We should kill Southern Italians and replace them with whites (Northern Italians)

We should kill Southern Italians and replace them with whites (Northern Italians)

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we should kill all italians aka european niggers

What about Central Italians?

lmao learn how to greentext newfag

>Sound like a racehorse pissing in there.

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How would you plan to accomplish that with negative growth rates?

>Killing the master race


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I’m 25% terrone (grandfather from Puglia) and the rest is from Lombardia/Veneto.

What’s my fate?

Are you Central Italian?

You are 25% masterrace

Your tall stature make you an easier target for my lupara you hillyrian bastard

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Southern Italians are based working people with traditional values, fuck off kike.

Fuck off, memeflag

help this man he is sinking in sand

So, you end up at square one.
Ok meme flag

Nobody cares about Shitaly since 476.

The usual divide et impera. Problem is not Southern Italian, it’s our political class

The problem is Italians in general, liberal multiethnic multicultural cities like milan do better than southern Italian cities that are 99% Italian like Naples or Palermo.

I have a better idea. Italy should hand over its northern territories to Switzerland, so that our Ticino swiss can colonize it.

The solution is:
1. Make Lombardy independent
2. Repatriate of all the Siculo-neapolitan colonists of settlement in Lombardy (up to 10 millions of them)
3. Start a peaceful eugenetical policy in Sicily and Naples in order to limit breeding only to natives with high IQ and no genetical ties to the Jews
4. Enjoy. Italian peoples can now be bearers of civilization again.

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