Why are Orthodox Jews so annoying?

Why are Orthodox Jews so annoying?

Attached: found-the-goy.webm (360x640, 2.79M)

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(((they're))) above the law OP

they are better than secular jews trust me.

because they are parasites. and killing jew is always useful

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Good luck with that. It will probably be the other way around. We will probably kill you first. Shalom faggot.

Why are they so fucking hideous, you mean.... No wonder they need pedo rings, they look worse than wet garbage left in the sun

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lived in brooklyn for a while, and even though it pains me to say it, they kinda are. They (the kids) usually just bs with you for a while, then leave, the adults just do their own thing and dont even engage 99% of the time.

But the druggy secular ones are constantly fucking putting their business in everyone face and always getting into others business

we shall see, mosze

Attached: back to the oven.png (448x421, 241K)

Annoying but not Zionists.

why are jews are harming other jews?

Did you not read the Dune Scriptures?
sand tribes fight 24/7

Because they worship Satan. Everything else is a cover for that single fact.


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They do on purpose to manipulate you.

Jesus Christ, why are they so fucking ugly?


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because those are the JEW jews. the type of jews who know all the tricks to scam the welfare system and all the other systems

if only niggers knew how good a poor jew lived. you'll never seem them living in the slums


satanist genes

the better question is... if YOU had that mans 4 iron golf club how many could YOU have taken out? i'm thinking at least 20.

Every race that has encounters them for an extended period of time has an ingrained revulsion to prevent contact and trust. Which is what the jews rely on to exploit. Genetic memory is real, and it should be trusted.

Those are Haredi (maybe Hasidic) Jews and even the govt of Israel doesn't know what to do with them because they're kind of a pain in the ass for them. Imagine if a big swath of your country were Amish or something. Their way of dress comes from 18th century eastern european nobility. In fact, a lot of Judaism and Jewish identity as it exists today comes from divisions and reformations made in the 18th century in that part of the world. It's an ancient religion but a lot of it is more recently codified than one might think.

t. religious scholar

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You didn't actually live in Brooklyn and that is painfully obvious because what you said is completely untrue. Orthodox kikes are just as bad if not worse. They are physically more repulsive and are responsible for the gentrification spiking housing prices there. They push people out of their brownstones then divide up these beautiful historic buildings into micro apartments destroying the original interiors to rent to onions boys and art thots for $1000 per room. They have the NYPD wrapped around their clammy finger and they abuse the shit out of the welfare system. I can't tell you how many kikes I saw pull up to the welfare office in Uber blacks to collect their checks. Truly parasitic community. And yeah again just totally revolting physically. Like a cum rag personified.

like those Jews who got run out of some south american farming village, or something like that. there is a funny picture of it floating around

they consume an excessive amount of Oxygen because it's free

they are the law.

They LOVE to push people's buttons. The have a tendency to not allow an angry goy to just be left alone. They will follow the goy. The goy will get epic and push the jew. Then the jew will sue.

Jews and mouth breathing go together like Jews and inbreeding.

That's what you think, basically /thread

Where does this come from? What is the motivation?

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Postn' jews

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Why do they all look like incest children?

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Attached: Jew Animal Farm.png (871x452, 367K)

Attached: space jew.jpg (349x267, 17K)

Firstly, that ridiculous hair. But why are they so damn ugly? Inbreeding or god's curse? And why are they always wearing the same shit? Almost as bad as muzzies and their trashbags. At least Mormons have the decency to wear their magic underpants beneath their regular clothes.

Orthodox jews are fucking creepy. Especially when they do their satanic dance parties.

Because they shave their forehead and wear pace. Most of the young orthodox are like ordinary children, but their image is similar to the punks from Mad Max. It looks as funny as a white teenager cosplaying ghetto bros.

You just envy that orthodox people live together and guard their community.
I believe that all people need to learn life from the orthodox.

They're incredibly haughty and have an aura of smugness

The guy with the camera kinda looks a bit Jewish with his mongoloid eyes.

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An economic collapse would be funniest just to see how communities like that, and in the UK certain muslim communities, try and survive.

This thread is very anti-Semitic! I am one of God’s chosen people.

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Inbred swine

You wake up in the morning and go to leave your cuckshed. Upon opening the door you are confronted by this sight. How do you react, Jow Forums?

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No one has mentioned the Shomrin yet?

Attached: Shomrin.webm (272x480, 1.06M)


Not posting the link, OP is a faggot.

I've seen this video before but never knew what it was, thanks.
First result in Youtube

They give off sort of a cult vibe.

This one time i was working counter at an office by the building entrance.
One of these kikes slithered left and right at the corner of my vision outside the building while looking dead at me and bending slightly.
I ignored him for a few minutes until he started tapping the glass door while facing the street with his back toward me. freaky as hell.

As it turns out he wanted to enter the building but didn't want to be seen by the security camera because it was Saturday and being seen on camera during sabbath is apparently a great sin.

Creepy bunch right to the last of them.

Gaaaahhh. They have these "punch me" faces. They're begging for it.

>this fucking thread

what is the point of the wbm?
rory mcIlroy is a fucking jew himself if you dumb cunts didn't already know.

They look like they're having fun



fucking hell just seen anons twitter post.. that's not rory mcIlroy? lol

T. Kike

But you get to wear funny hats and bathrobes while eating pastries.

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They're only annoying until they come out of the oven

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Heres the video with audio, these kids are fucking creepy

I know, I don't like Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump either.

Stop. Drop. Shut em down. Open up shop

t. Russian

Attached: Putin and his masters.jpg (800x472, 83K)

>this is what Trump shills and posts a 100 times a day on Twitter for
>Trump proclaims himself the king of this proudly when he's the president of the U.S
>Jow Forums still shills for Trump

Jared looks creepy. Ivanka looks great, but she's fucking up.

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Do humans have natural disgust towards Jews?

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Attached: TrumpCouncil.webm (640x352, 2.9M)

What are the T and swiggles?

t. religious scholar


Putin's right hand (camera left) says a million words.


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