What do you think German soldiers would have thought in WW2 if they knew they were dying for a transexual individual?

What do you think German soldiers would have thought in WW2 if they knew they were dying for a transexual individual?

Attached: hitler gay.jpg (773x708, 146K)

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how do you do Mr. Jew

Attached: 927748be190bf12ec2bc41dbbd63515786c091d4ea07b055956270f20b1de859.jpg (700x609, 225K)

Why do you want us to trust everything the Jewish owned and controlled media says, kike?

So gays and trannys areiterally Hitler

Hey check out Hitler's huge cock swinging around in this clip. Its thick and 8inches and its not even hard, looks totally flaccid by how it flops around.

Attached: 1556819770663.gif (308x192, 784K)

>Hitler was gay
>Hitler was promiscuous
>Hitler was a drug addict
>Hitler was atheist
What else was Hitler?

So transsexuals are bad now, if Hitler was one, right?

Practiced incest and made his neice pee and poop on him

The last hope for Europe.

>What else was Hitler?
Adolf Hitler Had a Bizarre Sexual Fetish...and it is Truly Disgusting

Adolf Hitler, the Carpet Eater (Teppichfresser)

Has Hitler a Mother Complex?

High Hitler: Nazi Leader was a Meth Addict, Says New Documentary

Hitler 'Had Tiny Deformed Penis' as Well as Just One Testicle, Historians Claim

Hitler Performed a Sex Act in a Cinema as He Watched a Violent Film About Austrians Killing French Troops

Hitler was Gay, Took Female Hormones - Paul Bedard

How Mad was Hitler? - Stephen A. Diamond

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - William Bigelow

Springtime for Hitler, in Love With His Niece - Michiko Kakutani

Study Suggests Adolf Hitler Had Jewish and African Ancestors - Jennie Cohen

We Were Right All Along: Hitler Really Did Have Only One Ball - George Harrison

One ball
Secretly Jewish
Neat freak
Had 13 toes
Liked to sniff paint

He blitzkrieged Eve Brown until she was cross-eyed.

Had the jew jerkoff machine installed under his desk.

You basically linked a bunch of Jewish lies?

That’s the point nigger cattle retard

>You basically linked a bunch of Jewish lies?
I wanted a list of all the ridiculous claims the Jews have made about Hitler to show the level of vilification they have for him.

Anyone the Jews want to lie about that badly can't be all that bad.

Imagine BTFOing the kikes so hard that they're still furiously cranking out propaganda like this eighty years later. He was the greatest man of the 20th century.

Attached: 1506251976422.jpg (1396x1080, 155K)

>Hilter used amphetamines
>Hitler was crazy
>Hitler was gay
>Hitler was trans
>Hitler was femme
>Hitler was a furry
It never ends does it?

>It never ends does it?
It will never end until Whites rise up and stop it.

When they're finally held accountable for their words and actions they'll cease. But they'll eternally test the boundaries of what they can get away with.

they always do this.

push the skinheads are gay
push that hilter was gay

its all a psy-op to turn people off it.

It's the same reason why when you see a documentary on the history channel about Hitler, you always see his speeches but you never hear what he's saying.

Because if you did, you'd agree with him.

Literally all jewish sources, try again satan

>Literally all jewish sources, try again satan
I never said I agreed with them. I just posted them because of how many ridiculous claims there are about Hitler.

> Jews claim they were successfully BTFOd and mass murdered by a gay tranny

> ha ha ha goyim btfo r-right?


Attached: EBTnm0MWkAA2FaW.png (354x275, 178K)

Churchill also looks ftm so you could ask the Brits the same question

They wouldn't care, because a large portion of the members of the S.S were actually cross dressing faggot pimps during the Weimar Republic.
A little part of history a lot of people have forgot.
It's why it is so easy to find pictures of Nazis in womans clothing. They used to do it unironically before the National Socialist revolution.

I like it when they claim Hitler was a Jew.

So they're essentially saying the "worst person in human history" was a Jew.

>They wouldn't care, because a large portion of the members of the S.S were actually cross dressing faggot pimps during the Weimar Republic.
Yes, because the (((media))) says so.

I thought Hitler wanted to fuck his niece?

Isn't it amazing, all this information we never knew about Hitler until 80 years after his death thanks to Jewish news sources?

>I thought Hitler wanted to fuck his niece?
Who told you that?

>Isn't it amazing, all this information we never knew about Hitler until 80 years after his death thanks to Jewish news sources?
Because we can totally trust the people who believe Hitler was their greatest enemy, right?

They've been so truthful with us so far...

There's shit tons of evidence for this if you ever opened up a history book you fucking nonce.
You can't prove me wrong.
I can prove me right if you really want.

All you can do is try to save your world view.

Attached: crossdressingnazis.jpg (780x585, 75K)

It's just another ridiculous Jewish lie. Search for it if you're interested.

