Based UK Chavs

Fuck Expats

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Chavs are degenerates, but at least most of them are sort of based

Whatever is causing them to do this...keep it up and do more of it.

Oh no, children are being bullied because they're different! We need to stop this or the kids might assimilate in our culture. I'm a good person, so I would never allow a stupid Pole to become a proper English gentleman. As I was taught, but would never teach to toilet cleaner spawn, a place for everyone so everyone can be put in their place.

I blame their stupid parents and their greed desu

If they steal british jobs, then what reaction do you expect.

>steal British jobs
In my area all Polish immigrants really do is wash cars for cheap, and they actually do a good job. Most chavs are just looking for an excuse for why they are poor lazy pieces of shit, and muh immigrants is as good an excuse as any

What they do is essential really.
More Romanian expats should be necked really.

yet they bother shitskin animals that rape little kids
life in UK where people are trying to make butter knives illegal

I doubt. In my view immigrants are used as cheaper labour and chavs live off of welfare.

I feel sorry for all those Eastern European children who are being bullied by those muslim UK students.

I don't.
I hope they kill and rape them as well.

It would be essential if anybody cared about them. Literally everybody here hates chavs, including other chavs so nobody takes them or what they say seriously

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The best part is your erection while you think, "I am so much better than these subhumans." But the three extra pounds you can lord over your unemployed kids is pretty great, too.

Wait, are they chavs or asians doing this?

Who the fuck cares really.

if my jobs were being taking by eastern euro's i'd be happy,
they're not they're being taken by gooks, sand niggers and shitskins.

You have clearly never met a chav before. They are literally the equivalent of ghetto hood niggers you have in the US, but white.

"Disguised as banter" suggests Anglos and Scots doing it. Muslims would actually be hurting the bullied kids instead of joking about it.

I don't understand how chavs came to exist. How much genetic sewage needs to accumulate in a single embryo to produce these defective specimens?

OP is the one who brought chavs into it. They're not actually relevant to the article or the narcissistic importance of having an ethnic underclass to serve you..

Typical modern day Britain. Dumb as pig shit hoodie wearing scum patrolling the streets. 30 years ago you could give them a fucking good hiding, nowadays you can't do shit.


>teachers joining in


Lmao imagine sucking Muslim cock while blaming us

They should really start killing those EE kids desu
And make their parents watch.

Nobody gonna say anything about the obvious bullshit in this non-story? >Since Brexit was voted for, teenage children have become fascist racists.
Fuck off

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that shitty screenshot doesnt say who is doing and who is getting bullied.
get fucked OP.

Brexit is causing the rise of right wing extremists. I mean, look at what happened to Owen Jones.

>get fucked daily by somalis and muslims
>too scared to call out shitskins because muh racism
>lets blame pollacks

they are attacking the wrong people, you know who should be getting abused and it's not europeans

kek exactly, Anglos are pathetic bitches

They only bully whites who are lower than them on the totem pole, but they're too afraid to bully shitskins. They're sacred cows.

i'm the only one who found interesting why the east europeans got bullied and no word about niggers, pakis and other craps? or maybe they are, these "asians, who are bullying these east european children ?

he was a commie cunt that already had that shit coming

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Brits gang up on the weak, nothing new here.

If they tried anything with Mohammed and Aladdin, they would get their heads caved in, so they go for the easy targets.

The British media and public is against people from Eastern Europe.

I wouldn't go back, it's impossible to get a professional job even with a UK university degree if you are from a V4 country or if you have an Eastern European surname, not to mention other areas of life. British people don't want to be friends with anyone who is from Eastern Europe.

Diversity and anti hate laws don't protect Eastern Europeans or they are not enforced in these cases.

Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian patients are discriminated against in health care when they seek treatment when almost all of them pay insurance unlike other migrant groups.

The civil servants and local councils discriminate against them. They are excluded and mistreated by housing services.

Schools, universities treat Eastern European students as second rate in day to day life.

At the same time, Muslim rapists, black criminals and others get away with all sorts of crimes without criticism.

We were left out of the multi-culturalism programmes.

Eastern Europeans do not have representation in politics, no Eastern European MPs.

There are no Eastern European tv presenters, journalists, tv or movie characters while all other groups are overrepresented.

