Blacks are physically superi-

>blacks are physically superi-

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huh, guess it's anyone's game at that point.

On average, I'm pretty sure blacks are physically better and whites are culturally, intellectually and behaviorally far better

>On average, I'm pretty sure blacks are physically better and whites are culturally, intellectually and behaviorally far better

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But then, the average horse is stronger, faster and has a larger penis than any man.
Doesn't make it smarter.

>comparing different species

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I guess you got me.
But I don't do reddit.
Peeps are the true master race

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Yes, that is what the thread is about... different species.

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just foreplay. that white "dude" is actually buck angel

So even our ftm tranny’s are physically superior to niggers? Amazing!

who tells us you aren't the most low IQ in your group?

said nobody ever, all niggers can do is sucker punch you

>highest obesity rate
>physically better

Blacks are slightly faster, whites are slightly stronger. Any other claims are hearsay or cuckposting

Based. Just a shame he has face tattoos.

They can run faster than whites but are physically weaker than whites. Please use pure africans when comparing blacks to whites as the black american mutts have white DNA that makes them more muscular.

Actually true, niggers have narrower hips and proportionally longer tibia which makes them more efficient runners. Whites, on the other hand, have higher bone density, size and have evolved to digest liquid growth hormone aka cow milk.

strengths are not genetic. they're inherited socially. don't let the lie bring you down, strengthen everything about yourself

The only reason Americans think blacks are "physically better" is because our sports are majority black, and the only reason our sports are majority black is because many white kids don't play them growing up.

yes, but tyrone stays powerbottom

>On average, I'm pretty sure blacks are physically better and whites are culturally, intellectually and behaviorally far better

almost all strongman competition winners and world record holders are white

Not only white, but also Eastern European of Slavic and Baltic heritage.

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>based cuck_face-poster putting cucks in there place
also checked

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>killing Jow Forums with one post
Based, and scientifically proven

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Just benched 340lb at the gym brahs. We're all gonna make it.

1) Strongman is one of the most expensive sports to participate in. Eating costs a fortune, proper gym equipment costs a fortune.
2) Blacks are not culturally into strongman as opposed to things like basketball (this is changing)
3) Niggers on average have longer limbs than Whites. Longer limbs means greater range of montion in most lifting exercises = more work. This is also why niggers are less prevalent than you might expect in oly lifting and powerlifting.
These are probably the 3 main reasons. I guarantee you will see more and more niggers in Strongman as the sport becomes more established.

Take a look at athletics (or what you burgers call track & field): most strength disciplines have been dominated by Whites since their inception. But over the past decade blacks have increasingly perfomed well in things like discus (male and female), javelin (male), shot putt (male and female). These are sports that Blacks simply weren't interested in and had no infrastructure/coaching know-how to do well until recently. In the past, they would have had to be wealthy enough to travel to Europe and train with the best over here.

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lb? lesbians?
Can you speak in a non retarded way?

blacks are athletically better, i.e. fast twitching muscles, fast reflexes, good muscle memory...this way they can dance their way around a more robust and brute white and gain fast velocity when hitting him thus damaging him with kinetic force (1/2*m*v^2). Notice how the kinetic force grows linear with the mass but to the square with velocity. However once they established physical contact and therefore entering the brute force competition they are at a disadvantage if their opponent is white.

about 180 kgs faggot

Polish Grocery Nigger is angry at strong Leafs. Ruins his grocery narrative.

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Shouldn't we be using f=ma? or does that equation better represent punching power?

It's F=dp/dt = 1/2 * m * v^2 + dm/dt * v
If it wasn't so, rockets, airplanes and helicopters wouldn't work.

>the only reason its majority black is because niggers are too dumb to do anything else

Right. His point sounded interesting though, is that speed is more important to punching power than mass.
Whereas I go by f=ma, where they are equally important.

this. also sandinavians.
generally people from cold places i think

But a is acceleration, not speed.
Oh shit... I made a mistake... I just realized I made a terrible bone head mistake... I must now leave the thread.

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niggers get buff playing ps2

Generally people with Baltoid phenotypes, look at all strongmen, they all look the same: blond, blue-eyed, round head, round face, smaller nose- typical Baltid traits.

