How many of you faggots are actually incels

Please be honest I won't make fun of you.

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Few if any

Wearing jeans is an incel thing?

This is wrong because the shooters were all wearing glownigger carhartt workpants

There is no such thing as an incel, only VolCels.
>in all fields

Stop coping fag

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>if you don't wear chinos and/or salmon colored booty shorts you're an incel

There are some true incels but it's people who are like hideously deformed, non-functionally autistic, etc.
Stop projecting your self-hatred of your sexually undesirable brown skin, Paki

Sure thing achmed
Wrong again, I've seen some fugly dudes go get some.

Anybody that is claiming to be "involuntary celibate" is either purposely avoiding women or calling someone else that not understanding that celibacy has always been a voluntary thing.

>all fields

Not a cope. Just the straight dope. This is how they glow.

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I'm agreeing with you

Nah, I haven't had sex in a long time but it's my choice for a few reasons. And no, I don't blame women 1 bit.
>i'm more into love over lust
>I found out i'm part of the small percentage who is 100% std free (if you get cold sores, you have a form of herpes)
>I know this sounds cringe, but I respect women a little more than just hit and quit

>wears t-shirts
whats wrong with this? what are we supposed to wear?

You forget that /pol is full of 50s traditional father larpers that wear dress shirts or polos which is extreme inceldom.

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incel aka "i prefer asian womenz"

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>glasses man bad

Married with 2 kids so far. Unlike most other places on the internet, this place doesn't encourage group think hive mind bullshit. It encourages saying whatever the fuck you want. Whether it becomes an outlet for truths that can't be spoken otherwise or larping or trolling etc, it offers something that not many other places do.

Well modern "fashion" is all the same, jeans-tshirt-sneaker. Its all about the faggy brands that makes it good or not.Since the tshirt doesnt say "levis" or something its unfashionable. Welcome to modern retardation.

volcel here. women are fucking whores

And I thought male prostitution was at an all time low.

what a ugly, deformed little shits

>no jeans
>no shirts
>no sneakers
What the fuck am I supposed to wear then?

Looks like the average Yank to me

>Please be honest I won't make fun of you.
LOL. I will make fun of you.

I dont know?
Maybe dress like a person older than 12

these retards like to larp as millionaires

>Looks like the average Yank to me

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Ok then.

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no wonder, you're our grand parents

Literally anyone above the age of 18, regardless of income should own atleast 1 decent suit. But no, you can still dress your age without the need of a suit.

Thanks for inviting me to your netflix and beer party. Good to be with adults for a change yeesh.

No but seriously, fuck everything.

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Having a gorilla nose and bitch lips isn't masculinity.

daily reminder that most incels are left wingers.