12,000 people agree. They're not wrong, are they Jow Forums?

12,000 people agree. They're not wrong, are they Jow Forums?

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They aren't. Our white ancestors did exactly that, they didn't ruin a family just because the child didn't happen to be theirs

fine bait right here

We need to reclaim cuckoldry from the libs

You’re not white mohammad fuck off

Guarantee they're all sheboons

>11,900 women liked this

Imagine a cucked nigger trying to raise a white or asian child. The kid gonna outsmart the nigger parents at like 6 years.

Yes they did. In a heartbeat.

Falcon Punch

Depends if you already have kids desu, if you do it's tricky, if you don't then yeah its obvious why would you stay lmao. Also nice memfag

>12,000 people agree.
22% of all US adults have a Twitter account and 80% of all tweets are made by 10% of accounts.
Nobody actually believes this.

>wife cheats on you
>get to publicy shame her, beat her to death, and leave in the streets
>also get your bride price back from her father
Yeah no, don't speak of "our" ancestors muhammed

I see a lot of cuckolds doing the "It takes a man to be a father." thing. Bitches know where planned parenthood is, abort the bastard like descent human.

Next to how many billions of other people who disagree?


Twitter screenshots need to be IP ranged banned these threads are fucking annoying

There's a word for it bastard.
"And thou shall not commit adultery"
>I like my coffee without someones semen in it thank you.

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>cucked nigger
Niggers just beat their white girlfriends children
You see it all the time
>breaking news: local women and her children found burnt alive after her boyfriend didn't get his kfc

My soon to be wife had two kids with two different men while we were dating and both times she was raped. A real takes responsibility instead of shoving it to the side

Nice bait
You wouldnt post that here if any of that was true

Fucking this. It's unbelievable how unrepresentative of the public at large Twitter is. If you were a foreigner in 2016 who knew absolutely nothing about U.S. politics and got all your election news off Twitter, you'd probably have thought Hillary Clinton was going to receive 80% of the vote.

Even The New York Times admits Twitter is not the real world when it comes to its terrible politics: nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/08/upshot/democratic-electorate-twitter-real-life.html

>11,900 bots liked this


Shaqueesha can't get an abortion anymore in Georgia so gotta shame and guilt broke back "men" into caring and providing for her niglet.

>1 post by this bot

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It is true and I post it because I'm the proud father figure of two boys. I even went with her to the police department. Only problem is because the guy was also drunk they cant press charges which is fucked up

All jews agree, cucks by religion.

12,000 "bot's" agree.

fixed it for ya.

>They're not wrong, are they Jow Forums?
I've never hit a woman in my life but if my wife was pregnant by another man I'd kick her out into the streets with a bag and a fucking black eye. No cheating bitches allowed in my house, wife or fucking not.

If this isn't bait you must be the stupidest man alive. One, how did it happen twice? I could understand one, but after that if she didn't start packing a gun or learned karate or carrying mace and it happened again I doubt she is being honest. Plus why would any woman want to raise one let alone two kids that are genetically half-rapist? You sound like you'd believe anything said by anyone

Religion was the only thing keeping women in line you atheist retard. Every atheist woman out there is a orgy freak hippy

That's a lot of cucks.

Not judaism.

She was drunk. That makes it rape, but because the guys were also drunk it cancels out according to the police. She was raped. No different than a 15 year old telling an adult to have sex. Its rape


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i wonder how much likes cost per 1000


This website is american.

So you're saying 2% of America tweets? 2%... 2%... that sounds familiar?

Bullshit inbreed that's your culture admit

Shaqueesha can still get an abortion I'm Georgia, if the dumb bitch realizes she's pregnant before a couple of months go by.

By another man. You sound barely literate, Tokes.