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Are you stupid or something like that?
Most of those that you mention are from the 80's when burgers started sucking nigger dicks 24/7

There isn't a single good nigger at any discipline at olympics other than running.
The few nigger strongmen are pensioners now,same goes for javelin,disqus,etc.

They barely got one tennis player and he sucks balls.

Not to mention blackies are getting outclassed at combat sports as well.
And other than those 2 french darkies...there aren't even any good at football anymore

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yeah? aks about the most "expensive sports to participate" those niggers in bodybuilding who take on MrOlympia after another.

>he sucks balls.
Well, thats not how you play tennis. NO wonder he isnt very good.

oh and btw, get a rope nigger

would be nice to know, if the phenotype is related to a specific hormone production that allows them to gain so much strength

Endomorphic body type, they gain weight easily, but it is hard for them to get lean, gracile races like Nordid/Med are ectomorph/mesomorph at best, so they are leaner, but less strong.

English please do you speak it??

Thanks for making me look it up shithead.

Lol, bodybuilding just requires a gym membership, a sponsorship deal with a supplement company and an "all you can eat" restaurant down the street.
Strongman requires specialised gym equipement. Atlas stones, hand-built steel-framed jigs for various exercises, vast numbers of plates, etc. Strongmen eat far, far more than bodybuilders, because a) they are bigger, and b) they don't need to worry about bodyfat %, only performance.

wtf are you talking about
Kershon Walcott won the Olympics in 2012
Julius Yego won the World Championships in 2017 and is the 5th longest thrower in history
Michelle Carter won the olympics in 2012.
Fredrick Dacres is the n°2 male discus thrower in the world right now.
You're the retard.

Typing too fast, made mistakes:
Carter won the Olympics in 2016
Yego won the WC in 2015


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American Blacks have been breed to be the way they are physically to be farm equipment

Think about that the next time you want to talk about how superior they are.

That's a good way to die

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You don't mean Pogba surely? He's shit

Who even says that? Niggers are inferior in every way.

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This is kind of a "inside" joke in prison. Blacks can just glance at the weights and get ripped so they have an appearance of being really strong. Whites usually look really out of shape but can lift a lot more than blacks and have a lot more endurance.

We would do crossfit events in prison and gave on them. Blacks who were shredded would look at these somewhat pudgy white dudes competing and sign up thinking they were going to kill it. All the whites completed and the blacks give up on round 1 while some puked. Definitely an eye opener.
Don't even mention the powerlifting events.


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I just need a black woman

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Oof. Good gracious.

I know in a fight you make sure the job is done, but damn would it have looked cool if he'd have just stepped back slowly after the back-hand.

Live your dream.

I personally always wanted to marry a kangaroo...

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Blacks are, on average, physically inferior to whites. Asians are physically inferior to a wet dishrag.

Check Out this EXTREMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS of FEMALES and tTRAPS!

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How much weight? Doesn't look like that much desu.

>ITT white people cherry picking big strong whiteys and black people cherry picking big strong blackies

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Looks like 475 or 565 depending. Not really that much for that type of event and his weight.

the n*Groid is a weak and subhuman species

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Blacks are brainlets and manlets. Their average height is 170cm. They are physically and psychically inferior.

is the endomorph body type more common in baltoid people?
i have to agree with what you think, but still, i'm curious if this kind of metabolism has a connection to colder parts of the earth
(the question for me is: was it developed to survive or was it the factor that allowed certain people, who had it, to survive in harsher places)

Yes, when you are in frozen climate your body produces brown fat instead of white fat to retain body heat.

Brown adipose tissue activation through cold exposure increases adiponectin levels, just two hours of cold exposure resulted in a 70% increase in circulating adiponectin in adult men.[39] Centenarians (both men and women) and their offspring have been found to have genetics that boost adiponectin, and they have higher circulating adiponectin, suggesting a link between longevity and adiponectin production[40] In addition, high concentrations of plasma adiponectin in centenarians was associated with favorable metabolic indicators, and with lower levels of C-reactive protein and E-selectin.