

Attached: Raggi League criticism.jpg (400x299, 14K)

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Pic is Rome's mayor.

Years ago I had a buddy that was dating a Mexican chick that used to be married to a straight up Skinhead. Had two kids with him. He told her to tell his friends that she was Italian.



There has never been one of these threads that wasn’t made by a memeflag.

stop making these shitty threads you memeflag fuck.

only this phenotype

Attached: italian chad.jpg (650x488, 60K)

Not going to make a long reply because this thread will be deleted, but yeah. Not all whites are albino. Shocker, I know.

no nazi noi non siamo bianchi
no nazi we are not white

Italians are transracial.

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More seriously, why was she never made into a "mommy" on this board?


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>woman mayor

here you can see wh*te italians riot against gypsys

soon the beautiful comes
be fast

Don’t know what that means but she’s not beautiful. Only Northwestern Euro women are worthy of that praise.

The ITALIAN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his olive skin. This olive skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of italy, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The olive skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The ITALIAN man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰᵀᵉ dogs)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The ITALIAN penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the ITALIAN man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent italian seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the ITALIAN man impregnates.

In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the BLACK man is the epitome of masculinity.

Attached: Filippo-Magnini-8[1].jpg (750x1198, 178K)

i have italian relatives that are green eyed and some even have red hair

>The ITALIAN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
also jewish nose

He has a handsome face. Stupid pasta.

I wish that Iberians were as based as your people. We are flooded by Gypsies and Gypsification. And take it like apathic rape victims.

Many Italians look like that, especially ones from the north.

Ancient romans and italians etc.. all had red and blonde hair and were blue eyed.
Theres 2 types of modern italians these days.
1) White, fair skinned fair haired fair eyed northerners of ancient Roman stock
2) short squat hairy unibrow yellow eyed brown manlet italians which mostly occupy the south of Italy

The 2nd type of "italian" are arabic rape babies, and these subhumans have almost completely replaced the original italians

>average Italian man and woman
Pastaniggers are NOT WHITE. The last bastion of the white race is any major american city

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>2) short squat hairy unibrow yellow eyed brown manlet italians which mostly occupy the south of Italy. The 2nd type of "italian" are arabic rape babies, and these subhumans have almost completely replaced the original italians
Shut up, no they aren’t. They have standard looks for the Mediterranean region, it wouldn’t make sense for them to look like Nords.

she's acute

the more you say it the more true it becomes

This is a skin condition or too much tanning.

You know nothing shitskin.
Youre a spic, quit pretending to be "med".
Your cope makes us sick, youre not fucking white and you never will be pedro. Neither are the shitskins who invaded southern europe, which you identify with.
They are invaders just like you pablo, and its time for you to mow my lawn, pick some beans, and throw your fiesta back in mehico city wetback

Yes and it happened during the imaginary arab conquest of italy in 5567ac
Most important battle being siege of milan by ottomans in 5556ac how can we even forget 10millions arabs vs 10000 milan fighters

Callate moro. No sabes que es prohibido discordar de los muttos?

Carlo Conti is what the vast majority of Italians look like, no skin condition that's just what the skin of a being evolved to live in the african sun looks like

>The last bastion of the white race is any major american city
Where do people like you come from? LMAO

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they defend europe, that scares zionist faggots

Attached: Percentage_of_major_Y-DNA_haplogroups_in_Europe.png (1960x1793, 865K)

>bastion of the white race
>major American cities
What? Italy gave us Mussolini, fuck off.

Thats conti, hes meme for being obsessed with fake tan and we call him african

Yes and supersexy

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sadly he failed...

Yeah, they're Mediterranean. Why is that so hard to understand? The majority of them aren't gonna look like Swedes

Damn, Ireland is 87% R1b. Talk about pure Celtic.

You’re literally the shitskin spic here, no amount of coping will make you Med unless you’re 100% European. If you have non-European genes you can’t be Med or European. But if you do then you are. Get it, Paco?

