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Other urls found in this thread:

Underrated. Israel has unironically been a non political issue for 50 years. Trump's framing it as political issue has brought all the rats to the surface. Can't help themselves.

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Yep. Netanyahu is staying quiet as well because he's Trump's little bitch and Trump is the true King of Israel.

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was this the plan?

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Of course.

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How many dimensions of chess do you believe in?

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Brad Rice inadvertently redpilling normie twatterrerrs. . .

People have always hated jews


It's just a soap opera designed to push Israel closer to China.

>People have always hated jews
The problem isn't "jews". Normie Jews are only used as useful idiots and human PR shields for the Zionist elite. That's why they are terrified. Trump is forcing Jew against Jew and getting US Jews to exclaim they're not loyal to Israel at all. Something Netanyahu hates.

Kikes have been seething. Trump has my vote in 2020. Can't wait to see how these people freak out when he wins again in 2020

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Bibi is not quiet. He is on the phone with Xi ready to sell more intel in exchange for letting some cancer into China.

Israel has been politicized since its creation.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH and Xi is closer allies with Trump. Netanyahu is too low IQ to realize what's going on.

Will China militarily help Israel against the arab world and Russia? NOPE!

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The world is a much smaller place than it was in the 30’s and 40’s. Jews on high alert

I'm liking this timeline.

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the hug of death doesn't exis-

Central banking is doomed. Pedophiles will be destroyed.

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>Central banking is doomed. Pedophiles will be destroyed.

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Bibi's doing his best to avoid an indictment right now. It's his only concern.

Netanyahu orchestrated Spygate in collaboration with the Obama admin.

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Hi, KYS.


I don't care, it's his corruption scandals and his insane cunt of a wife that will end his career.

4D chess isn't re-

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Netanyahu is going to take down all of Israel with him.

[X] doubt, we have existed before Bibi, and will after.

Do you believe in Revelations? Because you're in one...

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Israel is terrified

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Yeah, so much turmoil. Surely China can take advantage of this somehow. They hate Trump because of tariffs. Now Israel hates Trump. Surely they are a match made in kosher heaven.

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China doesn't hate Trump. You're watching a show with Trump and Xi to undermine the US dollar and prepare for a currency reset. Why do you think Trump keeps attacking the FED?

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I believe this is a direct threat on the life of a lawfully elected President of the United States.

Any math people out there, is this even feasible:

Trump is doing the equivalent of giving a heroin addict all the dope they need to kill themselves. In the moment it feels like he's helping but in fact he's accelerating their descent into inevitable self-destruction.

>that picture
>taking credit for all of the good and none of the bad
Whew lads, they really are mentally ill.

WOW THEY ARE SCARED. Zionists and the World Jewish Congress have listed one of their goals as PREVENTING ASSIMILATION OF DIASPORA JEWS.

Israel and Zionists use antisemitism as a weapon to be able to use American Jews as human PR shields.

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>Zion Don
lmao you fucking kike shills are pathetic.

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A currency reset won't fix America's problems. Blacks and Mexicans aren't all of a sudden going to start inventing things China wants to trade for. It's a third world shithole that produces rap music, sex change operation innovations and books complaining about privileges. Israel needs a new host. If the Chinese fall for it, their grandchildren will learn how jews actually built China into a superpower.

>currency reset won't help anything
>Goes straight to identity politics
I can't wait for you Zionists to die on livestream.

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We keep trying to tell anons what Trump is doing with Israel and they keep not wanting to believe it. Too bad for them.

>We keep trying to tell anons what Trump is doing with Israel and they keep not wanting to believe it. Too bad for them.
I think most of the anons who reject 4D chess and just scream "MIGA" are actually Zionist shills.

I hope normies get curious and end up reading the international jew. Henry Ford was so far ahead of his time.

This much cope lolol mutts are hopeless

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>This much cope lolol mutts are hopeless
Notice how you just posted a shitty meme and offered no counterargument? It's because you actually have nothing intelligent to say and your shill script isn't prepared for this situation.

Yeah but uhhhhhh anyone who disagrees with GEOTUS is a joo. And we all know that joos = bad

You retard bastard, your country gives $40 billion FREE aid money and literally dies in kike wars and you need further convincing??? Read the last part again. Mutts are hopeless. KYS on matzah you 20 IQ kike shill

>China sides with Palestinians
That could change. Palestinians don't have any good intel from U.S. military/corporations while Israel has dual-citizens everywhere.

kike detected

Pulling dual party Zionism into the gravity well of ShutItDown Inc will unavoidably intersect with The Streisand Effect.

Do (((they))) even understand that their kvetching digs them a deeper grave?

self fulfilling profits see
it's in the script

kissinger and soros et al are celebrating

Zero. It's a fixed point where kikes fuck your ass.

too late..nothing's stopping the redpill train at largest scales ever

>Muh Zion Don
6000001 degrees of chess.

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>muh follow democrats

Most likely.

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>This meme synthesis

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filthy traitor tweets treasonous tweet - not surprised.jpg

Explain I'm a brainlet

>Be biggest shabez goy in past, present and future Universe
>Kikes still don't like you and smear you
May it be a lesson for all who thinks you can reach any agreement with them.