And this is a hard working, law abiding migrant group with the highest employment rate.

Why are they against Eastern Europeans but not Africans, Pakis, Arabs?

Exactly, britbongs are such pussies, they are afraid of criticising or bullying muslims, blacks etc. so they take their anger out on Polish, Czech, Slovak and Hungarian migrants.

What part of ethnic servant class don't you understand? Your purpose in Britain was to boost the egos of wannabe feudal lords. There is also resentimente that the Slavs do not willingly submit to rape like African slaves did in Dixie plantations. When are you people going to understand you need to go head down ass up on demand?! Prima noctis!

>but not Africans, Pakis, Arabs
They are against them, but too afriad of getting beaten up.

these are the children who were too young to vote, never forget that..

Yes, that is what I want to know.

All the anti immigration rhetoric is aimed at migrant workers from Eastern Europe when in reality they represent only 20% of the migrants, 80% comes from other areas of the world.

If V4 countries call back and pull out their citizens from the UK, the UK economy would collapse. They work in strategically important industries like warehouses, construction, transporting goods on trucks, health care etc.

A lot of this is because you are white.
If you were black muslim poles you could claim discrimination.

Britbongs are pussies, all of them.

They mistreat Eastern European migrants who work, pay taxes, respect the law.

They are scared to criticise migrant groups that have 50-60% unemployment rate and seriously high crime rates.

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Because muslims form gangs and threaten to rape their sisters, so they don't do anything.

Polacks could just try and do the same .

Now imagine how happy the british car wash businesses are when they find out someone else is washing cars for much cheaper. They'll be overjoyed, surely.

You never know how high someone who britbongs considered servant class ends up later...

That's the only major flaw with this attitude.

You arent allowed to criticize blacks muslims or asians so the fucking faggot pussies are taking it out on polack kids

>Harass Eastern Europeans
>Spread your butt cheeks and butt cheeks of your children for pakis and niggers and violently destroy anyone who questions if it is right thing to do
A*glos are complete scum of earth and freaks of nature, worse than a kikes.

It would be better for Poles to seize control of England than Pakistanis.

> Bullied in school
> Must be racism/ xenophobia
British schools have always been tough for is normal, and the teachers/ system, allows it. It is shit, but it isn't about racism - kids are just little shits that pick on others for anything.

I've said for years to bring in foreign politicians to do the jobs our own are too lazy to do.

Trump's kids and a high proportion of his white house staff are Eastern Europeans.

Merkel is Eastern European.

Soros is Eastern European.

Most of the Jews in high positions are Eastern Europeans, and it is part of their identity.

It means that top people in western high politics are Eastern Europeans. Maybe it's not a good strategy to be unreasonably hateful towards them.

I'm amazed chavs still exist, I haven't seen any in years, same for neds up in Scotland. I thought they had all evolved into those faggoty love island type poofters.

I'm a quarter Polish, so i am with you there. Ethnic underclasses are a recipe for trouble and reduce GDP and tech growth. Not worth the moodlet.

well, first of all it's not racism
second of all, if it's true it's very much understandable

Chavs didn't used to exist - there was a massive working class, and they'd drink and fight on Friday nights, but they all wanted to work. Export millions of their jobs, then import 8 million migrants, and the outcome is precisely as planned - an underclass with poor job prospects.
New Labour wanted to crush the working class for good, hence 'New' Labour, not Labour. And they have succeeded.

>those faggoty love island type poofters.

see a lot of them here, like plastic ken dolls.
are they chav evolution?.

It's fucking weird. Why is one seemingly socially acceptable while doing the same to another, hell even remotely to a far less degree isn't?

>New Labour wanted to crush the working class for good, hence 'New' Labour, not Labour. And they have succeeded.

tories were just as happy to finish the job.
nobody advocates for white kids.

Are you all fucking retarded? The article indicates Eastern Europeans students are being bullied by foreigners

Its only because they'd get suspended if they did it to mudshits

Who gives a fuck. Us slavs are not made out of glass. Bullying us? That's fucking oxymoron.

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>most of them are sort of based
I bet they all worship Stormzy and Marcus Rashford

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Thank you UK!
Send them back!
We need them!