Happening Bunker

As we've seen with each massive happening, the kikes are trying as hard as they can to remove all Chans, from 8 to 4 to end.
They will do what they can to suppress dissident voices.
The question that many anons have had in recent downtimes (the latest one happening last night, Jow Forums was down for over an hour) is where do they go if Jow Forums goes down?
The answer is BlockChan. The kikes will not be able to take down BlockChan, nor do we have kiked Jannies to rub their hands after removing quality threads and allowing slide threads to hit bump limits.
When the happenings come and Jow Forums is history, this is the hangout to go to.
Link: ndm-inf.github.io/BlockChan/main

Attached: BlockChan.png (1595x907, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this for real and legit? No jannies?

Yes. Blockmoot has no Jannies yet, and it's the start of a revolutionary board. Jow Forumsraelis used to shit on Ripple, but it looks like the shitting has come to a halt.
The site is still being developed, but it's already working great.

Attached: 1522633046506.png (1280x1280, 634K)

>mostly nigger gore, dicks and asses
it's legit

I was able to post from Tor with no issues and put a pepe forever on the blockchain and no one can ever take it down. What an amazing fucking timeline


Attached: 5859b173711f64423aa5e050.png (1280x1280, 67K)

I know it sounds like shilling, but I have no affiliation with the site. It really is an amazing project. Blockmoot has obviously put a lot of thought into it and making improvements every day. I am very impressed.

I'm seeing a couple of interesting features such as Tipping and Encrypting post. Does this mean I could create a thread with good info and get tipped for it?

that's exactly what it means

I think so, user. Just get an ETH wallet and people can tip you for quality posts.
This is the future of shitposting and effortposting.

Attached: 1531351775952.jpg (499x499, 128K)


>They will do what they can to suppress dissident voices.

...and? i tell yo what will happen! when the shit hits the fan, some dude comes up with a tech which cant be monitored by "them" and the game starts from the beginning...

Attached: 1540874559517.jpg (300x300, 22K)

This is probably by far my favorite part about the site. I use Tor as my main browser, and I can post on there with ease. It's truly remarkable, I'm in love with it.

Attached: 1560790066319.jpg (706x1132, 193K)

How in the fuck is this not more popular? It looks like it's been out for a few weeks? How are we just now hearing about it?

At least we can communicate to each other. That's the most important part. They can watch and monitor every shitpost if they'd like, but if you can't even communicate, what's the point?
Communication is key in this battle against kikery.

Encrypting threads, so bots are FUCKED.
This is fucking genius.

THIS IS ORIGINAL THREAD MADE BY BASED DUTCH, it got fucking (((deleted))).
>really makes you think

Attached: Screenshot_20190822-224438_Mimi.jpg (1080x2220, 714K)

OMFG! This will make bots completely useless

Spread this everyday, make an official thread and repost, this is our future anons, a bright free future

it's still in development
jannies here delete threads about it

What does encrypting threads do and how does that prevent bots? Do you need a password to open the thread?

And if there are no jannies how do they keep out spam and gore flooding?

If it doesn't remove porn and gore it won't have the same effect as Jow Forums, it will just become /b/.

Also Dutch user said he is currently paying like 1$/TB but will make donations possible after reaching 1000$ per month or something like this, correct me

Blockchan?!? Swee... Ripple fuck off

If I had social media I'd spread it there. I guess I'll just post about it when Jow Forums goes up and down she during happenings. Looks like the creator is active on Twitter mobile.twitter.com/ind_imm

I'm sure Jannies will come as the project develops, it's still in its infancy.
The encryption makes the bots have to copy both the Key and IV in able to read and post.

Attached: BlockChan2.png (1920x1040, 276K)

They explained it in the last thread, which wad (((deleted))) shortly after posting by maker of this idea, some dutch user who did all of this in 3 weeks

What you see here is after the keys are put in.

Attached: BlockChan3.png (1920x1040, 323K)

No post few so only those who are truly here forever will see.

>1500 max chars
>not 1488

You had one job.

Attached: 1566516781458.jpg (575x523, 66K)

Nice honey sweet pot you got there.

>Nice honey sweet pot you got there
>As he posts on Jow Forums

Attached: 1529909613690.jpg (442x558, 33K)

Also refuted in the last thread

80% of posters in this thread are shills it’s so obvious. Fake excitement and zero cynicism unlike regular posters. Gay glow in the dark honeypot

Attached: 4L_bXFnPnfA.jpg (735x626, 36K)


Attached: 1566334648203.png (676x676, 730K)

It looks like Glowies don't like BlockChan.
You can stay here with all of the bots, faggot.

Attached: 25360687_1760640947301125_947320167_n.jpg (454x340, 23K)

Yea maybe thats because I (or the rest also, idk) are fucking annoyed that every thread about it (((disappears))) cause of fucking JIDF gay mods. If the last thread was still here there would be no problem, as many anons were sceptical but at the end they got convinced

>anyone who says it's a honey&pot just call them jewish

it's so obvious man

Shills shilling their honeypot site. Soon as you post anything they don’t like on there you get a knock at your door. You guys know what to do

Attached: 4L_B9S277j7.png (814x636, 20K)

I'm legit trying to think of one bad thing about this project and other than slow image loads, I can't

Fuck me, if this the power of crypto? I thought it was a meme

Some answers from the user creator about CP concerns

Attached: Screenshot_20190823-024502_Mimi.jpg (1080x2220, 355K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190823-024508_Mimi.jpg (1080x2220, 464K)

What's your alternative then?

Even the posters in this thread smell like outsiders. For christ sakes you even used oldworld language like "omfg!". You're trying way too hard to entrap people.

Attached: Screenshot_20190823-024355_Mimi.jpg (1080x2220, 688K)

I called so many anons kikes and shills for laughs, now I know why doing that is bad Kek

There is no alternative. Once this place dies then it dies. You should have bought plenty of storage to save all your content for when shit goes south. Everything goes back to the way it was before the internet--if thats the case let it be so until some genius creates internet 2.0.

I agree, who the fuck uses “omfg!” on a Ugandan spear chucking forum other than feds trying to larp as fellow zoomers

But what can be done about "Illegal Content"?
Since it's on a blockchain, there's nothing you can do. What are you going to do? Take down Ripple blockchain? It's true free speech.
I just wonder what can be done legally if nothing gets taken down.