What's your definition of the racial category, "White"

What's your definition of the racial category, "White".

Attached: wypipologist-2.jpg (860x484, 66K)

Everyone I don't like.

Not a kike, shitskin, beaner, chink, or janny


White is a scam it's not even real it's just a globalists tool for pushing ethnocentrism to the weak minded

Attached: 4754660734158.png (900x900, 260K)

Agree with me = white
Disagree with me = generic flag stereotype

North Western European

I don't have to define white. The left defined "Person of Color" as "nonwhite." Ask them what white means. They must know, or else whites would be POC.

I think most of Jow Forums will agree with this assessment

Attached: whitecountries.jpg (1280x1024, 951K)

Yeah, sure.

I'm half Med, half nord.

Perhaps make two definitions:
- White-Europeans
- Olive-Europeans

In all seriousness this is probably an accurate white map. I'd include Anatolia and the Levant but we'd need some kebab removal. I know Turks who are whiter than the average Portuguese person.

Attached: whitecountries.png (1280x1024, 208K)


Retarded. The current borders of Europe are white.

You are full regular white.


>I know Turks who are whiter than the average Portuguese person.
Only if their genetics are European. Otherwise it doesn’t matter how pale they are.

Well, yeah.
It would take some re-conquering. Anatolia is definitely ours - and South Italy is still European (there's not the level of non-european admixture down there like people say - Italians are their own tribe, but there's just 3 broad distinctions among them).

Might as well make all of North Africa European again - could use it for a big ass wall and live target practice on the invaders.

Some might be Circassians who didn't mix with others - others might be descendants of European slaves, sometimes there's just the odd one out who looks "European".

Native European. I know it when I see it.

If they are of pure European descent but living in Turkey, then they are white. Otherwise they are mutts.

>What's your definition of the racial category, "White".
In USA, west european.
That´s the only place 'white' applies.
In france it is called ethnic french, in germany it´s ethnic german, in poland it´s ethnic pole etc.

What 'white' meant in usa was european. Not anyone with a light complexion, because guess what, other people than europeans can also have light complexion such as arabs, quite a few orientals and quite a few other ethnic groups.

So is Anzu white?

Attached: 13124325545.jpg (900x900, 89K)

Yes. They need to be saved. Turkey is a disgrace.

If she’s 100% European, yes. Otherwise mutt.