 14 European countries and a handful outside of Europe.
Did you mostly go to the affluent areas during your travels since that's where most people go? I agree that Swedish style immigration has been bad for the country, but it is nowhere near as bad as most people here make it out to be, and most other nations are worse places to live in compared to Sweden
Conservatives actually brought in a lot of immigrants back in 2009. That was M (cuckservative party). SD will be good fpr us if they rule the coming coalition with M and KD(Christian party) because SD has NatSoc origins and Jimmie Åkesson who is deeply redpilled, after all he joined the party when it was still openly NatSoc. A lot of Swedes on Jow Forums dislike SD because they no longer consider them extreme enough and I can understans that but I still think it's a good party.
SD är det partiet som har gjort mest i Sverige för att ändra bilden på invandring och få svenska folket att vara emot invandring. Att rösta på AfS är värdelöst, medan SD faktiskt kan vara med i en regering nästa val
M was not conservative in 2009 though and they've stepped back to their conservative roots in recent years
The swedish rape phenomenon is largely because of their feminist rape definitions. Like what happened to Assange, things like your condom breaking will be reported as "rape" in Sweden.
Ok user. Lets say SD, M and KD wins the next election. How do you think they would "fix Sweden"?
I also think AfS is the best Swedish party right now but they screwed up a bit by not getting more exposure pre election. Kasselstrand should have burned the Quran publically like Paludan to get that extra media attention.
I am jealous and I don't talk shit about sweden. there is no WAY its as bad as the US. only England can call themselves worse than us. Avicii is from Sweden so you guys are cool with me. your talking to basically a terminator army of AI tho here but they may not care about coming after you. just thought I should tell some people. most of these comments aren't real people they are automated this is a good example cuz the first 2 replies are almost always dog shit. dont let it stop you and its still good for lurkers which mostly whats here. to see words a human typed is important still
Lol du är bra naiv du, det kommer inte lösa någonting, samma skit som allt annat inom politiken idag. Om SD får en majoritet så kommer dem sälja sig till våra riktiga ledare inom EU så fort som möjligt.
Du ska nog se att AfS är samma skräp som allt annat.
Nice one
They will fix our immigration problems, they will lower taxes a lot, they will spend more on the police, they will make schools less of a liberal propaganda machine etc
Blackpilled losers like you are so boring. Move anywhere to northern Sweden or Gotland, places that are still 99% Swedish , get a hunting license and start a family. Get a good career. Sweden is eternal as long as we still have the blood in our veins. Crying here will solve nothing. We thrive in all situations, this invasion is only good for us because it will turn us into warriors again. Enjoy life instead of being a defeatist.
Also hopefully they will reform some labour regulations and make it easier to fire old people since those laws fuck young people in the ass
Cringe and blue pilled. Wake the fuck up.
Agreed. I don't think they will get above 4% but I've given up on voting anyway so I might as well throw my vote away than vote for one of the mainstream parties.
AfS verkar vakna när det kommer till ((dom)) och pratar även öppet om återvandring. Du kan mycket väl ha rätt dock, därför jag säger som jag skrev tidigare i tråden: den svenska mannen kan inte längre rösta en gång vart fjärde år och tro att det är nog.
That's a from a 90s book from our lady prime Minister, they absolutely didn't say this was their plan when in power, instead they told us to "open our hearts" and let all refugees in.
How will AfS change anything even if they get into parliament since they don’t have any political allies and everyone will hate them?
Then why does this article exist? And don't try to tell anyone that wikipedia is controlled by paranoid white supremacists, funded by the russians or some shit.
>Did you mostly go to the affluent areas during your travels since that's where most people go? I agree that Swedish style immigration has been bad for the country, but it is nowhere near as bad as most people here make it out to be, and most other nations are worse places to live in compared to Sweden
No, I try to meet locals, where locald live, whenever I visit a country unless I travel with a group of people.
Same for the AFD
Our time will come just wait
Can't you work by yourself?
Exakt där jag bor (Norr), har allt det där också, jaktlicens, familj, hund, volvo osv.
Därför jag oroar mig också, inte för min egen del men för mina barn, framtiden ser inte ljus ut.
När och om helvetet brakar lös så kommer jag skicka iväg mina barn till säkerhet och sen kommer jag kämpa tappert så att de förhoppningsvis kan komma tillbaka till något värdigt.
If you leave it unchecked they will overpower you. There is a difference between being racist and being cautious
Sweden is flooded with less non-whites than the US, UK and several other western european countries
>den svenska mannen kan inte längre rösta en gång vart fjärde år och tro att det är nog.
En bra poäng, folkomröstningar inom alla större frågor bör vara något, men som tyvärr sällan används.
It’s retarded hyperbole. There are a few bad neighborhoods in the big cities, but Sweden is still like 80-90% white. Nothing compared to burgerstan or even the UK or France. I’d gladly live in Sweden over my shithole country
>this is fine
>this is normal
Fucking retarded cuck kill yourself
Fuck off Trollsvenne
>80 cars lit on fire in one night in suburbs of Stockholm alone
>not a war zone
Sven, pls
The leader of PS in Finland has explicitly stated that his strategy isn't to try to change anything by using political power through their party (though it's good if the opportunity presents itself.) but rather to take votes from other parties to the point that they will have to take steps rightwards to counteract it. Since the normie parties that take the most steps to the nationalist right win the most votes then.
It all depends on how bad the situation is and how many people that support them. With that said: voting will never be enough, not when the situation is this bad.
Bra! Vi har intet att frukta. Antingen så återställs ordningen eller så går vi svenskar under i rök, damm och blod. Det finns inte mycket mer att prata om för min del. Jag fortsätter att utvidga mitt nätverk och förbättra mig själv. Remember Gustavus Adolphus, Carolus Rex, Birger Jarl and Gustav Vasa. Our hardships are NOTHING compared to theirs. We are spoiled and weak, but now we have a chance to become savage animals again, beasts of the north. Have a good evening.