Why is every single European country ruled by a woman?

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We are ruled by a nigger

Because every European is a woman
All the men were shipped off to America. And Australia

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Dunno. I want them all to be my personal slaves.

You should know it, Mosche.

Really oodles my noodles

ay mate

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They even sit in the corner when they go to mosque. Truly, a superior people worthy of emulation.

politicking is what women do, they're entirely collectivist




Women unintentionally destroy nations, it's in their DNA to.


America approves of this European development because we want your men demoralized as your women give your many essence to more sexually potent peoples, nations, and ideologies who want you dead. Like Niggers from Africa and Muslims from the middle east.

Euros think with their dicks too much.


Because Europe is


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We have never had a female PM yet we are still pozzed to oblivion, The answer is as always the eternal jude.

What is evil matriarchy for 10 please

It's because they are dickless.

I would like someone to make a chart of which countries have been ruled by women and whether they were right or left (and whether they are hated or liked). For example, I find it interesting the UK had two females but they were both conservatives and are hated, Canada had one female but she was a conservative who lasted four months and is hated by everyone. I mean the cuckold central of the world (Sweden) has never had an elected female leader but all sorts of places where they hate women have (Pakistan, Philippines, India, etc.)

There is an actual theory sort of in support of that. The people who went to Australia and America where VERY brave and very industrious people. They gave up the security of the state to forge there own path on life threatening frontiers in uncharted lands, and succeeded. This mentality has sort of stuck with us since then somewhat.

Aske yeee shall receive.
The Glory of this image goes to God and Jesus Christ.

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redpilled af

what percent of Sweden is non-European migrants

Are these scheduled thread events?

I must not have the latest Jow Forums schedule.

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It was probably orange man bad.

Yup, I think that's the day's Goodspeak.

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Because they're a decadent, feminized, immoral culture.

Nobody really knows, there is many illegals and official stastics are classified and or non-existent.
All i know is that it is really bad.

Europoors are pussies.


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My country is ruled by a nigger so I don't if it is worse than a women we aren't cucks that let their women rule

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That kangaroo is ripped through

Well bruh, if that's news to you, check these two out.

Congress is about to allow the USD to hyperinflate under controlled conditions to one-shot handle its currently insurmountable bond and treasury debt, and we're going to obscure it with a white on non-white global race war (hopefully now WW3) and deal with it the same way the roman empire did.

Exhibit A: youtube.com/watch?v=b4HpInQ3U1g

Exhibit B: youtube.com/watch?v=OuOcnGAv4oo

Also add countless wars in Europe shrinking the brave, strong, and courageous genes even more.

very easy to brainwash women. you just tell them that mass immigration is good or climate change alarmism is valid and only the patriarchy disagree and strong independent women all agree and you can just get them to repeat those claims without doing any research.

I mean, this is just common sense, if you were free, would you keep pumping out kids? Why would you be upset about lower birth rates? There's already too many worthless people populating the world as is. The birthrates should be even lower, the problem is that the people in economic power want to replace the low birth-rates with immigrants but logically if every place was liberated, everyone would have to find a real solution and nobody would need to immigrate anymore. Besides, religious people still pump out kids, all my religious relatives had multiple kids (some in the double digits), it's the feminists who don't have any.


they all are, thats how they normally look

women are inherently better leaders.
Smart decisions and not wanting to start wars

Most of your cabinet are women.

Because it takes a bitch to know how to run countries full of pussies.

Women don't question things and won't challenge the status quo of death by progressive liberalism. They mold themselves to whatever is "normal".

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Other than Germany, the armies of these nations are complete jokes so their defense ministers being cunts is fine.

Turns out that women are subconsciously and sexually driven to find and tame the male essence of Badassery and strength through the unapologetic asshole who makes big investments to enrich his own house, takes calculated risks, wins souls and minds to Christ (or Naziism, doesn't really matter what it is, as long as it's catching) and is the kind of man who has a bias for not talking like a tranny faggot and instead employing real assets to break ground, make plans, surmount obstacles, kill your enemies, erase their virtue signals, support your friends, acquire territories from your neighbors and make them the villain for having been conquered by you.

Modern European Society has gotten rid of all of that. And you're surprised: "Why aren't the women breeding?"

Because you Europeans aren't men anymore. You're just these tranny female shells, content with your shrinking cut of a pie.

Women are natural selection. Europeans are giving away their best selves to hostile nigger/muslim invaders, and any man who utters a discouraging word is character assassinated by your Jewish masters.

I don't know what the solution is, except to prepare, because it's going to happen on Orange Man's second term.


Not us tho.

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Many good strong men were killed in WW2 while left single mothers to raise the raped kids and create the effeminate men

About half is, two of them are absolutely destroying shit like the foreign affairs minister and the minister of social issues or whatever it is called in English.
Both of them are batshit insane.

pussy ass white boys lost control of their women

This is our new defense minister....

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Why is this so hysterical to me? Watching an autistic Danish woman attempt to tell Trump what's up? Why is it funny anons?

This is ours since 5 years ago, Being minister of defense has to be the most chill position you can hold as a minister here.

