It is now 100% Legal and Safe for Whites to MIGRATE to Greenland

Denmark signed the "Global Compact for Migration" on December 19th 2019.

This makes it perfectly OK to pack your bags up right now and head over to Greenland to claim your stake. We are talking about MIGRATION here NOT IMMIGRATION. So you just show up and the land is yours and Denmark will support you and your family to make the transition in the new land.

The Migration Pact also makes it illegal to question Migration so be sure to report any Danes objecting to the migrations to the country that you can now call home

Attached: greenland ethnostate.jpg (385x385, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Denmark signed the "Global Compact for Migration" on December 18th 2019.

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Yup. Only 56,000 Greenland era. Send 57,000 Americans and whoopsie guess we colonized you oh well

So if like 100k people moved there and signed a referendum to secede and join the USA we could get it without even paying? They would even give us neet bux for our trouble?

No wonder our nation's are losing.

Invade and conquer

>December 2019

>Send 57,000 Americans and whoopsie guess we colonized you oh well

Just make sure it is a "Safe" and "Orderly" Migration. And "Regular" say like 10,000 a month? Then move on to at least 100,000 whites a month. Should be a very smooth transition.

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This could happen. Crazier things have transpired.

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It worked in California!

Fuck it I'm in


Its real. And its signed. Greenland now has open borders. Come one come all. only whites appy.

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So, would this mean I can go to any green area? This can't be true.

Why the hell would anybody willingly become a eurocuck

Its a non binding agreement. Dont take this too seriously

The migration pact was only for africans and arabs not white people. They can go, you can't.

>you faggots really think you can make it in the cold and snow?
>Why move to a frozen hellhole when I have less frozen and quite decent country already.

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>So you just show up and the land is yours
wait. You're telling me I don't have to pay for it? I just stake a claim like I'm a pioneer?

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It's a trap! Climate shifting to cold phase for the next 60 years. The PDO and AMO are the leading principle components in multivariate studies.
The AMO is about to enter 30 year cold phase and the sunspot dearth is being called the next maunder minimum. Gonna get get pretty snowy out there even for snowniggers

Holy shit Donald Trump posts on Jow Forums

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it will be legally binding for Europe after all member states sign it, although hungary and poland are saying they won't do it

I already live in alaska. can't be too different.

Wait so I could go to greenland and get free land? What the fuck imma be rich

>The migration pact was only for africans and arabs not white people

I identify as a female black woman. But my identity is fluid. Today I am a white man preparing for the move to the New Greenland.

shhh. this is a secret best left intact to weed out the global warming moron gene from humanity

This is actually how the entire World works. It’s just in Greenland the only people asking you to leave are tiny drunk Indians.

Maybe, some of us want off the clown world ride. Greenland seems like the perfect place to start new.

Does it say that specifically? Or is it just implied?

What the fuck is there to do in Greenland?
Hunt polar bears and fish? Look for oil?
Shitpost on slow internet?
Go far north to where everything is even more expensive?
Get frostbite in strange places?
Learn the golem rituals from inuits?

forgot the link for the AMO cold phase

You have to like how Israel helped make the agreement but did not sign it.

>don't go goy you ... you uh... y-you won't have any of my fun distractions!!!!

you forgot jerking off

Does anyone know if Trenberth ever found the missing heat in the oceans?

wait what the fuck really? maybe we should make a secret society or something

If they give me an asian wife and internet im in

I understand it's just shitposting but it's no different from the "invading niggers" that you gaylords love to shout about.

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>female black woman
>female woman

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Yeah, except we're not niggers. We dont want to rape and murder and destroy the place. We dont want to cause an undue tax burden on the state, pumping out limitless amounts of kids for others to take care of. We're just sick of being controlled by jews.

It's implied. It has a list of absurd reasons you can use to go to another country and they HAVE TO accept you, but the list is tailored to Africans and Arabs. Some shit like if you are coming from a "poor country", "climate change", "gender persecution", etc.

By the way, DON'T do the white thing by learning the local language or blending in/assimilating. Create your own groups, form gangs, vote out locals, stay within you in group.

Speak for yourself Nigger, I’m popping out a percent of that Islands population.

I wish it were a genetic thing. Then I could understand why seeming smart people ignore debunking efforts using their own sources. Right now, I'm forced to believe confirmation bias is responsible, but that could just be my own bias. LOL
I really can't believe this subject gets so little play on /pol. They really have turned science into a religion that people will blindly follow and assume they need not check on the details for themselves.

Ok. I’m in. Give me instructions.

Me too
Let's do this together, Ivan

So what are the instructions ?

You white person. Honor, integrity, ethics, or doing the right thing in any way have no place in this.

"I'm the nigger now."

Brown people can do this, why not I?

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Can I really just up and move there? I have 40k saved up and nothing keeping me here but a shitty job.

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See? You've acting like niggers. Fuck off from Greenland.