If you can't see the layers Trump is weaving,idk what to tell you. Accelerationism & real estate are both built on a great foundation.

Trump is a Wizard.

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Jewish organized crime: - “Money Laundering Keeps ultra-Orthodox Families Afloat” - “Oy gemach! Will transparency put an end to ultra-Orthodox free-loan societies?” - “Money laundering and white collar crimes in the Haredi community” - “Former De Blasio Fundraiser Found Guilty in Police Corruption Trial” - “Since yeshiva raids in Ramapo, FBI probe lingers” - “Rabbi Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering” - “Rabbi sentenced to probation in money-laundering scheme” - ”” - “FEDS CHARGE PILL PLOT, MONEY-LAUNDER PLAN” - “Feds: Orthodox rabbis laundered drug money through Brooklyn yeshiva” - “DRUGS AND DRUG MONEY LAUNDERING WITHIN JEWISH NETWORKS: THE ‘RUSSIAN MAFIA,' 'ULTRA-ORTHODOX' CORRUPTION,AND OTHER CRIMINALS” - “JEWS AND "WHITE SLAVERY"” - “Thousands of slaves in Israel, global study finds” - “JEWISH CRIME” - "Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel Is Mighty"

Attached: Yossi_When_Israel_is_Mighty.jpg (1776x9928, 2.75M)

Shanghai was a british protectorate you dumb fuck. Anglos are the primary hosts for jews, so of course they brought their brainslug with them.

Lol, and they think sterilizing Ethiopian women and shelling schools in Gaza isn't ?

>muh civic nationalism
Fuck off moarpheus we don’t like niggers and spics

>Fuck off moarpheus we don’t like niggers and spics
It's funny how you kikes are losing so badly you have to resort to pretending like you speak for more than yourself on Jow Forums. So desperate. Makes me laugh.

Of coursh

I was just saying this to days yesterday. If Israel becomes a partisan issue then the aid will stop. Obstructionists have an advantage.

We've only been telling you in between pathetic cries of "Miga miga miga"

getting called a Jew when you’re not a Jew doesn’t bother me
What’s funny is your reaction however whenever someone says the truth: ALL JEWS ARE BAD not just the ones in Israel.
(Newfags, this is the point where Moarpheus starts freaking out and kvetchs about muh Zionism vs muh good jews)

>t. Jamal Hernandez

Trump is going kamikaze on israel, just as predicted.

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Malays will die before Afrikaners

I find it hard to believe what he stated was harmful to Israel. However, it will cause controversy. There are leftists who are fake Jews, non Orthodox Jews, as well as outright anti Semitic Jews. They must now expose themselves, supporting the party of BDS, Omar, Tlaib etc.

Bobby Fischer


>I like to say what I think. And if you're gonna work for the Jews, you can no longer say what you think. You can't say the holocaust never happened, for example. That is an absolute no-no. You can't say that circumcision is a crime. There are so many things you cannot say once you get on the Jewish bandwagon. … There used to be a lot of people like me, but little by little the Jewish spirit seems to be conquering all.
>Jews hate nature and the natural order, because it's pure and beautiful, and also because it's bigger and stronger than they are, and they feel that they can not fully control it. Nature's beauty and harmony stands in stark contrast to their squalidness and ugliness, and that makes them hate it all the more. Jews are destroyers. They are anti-humans.
>There are too many Jews in chess. They seem to have taken away the class of the game.
>They're lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout their history. They're a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people.
>I'm very concerned because I think the Jews want to drive the elephants to extinction because the trunk of an elephant reminds them of an uncircumcised penis. I'm absolutely serious about that... Jews are sick, they're mental cases.
>I was going to do a book about the first prearranged Karpov-Kasparov match, '84-'85. But the God-damn Jews have stolen my entire file on that.
Based Bobby

>My main interest right now is to expose the Jews. This is a lot bigger than me. They're not just persecuting me. This is not just my struggle, I'm not just doing this for myself... This is life and death for the world. These God-damn Jews have to be stopped. They're a menace to the whole world.
>What is going on is I am being persecuted night and day by the Jews, for telling it like it is. They want to put me in jail, they're robbing me of everything I have, they're continuously lying about me. I've had enough of this shit. The latest thing they've done is I had some stuff in storage back in Pasadena for 12 years, spent a fortune on storage fees, a fortune on safes... and these God-damn Jews in America have just gone and grabbed it all.
>America is totally under control of the Jews, you know. I mean, look what they're doing in Yugoslavia... The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense are dirty Jews.
>The United States is supposed to be a government of laws, not people. But that's a lot of shit. The United States is totally controlled by dirty Jews. And these are ruthless, lawless, criminal people. They've been mutilating their kids for thousands of years, cutting off a piece of their penis. That's illegal too, but that never stopped the dirty Jews.
>They are subhuman. They are the scum of the Earth. When you talk about Jews, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel of humanity.
>It's time to start randomly killing Jews.
Morry quotes from Based Bobby

>*more quotes

Israel is not a democracy. It's an apartheid state where Jews have special privileges and rights and non Jews don't


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Lol the left and right will eat the synagogue of satan while real jews get rewarded with gods blessing. Those poor rich jews are going to be consumed by the masses they held down for so long. Unbuckle and dodge this bullet kikes.

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Hail to the king.