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Belgium, why would you vote for this person to be your health minister?

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shocking. another dyke. what is wrong with the west. I want out of this clown world

this timeline is such a clown world joke that I couldn't have envisioned this reality in a million years. even the 90's were still normal

It's not like they have a military or anything, why would they need male leaders?

You see user, she is obviously sucking all that junkfood off the plates right into her mouth, She seems to be doing a damn good job by the looks of it.

really. shit. what do you mean by really bad

thank god for trump

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even tho he's literally a centrist and has done nothing

found the boomer

Why does the Russian defense minister look chinese?

Well downtown in the big cities are filled with Afghan hazaris that just hang around and do nothing except for drugs espescially during working hours, My estimate is that the main cities (Göteborg, Malmö, Stockholm are between 20-30% non-white with certain areas more than others.
The rest of the country is 95-100% white however.

because Russia is the modern version of golden horde

ah good good. that's how it is here pretty much.

I was imagining it much worse for some reason

>the minister of social issues
Im sorry why what? Are you just making new cabinet positions?

most americans look like this though which is a problem

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The same reason poltards make simping "Mommy" threads every time a minimally fuckable woman gets political.

Because 2 jewish world wars killed all the men.

I saw a video of a civil war veterans parade from 1900 and everyone was fit, well-dressed, and it looked so different from modern America. quite depressing m8

Yeh i guess it is simular elsewhere, Non-whites typically don't like being anywhere outside of cities as they are urbanite by nature.
>I was imagining it much worse for some reason.
It could be, i haven't visited most cities in a while, Espescially those up in the north which barely had any shitskins last time i was up there which was close to a decade ago.

is it ok if I marry a hot Swedish waifu . im GL

Easier to sell out the citizen by using feels

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Because the world wars broke and culled all the alpha European white males. So today we are seeing the aftermath affects. Females in power, Jews, muslim hordes etc

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Social försäkringsminister, Social insurence minister, can't think of a good translation of the post.
Nah no way most look like that.
It really is, The world has degenerated into a big stinky shit that has been left out in the sun.

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actually nvm I would want my wife to be american

Cuz it's cucked.

And doubly so for Californians. They forged across a harsh 3,000 miles of wilderness in order to forge a new life panning for gold in an unsettled region. This is why Californians, Portlanders, and Seattle are even more manly than the rest of the USA

Don't make that mistake you will regret it user.
Most of them are repulsive.

there's no "hot Swedish waifu", they're feminist whores. you have a slight chance in Minnesomalia

What is the demographic composition of California? I like how you and ausfags are coping by fellating each other when Europe would have wiped you both out if we wanted to both in ww1 and 2.

I doubt that all of them are feminist

The British PM is the most English man Ive ever heard

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California is disgusting its so liberal

Except quite a lot of countries sent their trash to America. We in Norway sent the disposable people we didn't want to feed or were getting tired of keeping around

no, but it's bad. Even Danish girls are infected by this brain rot, especially if you plan to visit some city to find a girl

this and

Skim half way down and learn about the Minerval rule. This game goes all the way back. aamichael666.com/2016/11/30/what-is-the-owlminerva-rule-wikileaks-trump-clinton-libyan-civil-war-anti-us-eu-centric-pizzagate-new-world-order/

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>when Europe would have wiped you both out if we wanted to both in ww1 and 2
kek, we whooped your ass in 1776, again in 1812, I think we beat the French some other time in the 1800s but can't remember because we whoop Europe so many times, we got bored of beating up on Europe so we fought ourselves, then we kicked Europe's ass in WWI and WWII (saving your ass both times YOU'RE WELCOME).

If WE wanted to, we would have nuked your entire continent off the face of the earth.

well there's plenty of cute American girls who are conservative waifus and want to have children especially in the south or west

>done nothing

Literally infected every leftshit with TDS.
>done nothing.

They don't even have to be feminist, Most of them have been since childbirth through school, We are a totalitarian society so such ideas are forcefed from an early age, Which makes the obvious truth false in their minds.

most of them have been brainwashed since birth through school*
Fuck 4am is starting to get me lads.

You didn't do shit and if we drew our forces completely we wouldn't have destroyed you, as with what happened years later when we burnt your main house down. Don't take it personally, it's just that it was the stupid that left Europe, not the brave. You fled from persecution so hardly the best left Europe. You are just engaging in cope as our nations crumble and are doing it in a pathetic way. You just needed calling out.

Because you golems are emotional morons and you vote for people you identify yourselves with.

You dumb faggot. Europe is white motherland. The Jews tricked us into fighting ourselves. It was an orchestrated, calculated culling of white males

go to sleep. I did that the other day and felt like shit the next day

yep, most of Western Europe is liberal like New England. A significant conservative movement seems to be alive in USA unlike Europe. I think one could find truly conservative European girls in Italy or Bavaria.. yet

They dont even have cities in poclands. its adaptive.

Typically the British setup markets to facilitate the ,military.

British officers wouldnt engage in commerce, stand in lines, carry packages etc..

are you guys really re-fighting the revolution