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If they let me take all of my guns, allow people like me to construct and build the most powerful free market militia in the world, secede from Dykemark and the EU, annex the entire Arctic circle and Arctic Ocean, melt the northern ice caps and drown all coasties in the world, then invade and reclaim it, then sure, I'll go

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>This is actually how the entire World works
I'm aware of this, but generally the "owner" of the abandoned land in question will evict you in an effort to jew you into an apartment in the city.

Never heard of a country telling you to come take land.

Greenland is likely to have energy industry jobs and a low response to demand for skilled workers. If you have tech or other STEM skills that are useful and relevant they are bound to be in demand.
If not, you will probably be at the mercy of the economy and energy industry contract politics.

Join the calculated creation of the white ethnostate

yes go ahead its all true. I promise! comon do it.
oh and dont look further into it than this thread. Just take a leap of faith.

I'm gonna assimilate all your women with muh dick.

>>As the Compact is not an international treaty, it will be non-binding under international law.
its just a document of intent. It has no real function or legal standing.
Arabs, Negroes or whites cant just migrate to the Danish realm.

>The Migration Pact also makes it illegal to question Migration
As awful as the "Global Compact for Migration is this pdf of copy of it contradicts that.
>Use immigration detention only as a measure of last resort and work towards alternatives
>Cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission

How can Greenland experience another continents heatwave just because legally it's part of Denmark?

because south Greenland is not that far north.
there are more Norwegians living north of the arctic circle than there are Eskimos.
>nearly all the people on Greenland lives furthest south

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good luck

Why the fuck would we join the US? I’m going for the ethnostate not the niggers

It’s all about them rare earths, so get granpas pickaxe and wheelbarrow. This is a new gold rush.

>This is a new gold rush
Well, when you put it like that..

It’s going to be the good ol times again, complete with mass european migration, shooting natives and riches for everyone.

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I can’t wait to dump Mercury into their streams when I own for gold!

What color is my flag gonna be when I post on Jow Forums from there? Why is nobody asking this?

I live near the coast. Very low lying.

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Founding stock. Conquerers. Greenland is uninhabited.

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The cunt in (OP)'s pic is bleeding all over it

We should start a central bank

>Greenland is uninhabited.

yes its a great place for digging and mining. You just have to go through a couple of kilometers of ice to actually hit rock.

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only subhumans use mercury for attracting gold.

Your currency would be powerless and you won't be able to import anything with it.

I mean as it was so far West.
I though the countries like Norway were in a cold spell while we were in the heat wave anyway? Or is that Further east.

>Denmark signed the "Global Compact for Migration" on December 19th 2019.

>checks today’s date

ah well makes sense then. But no we had a heat wave as well. Not as bad as mainland Europe since the golf stream is our great warmer and cooler and it takes a lot to affect it.

So- we get a ton of us up there, form a super majority- then vote to join the USA. Sounds simple enough

You know, there are certainly 100k dissaffected young people in this country that would do exactly that- this shit happened in the past, but there were like campaigns, ads, flyers, posters- move to X and all of your dreams will come true

Yup. We are going about this the wrong way. We need to go the texas route and just move in in massive numbers then declare independence then petition to join the US

No, that's procedure for conquering USA.

Danes aren't morons, they only let people with Danish passport and ID vote in the elections.

So Danes will dump all undesirable migrants into icehell-land, sell it to the US and recreate an Danish ethnostate?

Theres only 50k people in greenland. We could outnumber them very easily

its full

Only the United States let random people show up without ID to register and vote.

That's the flaw in your plan.

Greenland? It's a shithole. You'll hate living there within 3 months.

That’s why bringing a steam engine and coal is a good idea: not only will the mechanized drilling greatly speed up the process; the exhaust will accelerate climate change and melt the ice even faster.

There is uranium and shit up there also, we could re-institute prospector policies- if you find a claim you keep mine it, what you get is yours. and holy shit guys I just made $600,000 from picking up these stupid rocks in Greenland. You can to!

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I agree but I think Antarctica is the next 'new world'. Think about it, temperatures are set to warm also technological advances in energy and materials will make it much easier.

I expect we could do it now if people weren't sticking to the international treaties. For how long though if it become more and more affordable since it won't take cutting edge technology?

You should read the book 'Alaska'
It's a good read.

>not trailer trash niggers

Is there any part of antarctica that's even close to habitable?

Oh I'm very familiar with the history of it, but who's the author of that book in particular?

It'd take it. I think we have it too easy, we need to go somewhere where life is a struggle for the sake of our bloodline.

So what, free land in exchange for living there?

It’s what is on the ocean floor beneath the ice.

There's no saying you have to live on the surface.
Imagine building mostly underground cities in Antarctica- like a mass testing ground for building cities on the moon.

The best way to organize, grow food, distribute energy, turn raw minerals into useful materials. Etc.


i dont know. it looks like its pretty far north. it will take 5000 years to melt all that snow. and you have to check how high it is above sea level. when all the greenland ice is molten then probably antarctic and many glaciers will be too and sea level will rise 70 meters.