Was he the biggest kike in existence?
Was he the biggest kike in existence?
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i hope he has mercy on you
>creator of all evil
>gives billions of people reprobate minds
Checks out. But you have to have faith user
Reminder that this is an israeli propaganda pic to slander Jesus.
Real Israelites, those of the Bible, were whites Kikes are edomitic converts, the Pharisee, those that say they are jews, but are liars instead, the synagogue of satan >> The Bible and Jesus condemned everything the Kikes stand for and try to push If there is anyone with genuine interest in Christianity has the best info I have to offer
Can we do a religious meme thread?
Yes goy worship the Christkike
What exactly is this reproduction based on? It's not like we have his skull or anything.
Well if there is a god, it must have been manifested in Jesus. You must admit
No, that was Stalin, followed by Bernie.
a l l f i e l d s
>uses examples of people not following the scripture to show why the scripture is bad
based on tal mudic fanfiction
The Shroud of Turin is a more credible representation. At least, now that they checked cloth that wasnt from the patches they repaired the cloth with in the middleages, shows that its age fits
I love how you are all so retarded that any cartoon or CGI becomes real life proof to you.
I never said you should be an atheist either. But worshiping a sandnigger kike sky daddy is worse
Won't be long before Christcuck pride parades organised by churches
You’re a faggot larper
He sure was one of the most successful ones.
Actually, you have that backwards. The Biblical Israelites were even less white than modern Jews. Modern Jews have significant white admixture from millenniums living in Europe. The Biblical Israelites (Including Jewsus) were full blown Middle Eastern shitskins.
Pre-AD 70 Jews basically looked like modern day Syrians, Saudi Arabians, Iraqis, etc.
Your thread is dogshit op
Believing the Shroud of Turin is the face of Jesus is even worse than believing the Exodus. Carbon dating has shown the Shroud of Turin to date from the 1200s.
He who? That image was made by a team of kikes, not just one.
Reminder that INRI stands for Jesus Christ, King of the Jews.
Why are LARPagans so homosexual?
choose one
No, but you are
Jesus was a Jew. Christians are Crypto-Jews.
>the jewish subversion of the European peoples was a failure because jews had to move a few times
He might be a composite of different kikes around the same time who all claimed to be the messiah.
Trick question: he never actually existed in the first place