HAHA Suck it Gillette

HAHA Suck it Gillette

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I stopped shaving my balls because of this.

listen, you will regret

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Would would have guess söy bearded faggots don't buy razors?

They could release a porn of Queen Liz 2 getting fucked by a dog while sucking off Prince Phil while he shaves her snatch with a Mach 3 and they will still never regain my business.

Seriously, I'd forgive Enron and MCIWorldcom if they did that, but Gillette is dead to me.

I shave my balls as my boyfriend likes my smooth balls.. it is a small thing to do in order to please him.

Haven't bought one Procter & Gamble product in over a year except for a tube of toothpaste I accidentally bought without first checking. Easily a couple hundred bucks they've lost out on from just me. Not much individually but it clearly adds up.


Yeah you know I appreciate it, honey.

The stubble is hell but I guess it's not too much to ask.

Gillette is terrible anyway. Once you try a proper shaving soap and a good razor you'll never overpay for a products from a company that hates your guts.

fuck gillette

B-b-but I thought P&G stock went up to fight racism?

Same, I accidentally bought some mouthwash and the only product I have left is dish soap that I still haven't run out of

12 billion? Holy shit, I knew the boycott was working but that’s fucking amazing. With those numbers they REALLY must have pissed off the normies.

but i don't have beard

Only good new I had come so far after a long time.

What a way to throw a profitable bussiness out the window, can even bet the stupid fuck responsible for it wasn't fired because it was obviously a womyn.

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bruh dem 2.99 packs of like 10 razors bruh fuck gilleieee

I went to go buy a safety razor the first time i read this article

No tienes mucho que criticar ¿Has usado Bic amarillas?

Those razors your stupid fucks make literally rip your face off. Bic pens are dope tho.

Aside from all that, which brand would you recommend?

I use La Toja soap it's from Spain. But I've heard it's a bit overpriced in some countries. For blades I use Personna, Feather or Astra. Feathers are for a date or a special event, they're too sharp and you have to be way to careful with them, but they're worth it. Personna and Astra are smooth and there's almost no risk of cutting yourself.

Does Panama get free shipping from the US? There's a shop called the Dollar Shave Club that drops a box every other month at your address with pretty good razors (not safety razors just old school machines) and soap.

Want to take a moment to reiterate a point I made yesterday, that when you're incapable of rational thought everything seems reasonably plausible.

People are the way they are because they're being mind fucked. You don't get to a pic related state, and NOT panic if you're rational. Anyone with even a small little brain can see that infection, necrosis, and death are right around the corner.

Gillette is a piece of total shit

I know, right? It fucking worked. Our boycotts almost never work, because motherfuckers don't follow through. Who knew the one product you unfuckable neckbeards could be talked out of buying was razors?

It's like learning a girlfriend cheated on you and not droping her on the spot.

I wouldn't feel like a man if I supported their fucking company.

Depends on the cargo, nearly everything has 8 USD added to cost, and that's if it weights less than 2 pounds, after 2 pounds 1 ounce you are paying like $16 for every shipment, not really worth it for most things.

Same here

>Responsibles for every Habbo raid, /b/ just tagged along
>Responsible for every ClubPenguin raid
>Responsible of memeing a literal orange into presidency
>Responsible of being the main pushers of accelerationism
>Responsible for basically bombing an ISIS base just out of weaponized autism
>Being so feared even Mossad and JDIF has to pay literal shills to keep you under control

I wouldn't say Jow Forums or /b/ are shit regarding pure and uncontrollable chaos, but saying every boycott this places comes up with doesn't work is an understatement.

Gillette fucked up not knowing that men throughout history used their razors and even passed them down.

And then, for no reason at all, Donald Trump is the fucking president.


Mach 3 blades aren’t cheap either.

Should have DILATE

I used to like their Arctic Ice deodorant but they stopped selling it years ago so I switched to Nivea because I can’t stand rexona/lynx. I use those disposable bic razors but I’ll get a new electric eventually.

Hans, grab ze Flammenwerfer

Can we destroy it?

You should hear how annoying their radio ads are, makes me want to throw my fucking phone. Scum sucking company. Go suck up to the minority of razor users so more. Jfc. They aren’t gonna get lady business pandering to fucking trannies and demonizing their customers, who are they to dictate right and wrong or accuse white men of being the latter?

Only women shave anyway.

I use scissors...

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Imagine being such a faggot you abandon a brand over a transparent marketing effort. Jesus.

It's all part of their $12,000,000,000 woke ad campaign, come on guys

an israeli company, boycottying Israel is illegal so don't do it.

>Responsible for basically bombing an ISIS base just out of weaponized autism
That single-handedly inspired me to enlist in the USAF and now I am a Geospacial Intel Analyst.

I fucking love my job. Thank you Jow Forums.

Yep, switched to house brand stuff and honestly don't even notice a quality difference. And yes, I checked to make sure they weren't manufactured by P&G.

I shave my balls because it makes getting them sucked feel exquisite

I thought that was a fucking spatchcocked chicken from the thumbnail. Goddamn.

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>The total state

Just how freaking zionized you gotta be to think that critizicing your target consumer is ever a good idea?

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Dialate harder gayboi

You must have missed it. The faggots are now their only customers. Hence the huge loss. Faggot.

Remember user, people willing do that to themselves and it's against the law to suggest they may have mental health issues that need to be addressed before even considering such surgeries.

Honk honk.

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Honestly really fucking bothered that no one has made this obvious connection.
Read, assholes.

