The jews have won

The jews have won.

it is over

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it's only over when it all burns.

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This is unironically sickening.

Never was a Swift fan (vapid bubble gum pop isn't my type of music) but now I outright hate that fucking cunt.

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>you believed your own memes
What a faggot you are.

>This is unironically sickening.
What, you think you were going to ignore the anti-White program of the jewish media?

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>celebrating Christmas in pajamas
>Trump stoking Jewish civil war
>Jewish civil war accidentally redpilling millions
>Good Guy Henry Ford
lol no

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At least the music video included some nice shots of her feet.

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Disgusting fat legs

We live in a society

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on the contrary this proves that Swift is another part of the hollywood music jewish cabal.
>thinking a celebrity is against the globohomo
The only one that comes to mind is James Woods

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i think jewsville sucks!

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kill yourself eunuch pansy

>Posted August 9th
Pol did he know?

I wonder how I know you're a female

It is only over when the last man dies
Until there are people there are ways to fight and win


i give everything to Israel cause theyre our ally

Yes he did. Oil drilling gives a white man telepathic powers to know a white roastie next move weeks before they happen