He has blue eyes, and youre a black eyed brown skinned mudslime arab larping as a conquistador.
Yes, you are not white. Spain is not your homeland. Youre a refugee, just like the dirty somalians you complain about.
You may call yourself spanish, but deep down you know the truth. Your shitty race replaced the original spanish, and you are nothing but a rape baby squatting in a country thats not your own.
You are the great shame of the ancient spaniards.

>Pedro Rodriguez thinks he's the authority on whiteness
I'll take 5 al pastor tacos after you finish the lawn, you filthy spic

Nobody naturally looks like that desu.

southerners never were white


Man to think that this man could control such a large crowd like that.
Only to be killed by a raging mob. Literally stomped to death.
Just makes you realize that the plebs have no sense of decorum. Dios mio.

Fuck off. They are and have always been white.

better than white.
just fucked one the day

>the more you say it the more true it becomes
take your meds user.

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Niggers larping as white (read: Italians, spaniards) do

Kek literal projection.
Lets post our eyes and we can compare.
yep thats what I thought. Go back to mehico larper.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Are X white?

she looks like a persian

Those are Meds. You don’t know the meaning of the words you use.

Your spergy posts about half of Europe not being white reveal your real intentions right here. There’s not much more to say.

White enough for my dick.

So why do mommy milkers threads stay up til theyre archived?
Kill yourself mudskin

Ahhh nothing like a west virginian 1/6th cherokee inbred giving his opinion. Do us all a favor and never leave the new world. Hell never leave your mother's basement for that matter.

>stomped to death
that is pretty based


Ew. And Northern European men with Southern European women is just weird.

>half of europe not being white
So your solution to shitskins replacing white people, is to simply classify all shitskins as white?
Youre trying so hard to lump yourself into being white, but we dont accept you. Meds arent european, and theyre not meds. They replaced the actual white european meds who lived there hundreds of years ago, and just like you, they are now larping as the whites they destroyed and replaced..

Brutality is never good. It only leaves ugliness as its mark.

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>butthurt pastanigger detected
Average polentoni look like pic related

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here is replica
>In a neighborhood in Rome, a 5-star mayor decided to put gypsys in public housing, without saying anything to the citizens and bypassing the Italians who needed it:
>Gypsy family escorted by police:

yeah to be honest I was shitposting, I hate the man but in the long term killing them like that did more harm than good


they are mid level white

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Haha i love how mad you beaners get.
You can really tell how nonwhite meds are based on how defensive literal yellow eyed spics from brazil and honduras get of meds.
Spics love to larp as meds, and by calling meds white, you can lay claim to yourselves being white because meds look the same as you stinky beaners.

Only problem is, meds are shitskin arabs who immigrated and raped the original inhabitants of the Mediterranean, and have now infected a once white populace.
You are identifying and idolizing literal arab rape babies.
Youre a shitskin, theyre shitskins, and no matter how much you mexicans larp, this will never change.

Non est Romano cuiquam locus hic...

well these meds dominated the world for centuries after being 'replaced' so fuck off

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Nope. Not her, at least.

Same goes for dark haired dark eyed Greeks.

Its not a pasta nigger.
Every "med" with an american flag is literally straight from mexico. All of them are spics larping as white. They use "meds" (arab rape babies) who live in europe, as a gateway to classify THEMSELVES as white because they look the same as the smelly brown manlet pasta niggers.


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No all you abominations have done is create mafias and gangs, peddled drugs, and carried out assassinations and hits on actual white people.
And in ww2 you were fucking useless. Both franco and mussolini. Literally terrible at war.
The original spanish and italians were gods of war. But you are trash, and thats because youre not an original spaniard like the great conquistadors.
Youre just a rape baby. Kys

Fuck you are so assblasted about meds, this is some funny shit.

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>great conquistadors
The only reason they won was because of their trash diseases

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It's a damn shame.
Truly horrifying. It goes to show that a lot of people will simply accept any fate, so long as it deters from adversity and into the security of comforts.

how were the conquistadores white and spaniards now not HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA

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Is Raggi mommy-tier?