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God fucking damn of course they're wrong

Still shit b8

Why aren't you asking yourself why your fiancee keeps drinking too much around sketchy men? Unless you got a fetish for retarded women or you're a constant wino yourself I can't see it's even worth knowing let alone marrying someone like that

obviously bait. you can still rape while intoxicated

90% sure it's bait
How could someone be this guillable?

Glad its 2019 and I can no longer identify as a man.


Shitty bait, cant believe two burgers fell for it

They are niggers, being wrong is their birth right.

Then you should follow what your ancestors did and let all the Brit Niggers and Pakies fuck your 6, 8 year old wives

>they didn’t ruin a family
Of course not. They just killed them.

>they didn't ruin a family
they just killed off the unwanted spawn and it was all good

LOL yes they did. They ruined the mother and child with a fucking rock.

I hope to god this is fake, no man, no matter how dumb deserves this and no thot should ever get away with this kind of thing.

Nobody marries someone who got raped twice and kept the kids. Why would any woman keep the products of rape like that? Why would anyone besides sick fucks even need to rape in this day and age? If you're not Quasimodo tier ugly and/or homeless pussy has never become easier to find.

No true Scotsman fallacy

Men need to lead by example. If you get cucked you have to dump your unfaithful wife and move to a country where she can't siphon child support money from you. When enough men do this the roasties will stop doing it.

kill urself semite

>12,000 women agree

If my wife is pregnant by another man she has betrayed me and any contract we had it feelings I had are no longer valid. She's on her own. End of discussion.

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Oh look, 12,000 vapid cunts and white knights agree! GTFO slide fag.

What if you're already "both"?

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Whores trying to guilt men into staying so they can be supported and taken care of even though they are cheats and make bad decisions

No, it’s a reason for divorce and no child support or alimony.

wow fuckin transdudes look like kids with progeria

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Quality bait, here have a (You) for your troubles

I would stand by and make certain the weighted burlap sack was fully submerged

I would rape your wife while she is drunk and force you to raise our child you miserable cuck

why does his shirt on his profile picture say "BETO IS A FURRY"


I'd stand by the isolated ,off the beaten path cliff I threw my cheating wife off of, after getting a ridiculously high paying insurance policy on her

>that hair line
>that face
He literally didn't have a choice. That was his only chance, and he knew it.

I'd rather die single than raise another mans kids

Clown world is clown world. This online apparition is full of good decisions it would seem.

>I want to live life without consequences for my actions

>12k cucks have a retarded fetish
Why would I care?

Quiet, Moshe. No one believes your lies anymore.

Raising a child that wasn't yours was common. Sometimes your niece or nephew's parents died or a cousin died and you raised their kid. Sometimes you adopted an orphan. Raising a child because you were cucked was incredibly rare and would make you a laughingstock of your community.

A real nigga eat da booty too. But he be long gone b4 she even be too pregnant for him.

I mean, if it's an in vitro surrogate pregnancy, maybe, but only if it's for a close family friend who is legitimately infertile. Anything else seems a bit disturbing.

>Honk honk

Has to be a troll account

And a real woman would understand that her husband needs to fuc K and impregnate as many hot young girls as he can afford to... And she should get a job to help pay to raise them... Good for the goose for two thousand please Alex!

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>tfw hologram

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I see something similar to this all the time with eating chick out, and you can tell it was obviously written by women. Usually they say something like "real men aint afraid to go down on a woman and treat her right."

It's just a bad attempt at getting out of sex/blowjobs, entirely greedy.

...at that moment she isn't his wife or whatever anymore.
a woman is bound to the man that impregnated her even more then through marriage.
they talk all this shit just for one fucking reason..they exactly know what a pain in the ass this shit and they try to turn it around as if we are to stupid to know what we feel.

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0/10 bait. A Jow Forumsack don't behave like a turbocuck.

lunar nonsense

checkmate CIA, your move

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>implying that because majority agrees, it must be right.
That's not how it works, user.

just because someone liked a tweet doesnt mean they actually like it, i like things to save them so i can laugh at them later


based roast beef