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That's 12 billion Australian dollar you fucking cunt its 8 billions USD.

instead of apologizing they just changed tactics

fuck em' right in the appropriate hole.
>autistic pony

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P&G is a global corporation, they can suck up billions of loses without even wincing. To really destroy them, you need for "not buying anything from P&G" become a trend in general public for very many years, which is hard to do.
Still, striking them where it hurts - their wallet - is a right thing to go about this. There's saying like this: If you spit on the community, the community will wipe away. If the community spits on you, you will drown. It's time to spit back.

in an ethnically homogeneous nation, it wouldn't be "that bad", but human nature is psychopathic, greedy and ...well, evil

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>hey guys we did call you all rapists but some of you are F I R E F I G H T E R S
Well call me a rapist firefighter if they get a dime from me.

P&G stock is up.
Things are looking good.
Men are shaving less and getting their razors from online services.
Otherwise they're just getting the cheapest one at Walmart that still has more than one blade.

All they proved was that male fragility is real.

they're the apple of razors. not worth the money. try bic flex 3 hybrid or flex 5 hybrid.

I still have like another 10 or 20 sensor excells I bought back when I could get away with shaving every other day. Maybe it's just pre-China steel or something but shit lasts 5ever.

lol i stopped buying all P@G products even arm and hammer stuff which i used to really like. Good thing profits for shareholders are no longer the mission of P@G, just cultural Marxism and the destruction of the west so they shouldn't panic.

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P&G owns so much shit it's almost impossible

They proved that most people, even women, are sick of your mysandric movement for catladies

Guys I'm on my last gillete blade I need to get a replacement asap plz help what should I get?

Honestly what the fuck where they expecting with that ad?

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like $6 for a razor with 4 cartridges


it's an esoteric meme...

>Located a flag with only the sky behind it

This is the quintessential cuck.

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Gillette has always been shit. I have a Harry's razor that I use for traveling because the TSA gets shitty about double-edged ones. Sometimes they'll overlook it and other times they won't let you take them.

Otherwise when I'm at home I use my double-edge from merkur.

to destroy them you need to agitate for the state to begin lawfully detaining, imprisoning, and torturing their top executives to death.

Fusion are nice 19 bladed razors, but expensive and I don't like being insulted so fuck Gillette and their ad company.

even 5 cartridges

Yes, but at least it can bring some troubles to them or CEO.

Ah, a man without principles. What a rare find in this day and age, a real rebel.

Oy gevalt, remember the 12000000000

autistic poney on a shrimp?

riding spiritual beings through the medium of memetic autism?

i'm not FULLY immuned to propaganda, but having hardline standards and critical thinking, i have a stong defense.

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This. I'll never buy a fucking think from them ever again.

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dolla shave club my nigga
same shit less the price

>Because this makes it way more less important

It was a good brand with fairly decent products, and they are getting their assess handed to them because some womyn couldn't be professional and keep her missandry to herself.

I say it is a good thing despite this might cost a lot of workers their job.

gillette's market cap is $230 billion. i don't think they give a fuck that they lost 5%.

I really hope that we finally get a real-world example of 'get woke go broke'. It's been talked about but never really materialized.
I guess the mild failure of Star Wars Solo was hailed as one, but I think they still made money off of it - just not enough money to call it a wild success.

Amazon has them on sale constantle 40 bucks for a year and a half

Other razors suck and i dont want to buy a safety razor

Show your flag already, bitch. Your English is strange and it keeps triggering my autism.

the thing is even when it happens progs are working over time to sweep it under the carpet.
Some of the prog shills on blue boards are pretty insane in the desire to mitigate the fall out from wokeness.
They do backflips trying to justfy how companies are not making big mistakes.
Its always a full on propaganda war with the left which is just them lying through their teeth 24/7

Who would have thought pushing away 99% of your consumer base would be bad for business. Welp.

>The feminist ghostbusters
>The woke marvel comics no one wanted to buy and had to be canceled
>Telltales games shuting down after they went woke
>Hillary Clinton losing the election
You chose the weakest example as the only example. Now i just need to know if i should call you a libtard, a commie, a landwhale or a P&G damage control shill.

Jow Forums gold rite here folks!

my english you're reading is according to how i think it, rather than speak it.

if it throws you off, you must start off from the basics.

what is the foundation of speech?
is speech first or thought?
if speech, what would you say?
if thought, how would you express it?
is thought through sound, emotion, sensations (heat/cold) or images.
are the images super imposed or in a sequence, what of the sounds? are they all at once, or like a melody? what of emotions? are they an explosion, or do they rise and fall transitioning from one emotion to another?

but what if they are all scattered? what if one state is detached from another? can a coherent thought be formed? what about expressing it?

if my speech is odd to you, you must ask yourself why?

here's my flag fren, and i hope we can both learn well from each other.

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You're okay fag! Thanks for the KEK

lol I'm an NLP guy who writes software for the government to spy on people like you

Yep same here. Used to buy Dawn dish soap made by them too. Nit any more.. They can suck my toxic balls.

as a fellow ESL you must be a nigger

lel all this faggotry just to try to hide that you come from Mexico and is still learning english.

Imagine being so filled with söy that you live out the "just consume" meme even with products as mundane as toiletries.

This is true. I used to buy them because they were cheap and better than a bic razor. But i always liked Shick better. A bit more money but now im using Shick. Fuck p&g

this nigga could fly away at any moment dumbo style


neuro linguistic programmer?
good luck

i was born and raised in the US, i do speak two languages, though enlish is my stronger, spanish is my first (spent my "formative years" *1-6* in mexico). Parents are a spanishxjew(blood not language wise) and spanishxitalian(blood not language wise).

so through my spanish blood and language my grammer from than bled over to english as i was growing up. so i'm whiter than through my spanish and italian blood, but i have jewish intelect and looks (7-8/10 looks)

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