Don't give in

This game's gonna launch soon and a whole new generation of males are going to lose 15 years of their life doing nothing. Even worse, if you're already at 26+ and you plan on going back "home", don't. This might be your last 15 years to live, even less because you're gonna die of a stroke from being too fat or too skinny.

This might be the most important decision of your life. Do not pick the wrong choice. You have been warned.

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Holy fuck. Israeli shills are really pissed that people are excited for this video game. It's almost like they don't want people distracted from their false flags and bullshit.


That is a bot. Look closely at the post. Burn their imitations into your head.

You have no argument so just like the kikes on twitter you accuse me of being a bot. Do you understand how retarded you kikes really are?

Still can't into geography, dumb burger?

>die from being too skinny

What did they mean by this?

Do you kike shills still pretend like proxies don't exist? Wow I can't wait for Israel to get invaded from all sides and to watch livestreams of you retards dying. That's what I'll take a break from classic for. To watch Israelis die.

I'd rather spend my last days in the World of Warcraft than in the World of Clowns.

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Starvation, Achmed. In some countries they don't just pay you for not working.

WoW is a product of Clown World, buddy.

Did you just pretend OP is a Jew, for averting young males from wasting their time, playing a game made by a company that is pozzed up the ass and known for being sjw as fuck?
>this is advanced schizoposting

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World of Warcraft is a helluva lot more rewarding then this dump. Sage

Nigga fuck you I'm playing. All other vidya is straight garbage these days.

Lets make a guild. Sage

>giving money to blizzard
anyone who actually goes back is seriously retarded and is filling the pockets of an evil jewcorp.

a bunch of 30yo playing with a bunch of 15yo

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never played wow before until legion what am I in for

Even if I were inclined to check out of my responsibility and play vidya all day like it was 2007 again, there are literally thousands of games out there that you would be better playing off than this cash grab MMO dogshit.
Go play Kenshi if you want to be no-life EXP grinding burnout.

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Too fucking late. I'm going home, faggot.

Stop advertising a fucking mmo.

Which server lad?

Shazzrah horde mate

maybe finally all the manchilds will go back to their fucking caves
at least play osrs if you pretend to care about the white race, WoW is filled with trannies and degeneras
oh wait, that's the synonym of this board for the last couple of years..

>not playing on WHITEMANe

Old School Azeroth > Clown World

Fuck off. I can either sperg out over shit I have no control over or enjoy myself until America collapses and I can start killing brown subhumans.

Literal jew that ruined this game for easy shekels is owning ACTIVISION BLIZZARD. You are probably kike yourself. By playing this garbo game and "going home" you just give up and give world to kikes by giving up your own capability to do something, even if that something is shitposting on anime website and slim chance of redpilling even one person.
t. Retard shut in who wasted 12 years in this game.

I'm in the UK, Jose. That's an Americlap server

Jebi se šiptarski majmun :^)

Your "responsibility" doesnt exist to anyone but you. Your life wont matter in 200 years much less 50. Everything you are is shaped by your surroundings with very little input from you. Keep paying insurance... keep paying rent... keep paying for power and water and most of all keep paying for internet so you can browse pol and pretend you are someone you are not.


Another reminder that Bobby Kotick is a pedo jew caught on the epstein flightlogs.

Stop paying the blizzard jew you stupid niggers.

Not you, retard. The OP.

What server Jow Forums anons are playing? Whitemane? Let's create a guild

Good goy.

Give it a rest, this game will be dead by November.

if you've spent good money on a PC, you've already lost

Fucking phoneposters

He's not wrong, why are people building 2k PC's when there's nothing to play?

I've been using the same i5-3570k, mobo ect I purchased in 2012. The only thing I've ever upgraded was the GPU (1060 6 gig) for $200 to play this current gen.

womp womp

imagine unironically sitting in a chair using a mouse and keyboard to post. im literally laying in my comfy bed rn

I can only imagine how shit WoW would be in the current year with the woke brigade marching around and reporting people for having fun.

I'm tired of this clown world. It's time to escape

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I'm still using an i7 950, the only things I've added are ram and a new video card. I really need a new hard drive though.

>my life sucks because I play games and shitpost all day
Wow, genius.

Actually does happen, almost everyone currently still playing wow is a homosexual or a straight up transvestite, the forums are filled with "LGBT safe guilds"

>as he uses normiespeak and constantly fumbles with the auto correct

i genuinely doubt it will have the momentum of the original
its more like a desperate attempt by Activision to squeeze some remaining money out a dying franchise in face of ever declining player numbers
chances are they are dipping below a million and investors are getting nervous considering Blizzard hasn't released any new IP for a very long time
talk about milking a dead cow

No, I play games and shitpost all day to forget reality sucks.

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Otherway round bud

games going to die, no one playing wow now played wow back then. it was bad.

Comfy greatness

Whitemane is the Jow Forums server

Speak english nigger

sorry but when mommy calls i answer

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Owner of activision is literal pedo jew who flew on Epstein's plane... and what's his worse crime (besides being pedo and being a Jew) he ruined WoW and Blizzard.

>imagine unironically sitting in a chair using a mouse and keyboard to post. im literally laying in my comfy bed rn

Only phone fags think phone fag posting is not gay!

Yeah I know, I played the game almost exclusively, as games go, since it launched. I saw this tranny faggot shit coming years ago. I watched as the WoW population slid further and further to the left, all the faggots roleplaying as faggots, everything revolving around what they do with their genitals. These freaks WANT to be offended, it validates their existence, and then using the power of the state, blizzard in this case, to silence anyone who challenges their delusions.

I'm still salty blizzard sold out to ActiJuden.

But producers who are actually passionate about something always end up selling out to the Jews once the offer becomes lucrative enough. At some point money and a comfy life for your family becomes more important.

Two types of people will buy Classic
>Guys who are pretty well off, have a girlfriend / wife, a job, and liked playing WoW when they were younger. They probably have IRL friends to group with and aren't going to min max and probably don't care about raiding.
>Obese, balding, cumbrained monstrosities and trannies who literally can't go outside and experience life so they escape into Azeroth.

Was top Rogue in vanilla (8/15 naxx), quit early TBC, came back wotlk and got heroic lich king 10 and 25, then quit again early cata

Never played since and not planning on going back

Nah it'll be shit from all the retards here spamming KIKE NIGGER FAGGOT in barrens chat and making shitty meme guilds.

wow is extremely successful in china, more then fortnite even. they aren’t worried about it dying

I'd rather see KIKE NIGGER FAGGOT in chat than literal tranny faggots crying about having to dilate during their raid.

I'd rather not see both.

>extremely successful in china
Gold farmers don't count

>maybe if I spam ads for my kosher degenerate faggot game on Jow Forums while screeching "muh white race" "muh joos fellow nazis" someone will buy this crap

If the whiny leftists stopped crying about KIKE NIGGER FAGGOT it would go away in time.

We are going to be hanging race traitorous man-children from trees in a few a years ;)

>in china
different market with its own infrastructure
i don't see them push classic over there
coincidentally i also never heard of a chinese vanilla server