I just ordered my first Bible. I've been a lifelong atheist, but I feel a strong calling. I ordered a NIV...

I just ordered my first Bible. I've been a lifelong atheist, but I feel a strong calling. I ordered a NIV, did I get the wrong one?
pic not related

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global.oup.com/ushe/product/ancient-philosophy-9780198752721?q=Anthony kenny&cc=us&lang=en

As long as it isn't the Schofield bible (which redacts an awful lot of Jesus' less than flattering remarks about the Jews) , it'll be fine.

You did.

I got this

WTF. I didn't get the pink one. Mine is black


What's going on big guy?

I'm not going to bash the NIV too hard, but it's just lame compared to the KJV. There is almost no power to the words in the NIV. If you want to real experience just take the time to learn the old english as you go through the KJV.

you idiot religious nutcases need to be put to sleep en masse. The only salvation is your cock in a woman's vag or asshole on a hot summer night. Anything else MEANS NOTHING

The Jerusalem Bible is the best one. NIV isn't bad but the language is sort of boring.

Could have just gone here


Also, strongly recommend reading along with a biblical atlas -- keeps things grounded.

just burn it and go back to atheism. don't be retarded

You can eventually upgrade to the KJV, but the NIV is fine for starters.

Run, do not walk, to the Book of Matthew and put it into your mind. Sermon on the Mount! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

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I'm not a zoomer and I hate reading books on a screen

Get the "Life Application Bible".

KJV is best. If you find the prose too dense, read the NIV (as you were already doing) but be damned sure to check it against the KJV whenever you feel as if something is off.

Nothing wrong with NIV. It's one of my least favorite translations but despite its translation style it is still the Word of God

If it shows up on Saturday in pink I will be moderately annoyed. I ordered black leather.

>user didnt get the chad waterproof/tearproof kjv to go soul winning in the rain

It floats too which is neat.


Converting to a religion you were not born into is a sign of mental illness.

Godspeed user. I will pray for you.

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No mention of Schofield in the cover notes. I think you're in the clear.

My parents were both Christian, but we didn't go to church. My dad died in March, and I feel something tugging me towards Christ. Get fucked.

Just ordered one for cross reference.

The chapters are really short and there's a good audio to read along with. Try Genesis 1-4 right now.

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Sorry I replied, this post is off topic, you need to be in /qa.


Please do. Thank you.

King James added an entire sentence called the comma Johanneum. Its not as good as what people claim.
Having a Bible that you can understand is the most important thing. God doesn't care about ye olde english craziness, that was written in a different language from the originals 1500 years later.
He cares that you understand his Word.
King James can spice up some of the Old Testiment, but I would recommend When you read prophecy, you read something written for our language.

I'm going to have to agree with him. Did you give up up having proven logic, biology, and other sciences in your life? Or are you going through AA or NA currently and need to put your personal weakness into a "higher" being to get over your flaws? Did you just go through a traumatic event? Bump your head really hard?

I watch that guy, kek.

King James is meant to be better but what's the point in reading a book if you can't really understand it, stick with niv

The NIV is fine. Welcome to Christ.

>As long as it isn't the Schofield bible (which redacts an awful lot of Jesus' less than flattering remarks about the Jews) , it'll be fine.
You're misinformed, retard. The NIV is literally the worst Bible. The Schofield is a King James, which is the best Bible in English... It is the notes in the Schofield Bible that are the problem.

I still don't believe. I'm still an atheist. But I feel something. I see what Christianity has done for western civilization. It's at least worth looking into.

Douey Rheims and a Baltimore Chatechism. Print list of Dogmas. Print common prayers. Get Baptized in the traditional pre VII Catholic Faith.

Which Bible you get doesn't matter. What religion you adhere to doesn't matter. Live a pious life. Do good onto others. Treat the Earth with great respect.

I'm all aboard with this.

The King James Bible is heretical. The best bible is the vulgate, but it is in Latin

And having a bunch of different version of the bible merely expresses the amount of BS you are further buying yourself into. But if you do, please follow Kierkegaard at least where you make it a personal religion and don't follow an "established" "Church".

the bible is for faggots.

become a neo-christian evolutionary futurist

follow christ, not retard jews who make shit up

I would also recommend scoping out a non-progressive church in your community as more pragmatic introduction to the Bible and its teachings. Bonus is they'd be happy to provide you with a normal looking bible if yours end's end being pink... In any case, best of luck on your new journey in faith user.

