Big Oil Company Founder Here

So I own my own oil company known as Clampett Oil and we operate up north near Greenland. I thought it would be appropriate to post this here since nobody would believe me anyway and at least I can speak my mind here with very little resistance to the word getting out.

So I don't know why people are saying climate change isn't real, because it's always been real, but, man made climate change is a different story. I worked in another company that operates international before starting my own after learning the ropes and can tell you some things. The world is going to shit. Literally the research and development team from my last company stated the water in the ocean is expected to turn into "hydrofluoric acid" in ten years most. The ship has already sailed so don't worry about trying to be an activist.

There is two ways we can stop the ocean from turning into literal acid from going anaerobic.

1. Global Nuclear War
2. Yellowstone

Don't think the whitehouse doesn't know this already.

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Look Jed...get the fuck back to California and pump Elly May full of inbred monsters already.

>at least I can speak my mind here
The mainstream media loves this fake crap. You don’t need to post here.

>hydrofluoric acid
it will get more acidy tho
>nice larp faggot
not really


How would you even know about that? Hadn't that shit been forgotten by the time you got globalized?

So are you faggots just going to sit in a DUMB with a thumb up your ass or are you going to do something about it?

>Literally the research and development team from my last company stated the water in the ocean is expected to turn into "hydrofluoric acid" in ten years most.
Is that a bad thing?

>"hydrofluoric acid"
lol where would all the fluorine come from?
hydrochloric I could see, but then there'd have to be something bonding to the sodium.

anyone that's taken highschool chemistry would be able to tell that what you're claiming is bunk.
during the great dying between the permian and triassic, there were enormous patches of sulfurated water from dead animals that pumped H2S into the atmosphere, but that wasn't the whole ocean and marine life continued, in case you hadn't noticed

is this how the masongoblins are going to convince the mental retards just beneath them that creating an artificial global genocide is a necessity?

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>Literally the research and development team from my last company stated the water in the ocean is expected to turn into "hydrofluoric acid" in ten years most.
user... I..
>Hydrofluoric acid is produced by treatment of the mineral fluorite (CaF2) with concentrated sulfuric acid. When combined at 265 °C

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Shut the fuck up. Learn something for once faggot.

>Clampett Oil

>hydrofluoric acid

Lol fuck me you got a response on that one alone have a You

>marine life continued
Can you prove this?

Shut the fuck up jed! Taxation will save everyone’s life lol. The first place that will go will be New Zealand lol

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>Clampett oil

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umm sweaty, all we have to do is tax westerners more

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pay off my school loans so I can enter the seminary, oil faggot!

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My grandma loved Beverly Hillbillies.

last time I checked, fish exist. ancient ones. older ones. like fucking jelly fish, coelacanth and horseshoe crabs.

If you think any of that is going to scare me away from comin' n' courtin' Ellie May you're sorely mistaken

Attached: Ellie_May.jpg (460x562, 75K)

Was Ellie Mae good in bed?

literally where the fuck would all the fluoride come from? How would they replace oxygen with fluoride considering the electronegativity of each? Go to bed, schizo.

Iron seeding on the ocean is the solution

Why do you think so many of us are accelerist. We are well aware of the situation.Though to be far we would rather Yellowstone, not nuclear fallout to clean up afterward.

Tell granny to save me a shot

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Can you try again after your seizure is over?

>valcanic eruption will stop the water from turning into hydrofluoric acid which will happen in 10 years at the longest
were you even trying when you came up with this?

>how does salt (sodium chlorine/sodium fluorine/sodium iodide) water (hydrogen dioxide) turn into hydrofluoric acid (hydrogen fluorine)