Cross dressing for a joke is a lot different than dressing up like a woman and demanding you be treated like one, obviously.

>There's shit tons of evidence for this if you ever opened up a history book
You mean the books written by Jews and written by people who'd lose their job if they questioned, criticized, disagreed with or denied the Jewish narrative of history?

>I can prove me right if you really want.
You can't prove yourself correct because you don't have any evidence.

The anti-White faggot thinks that people jokingly dressing up in drag in the 30s and 40s equates to transsexualism.

I never said they weren't joking in these pictures.

I did say they weren't joking during the peak degeneracy of the Weimar Republic.
Seriously open up a history book sometime.
You might actually learn something about how humans work.
They can go from one extreme to another very easily.
The (((media))) actually doesn't banner post this shit for a reason. You'd think they would if they could. They don't, because they realize that the generation of degeneracy bound zoomers could actually change their path if they realized there was another way.

This should be good news to National Socialists. It should show you people that if the fucking faggot pimps from the Weimar Republic could become members of the fucking S.S there's hope for our world.
You people are too fucking stupid to connect those dots though so I will stop thinking for you.

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Reminder that the Nazis burned the books of (((Magnus Hirschfeld))), the first homosexual and transexual rights advocate.

>Every book written on Weimar degeneracy is Jewish propaganda.

How fucking stupid of a human being you are.
You aren't mature enough to deal with the information on this website.

Attached: 1534178755901.png (1430x1000, 1.96M)

They would think back to the great sage fields back home. Oh, and laugh at the Jews calling Hitler a faggot.

>Reminder that the Nazis burned the books of (((Magnus Hirschfeld))), the first homosexual and transexual rights advocate.
Yeah, they burned Jewish literature, porn and Communist literature.
Nothing wrong with that.

>>Every book written on Weimar degeneracy is Jewish propaganda.
Every mainstream book vilifying the NSDAP, Hitler and National Socialism is a lie.

You might as well watch the history channel for your information on WW2.

>The left loves faggots
>Calling the S.S faggots is propaganda

What a sad existence of cognitive dissonance you have found yourself in.
Please learn what logic, and reason are, then learn how to use them to find truth.

So the story goes.. but it's probable that it's Jewish slander. Jewish propaganda is notoriously rife with projection and Incest within Jewish communities is indeed all too common. I know for a fact that he was affected by Verena Wagner ..
>Many people affirm that Hitler would gladly marry the granddaughter of Richard Wagner, twenty-year-old, vivacious Verena Wagner, who is a frequent visitor and vacation guest at his mountain snuggery, were he not opposed in principle to marriages between persons of such unequal ages. She has the reputation of being his most outspoken critic, telling him in unflattering words simple truths that no Cabinet member would dare utter.

Attached: Verena-hitler.jpg (373x267, 19K)

>>The left loves faggots
National Socialism is neither left nor right and National Socialism does not love faggots.

>>Calling the S.S faggots is propaganda
Yes, it is. It's attempting to vilify the SS and make them out to be degenerate hypocrites.
Because the Jew says so of course.

>What a sad existence of cognitive dissonance you have found yourself in.
Hey, you're the anti-White race traitor.

>They can go from one extreme to another very easily.
>The (((media))) actually doesn't banner post this shit for a reason. You'd think they would if they could. They don't, because they realize that the generation of degeneracy bound zoomers could actually change their path if they realized there was another way.
You're very much right. The only thing you have to know is how to flip these people.

Notice how this comment remains completely untouched

While this idiot is going full hamhawk.

>The only thing you have to know is how to flip these people.

I got nonces like these I have to deal with That are completely haulting that progress though. They want to split hairs, and save their fragile fucking egos from their world view shattering more than they actually want to make a change.

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Imagine jews being blown the fuck out so completely by a single person that 80 years later they're telling lies about a dead man in an attempt to dissuade his potential followers and failing miserably

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Fake and Gay

Yes, it's tiresome. Remain patient and keep posting truths. 'member that some of these posters are paid to tire you out with their benign comments. Others are just stupid and need to be educated. What matters is that these posters don't rile you up because they are either playing stupid or really are stupid.

Meanwhile find the real posters and have your discussions with them.

Honestly, I could see Hitler being gay.
>Has a flare for the dramatic
>Was always around other men
>Was close to Ernst Rohm
He did have Eva Braun, but it's not like gay men don't use women to cover up their gayness, especially men in positions of power. He knew he would never be respected if the public knew he was gay.

Cheers, Nederbro

Attached: tingtingting.jpg (249x249, 41K)

To some he was
Ein Neger

Jewish lies


That's what I got from this.

Honestly, this hurts them either way. Even if normies choose to believe all that is true, all it does is show that gays, trannies, atheists, drug addicts and the promiscuous are all mentally ill and should be kept out of positions of power.

So what you're saying is the international Jew came together to oppress xer? How bigoted! We need to let people know the Jew isn't the friend of non binary xims.