I was raised into the BS, have read the bible multiple times, and have also read through multiple translations of the Qur'an, which is a prettier read of BS, and contains some of the same characters.

>best bible is the vulgate, but it is in Latin

Why would you recommend a Bible someone in America can't read? You utter retard.

King James is the only bible, anything else is blasphemy and you'll go to hell

NIV should be burned. It was translated by 2 literal sodomite dykes.
Video related.

What parts of the NIV are heretical?

Nice try christcuck shill

Also for anyone wondering the NIV is the (((new international))) version, which means it has everything stripped out of it and replaced by (((modern))) shit

>not learning latin

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>The best bible is the vulgate
The pope is an antichrist pedophile in a dress. Catholics don't read, let alone follow the Bible teachings. Popes go to Hell and take most Catholics with them. There is no salvation inside the Roman Catholic Church.

The thing to remember is proper STUDY is more important than the translation.
You will be using multiple sources.

Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (book & youtube) will help you. His Cosmic Codes may also help if you don't believe that the Bible is the word of God. Pic related.

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My issue with the KJV is that English usage has changed in subtle ways in the interval since its creation. Best example is "Thou shalt not kill". "Kill" back in the day was a synonym for 'murder', rather than the blanket definition of taking a life. A lot of people were convinced that pacifism was Christian doctrine by this error.

No, you can get nabre or Douay-Rheims which are translated from the Vulgate St. Jerome made, which when translated was known to have zero errors.

God is mighty, I don't think he would allow you to be mislead so easily like picking the wrong Bible. Ultimately you must trust that the holy spirit will guide you to truth. I wouldn't worry to much about technicalities like NIV vs KJV they both will give you God's word. For important parts just check the interlinear (direct Greek/Hebrew translation) to make sure if you have doubts.

>Jew York City version of the bible
that's what the NIV is you kikes, you're being jewd

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I've already said I'm an atheist. I think that even if I don't fully subscribe there are some things to learn from the Bible. If it makes me a better person, great. Maybe there is something we've lost. Fuck you for trying to take that away from me.

Catholics may not follow the Bible
But they did preserve it.
I have to respect that at least.
As much as I despise the Catholic Church, they have a very fine Bible.
It hurts me to say that.

I screenshotted your post. Thank you user.

>feel a strong calling
Why, honestly? What changed your mind?

Read the Vedas. Six bajillion times better than semitic desert legends.

>What parts of the NIV are heretical?
How about the part where is says Jesus fell from heaven instead of Lucifer?

I'm still an atheist. Just thoughts and feelings.

You dont transition from atheist beliefs straight into christian theology, thats what npc larpers do

Start with book in link at the bottom of this, then read pic related in order shown, theeen start your christian theology

Don't skip the reading order given or you wont understand what youre reading

global.oup.com/ushe/product/ancient-philosophy-9780198752721?q=Anthony kenny&cc=us&lang=en

Alternatively if youre lazy just read the linked book and then skip the greeks to city of god

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Glad to help, God bless you user.

You can say whatever you want, this thread is either propaganda or you're some stupid faggot that's gone weak, worship the jews all you like won't change anything.

Read new testament first. then when you read the old it wont be so bleak and if you don't get to finish one, id always reccomend the new testament the old testament is Judaism. Zionists I know get offended when people call it "old" because it gives the idea that its obsolete. just like real Christianity, its more of what I would call a philosophy. The Bible, Platos Allegory of the Cave (pic related) and Carl Jung. everything he wrote.
and I study some Buddhism but things like meditation and especially Chakra alignment are part of my daily routine.

its all ancient knowledge you can use that either costs nothing or very little.
are imo the most important things i've read what wasn't studying how repulsive Zionism truly is, just satanism re branded a million times.

anyway the more ive read and tried to understand it

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You mean the HIV version?
No. You need the Authorized King James. The NIV omits a number of verses and words and changes the meaning of others.

Don't worry about getting the wrong one because if it true it should lead you to the right one or over time it will at least lead you somewhere to me personally.

God is Omnipotent / Omnipresent / Omniscient in that realm. God can lead you to the right path just fine and dandy. Also God has been around a whole lot longer to know way more. 10,000+ years at least to me personally.

I'm a Deist / Christian - don't fear risk of screwing up with God. I figure it's better to screw up with God (not on purpose and trying at least) than to be flat out atheist.

King James Version is the true word of God, many people were killed so we would have it.

Don't get New King James, only King James.
NIV is ok to start with, but if you want the truth King James is where it is at

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When I considered myself a christian reading the bible is what turned me into an atheist. If you have good reasons to be an atheist you'll still be one after reading the bible.

New Jerusalem Bible for study, Douay-rheims for study and more time-period accurate language. Got to Latin Mass if you can, if you can't Novus Ordo is fine.

They're all Jewish, so it doesn't really matter which translation you get. You're getting kiked regardless.

>My issue with the KJV is that English usage has changed in subtle ways in the interval since its creation. Best example is "Thou
There, thou, ye... Etc etc are one of the best reasons to get the KJV, because it tells you exactly who God is talking to. Like a group or and individual, which is important to btfo Zionist kike doctrines that lead Christians to worship/serve kikes rather than Jesus only.

>Sermon on the Mount
Based jewish communism.

Ain't gonna lie I've been fapping for about 2 years now, how could I ask God for forgiveness for this.

Stop being a faggot and get Navarre Bible.

Nigger I'm in Texas. Come get some. I have more guns than you've ever seen.

>the Vulgate St. Jerome made
Which is corrupted by satanic pagan Roman garbage. If you think that the apocryphal writings are inspired word of God it inly proves you are not saved. They are absolute trash and easy to tell they are not inspired like the true books of the Bible... because they teach retarded false garbage and do not fit any of the prophecy or teachings which repeat in every other book of the Bible. Now kick rocks Catholic shill.

KJV with Companion my friends
take the Shepards Chapel-pill

Gloria in excselsis Deo!

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>tl;dw NIV strips out 17 verses.
Quite an indictment. I'd recommend that OP watch the video. Cheers for the information, user.

>”Everyone will have the same subjective experience I had.”

I'll watch it. If you read the thread I also just ordered a KJV

Looks like your "strong calling" as referenced in your OP is really strong already son.

OP watch New World Order Bible Versions. Get a KJV, the new (((versions))) literally call Jesus and Lucifer the "Morning Star," whereas the KJV makes the clear distinction that Lucifer is the son of the morning. The NIV is used by the New Age movement to corrupt Christianity.


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why do autistic jews always diddle Christians over bible versions?


I'm not a jew and I can prove it nigger

As pointless as masturbation

why dont you repent?


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shit my bad. i meant to say the more i read the less it matters if it 100% happened. cant look at too autistic as some here sure do.
Youll read about autism in the bible. Jesus had to explain his parables to the Apostles who followed him. they failed to understand concepts and metaphors. I think probably the worst group of modern people are "Christian"

they treat the illegal state that is literally mocking/slaughtering us and also the middle east and so much more.

Not too mention the ones i know and have known in my life, are hateful and don't seem to know a single thing about the bible and act the opposite of what christ taught. they are 100% subverted lemmings. the boomers were the worst

there are prob more non jewish zionists now than jews. and many american jews hate Zionism. Biblical Times, always has been take care

convert to islam, it's the only valid interpretation of monotheism.

just saw you posted this before me. absolutely based.

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Right, but something must have swayed you to get to that point.

NIV is a good choice
ESV is what I personally use
NKJ is good as well
The Message is borderline heresy.

>You dont transition from atheist beliefs straight into christian theology
Wrong. You hear the gospel and the Holy Spirit witnesses with your own spirit. You can put down your memeflag, unsaved kike.

>I've been a lifelong atheist, but I feel a strong calling
and to Christianity nonetheless? before buying any bible you should've gone to a church and try the religious experience for yourself

any ways 1/0 for making me reply at your fake post

>promulgating the sola fide heresy

Dude as long as you are reading through the gospels you are in good shape. John is the best. Pray and read Lewis’s “Mere Christianity” too.