Is it true that white women in the U.S prefer black men over white men?

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Imagine being an intellectually worthless vapid whore whose primary existence revolves around sex with black dudes

>Publicly labeling themselves as damaged good

Yes, but why would you want a roastie toastie in the first place?

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Is it true that Asian guys from Reddit are usually the ones behind these threads ?

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White female user here. No it's not true, it's just a retarded trendy thing to get credit (I'm French sorry if that doesnt make sense.) I talked to a girl and she said she only dates non white guys because it looks cooler. Like people purposely get into interracial relationships not for love but simply because the person is a different race. In my experience they don't last nearly as long.

Their primary existence revolves around cocaine and heroin, which they obtain by whoring themselves to niggers or dogs, depending on what their (((dealer))) commands.

No, it's a meme.

Black men get the kind of women that would post publicly about it like in your picture. Others (the ones that are worth the time of a white man) are actually closet racists because they are afraid of being raped/robbed/killed when walking around cities.


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nope, it's a psyop lie.

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>Is it true that Asian guys from Reddit are usually the ones behind these threads ?
Yep, not only do these pathetic asian insectoids get cucked by BWC everyday, they also have to larp as a nigger online. What a pathetic bunch of small dicked asian faggots. No wonder no women want them.

Dont drop the girl card, thats gay

Any dude with any self confidence knows being white is a leg up for anything with quality, regardless of race. Let the spergs self destruct in their personal hell.

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I remember (some months back) that anons here had uncovered the identity of some Zipper-head rice-nigger who was spamming countless 'white-chick/nigger-dick threads here on a daily basis for months.
They retaliated by Posting a thread exposing this faggot's identity everytime one of these threads popped up......and all of a sudden, those stupid threads stopped plaguing this board.
The Rice-nigger responsible had a vendetta against white boys because his rice-nigger GF cheated on him with some white dudes with porno-sized cocks.
Maybe that same faggot is back spamming shit that belongs on the /adult/ section.
But other shills use that crap to slide threads that get to the truth of how Evil the Elites truly are.

This bullshit does NOT belong in the Jow Forums section you dickless semen-slurping scrotum-biting faggot

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size queens are chasing after feelings from their childhoods, in which they were raped by adult men with average size penises. those aren't average girls you see doing this shit, it's victims of satanic abuse and sex trafficking that have essentially been MKULTRA'd. normal girls have normal size vaginas and seek normal size partners. that's what normal is, and always will be, despite the screechings of the mentally deranged left.

OP is a faggot that was also raped in his childhood by his local rabbi.

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

Absolutely not.

>Outing yourself this badly as a shill.


This is truth even in brazil you know nigga this is truth everywhere

R2 Cain
>Curse of Ham
>Repatriated Kikes
>Sickle Cell (Matt. 15:22)
>Inbred Mosquitoes (Gen. 1:24, Matt. 15:26-7)

XX Cunt
>Submissive Sex (1 Cor. 14:34-5, 1 Tim. 2:11-4)
>Daddy Issues (Gen. 19:8)
>Stupid Bitch (Num. 30:3-16)
>Lustful Whores (Lev. 21:14-5, Tob. 4:12-3, Gal. 5:16-9, Eph. 5:3, 1 Thess. 4:3-5, Heb. 12:16; 13:4)

degenerate, degrading, demonic, demoralizing, depressing, despicable, detestable, diabolical, disgusting, disparaging, dumb public suicide nigger cuck faggot
treacherous niggered fuckee trash burns petrified sage in hell

discriminate the nappy niggers
>Ex. 23:29, Matt. 7:6
boycott the destitute niggers
>Lev. 26:22

enforce the anti-nigger laws
>Lev. 19:19, Deut. 7:1-4; 22:9-11, 2 Chr. 22, Ezek. 44:22, Matt. 5:17-9, Rom. 13:12-4
niggers, jail them all
>Ex. 21:20-1, Luke 12:42-8, 2 Cor. 6:14-7

deport the diseased niggers back to aidsfrica
>1 Kgs. 8:53, Neh. 13:3, Matt. 25:32, Rev. 5:9; 7:9; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15; 21:24; 22:2
reinstitute apartheid for the hideous niggers
>Gen. 16; 24:3-8; 26:34-5; 27:46; 28:1-2; 28:6-9, Ex. 11:7; 33:16; 34:10-6, Lev. 20:22-6, Josh. 23:5-16, Judg. 3:5-8, Ezra 9; 10:2-19, Neh. 9:2; 10:28-31, Mal. 2:10-2, Matt. 10:34, 1 Cor. 5:9-13

re-enslave the lazy niggers
>Gen. 9:22-7; 10:6-20; 28:1-2; 34, Ex. 21:2-8, Lev. 25:44-6, Eph. 6:5-8, Col. 3:22
penectomize and neuter the retarded niggers
>Deut. 15:17

bomb and shoot up niggered blacked
>Ex. 22:19, Num. 25, Deut. 22:20-1; 23:17-8, Ps. 106:26-43, Prov. 6:24-35, Rom. 1:21-32, 1 Cor. 6:9-20
Holocaust 2: Satanic Niggaboo, X Y DNA genocide edition
>Gen. 7:21-3; 19:24-9, Num. 12, Deut. 23:2-8, 1 Kgs. 11:1-13, 31-9; 16:30-3; 21:17-29, Neh. 13:23-31, Jer. 2:5-37; 13:15-27, Ezek. 16, Dan. 2:43-4, Hos. 5:3-7; 6:7-10; 7; 10:2-12, Jonah 3:7-9, 1 Cor. 10:5-12, 2 Pet. 2:4-19, Jude 1:4-18, Rev. 2:14, 20-3
>Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning, Adulterers (film), The President's Keepers, District 9, The Route, Stories of Our Lives

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Certainly over you Asian boi.

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I'll love it if all the thots in this assembled macro could be tracked down in 15 years time and see what has happened to them since.

Today in Downtown Toronto, saw fat white girls with black men.

>I talked to a girl and she said she only dates non white guys because it looks cooler.

Try an East Asian, I'm against race mixing (I'm a Chinese women, don't steal our men please), but I rather us fellow humans experiment with each other than give African Bantus any ideas. Just use condoms and then marry someone of your own background. Actually, I would prefer it and HIS MOM would prefer it if there was No Sex. Lots of East Asian guys would just like to hold hands and go on dates, there, you get to look diverse without running up the notch count!

I mean OH MY GOD. I was downtown Toronto today, and I saw a Chinese guy with a BLACK GIRL! She was rather light skinned, skinny and cute looking, but that's just wrong, so much baggage, I also know 50% of black girls have aids and hpv. Chinese should be dating Chinese, I get annoyed by the asian guy white girl push of late, but urgh, what I saw today, I rather he was dating a white girl.

I actually saw an east asian guy with two mixed kids today on the train, they had orangey blonde hair and hazel eyes, pretty, they are going to grow up confused. Own Background is best, but Eurasian is much better than x anythihng black.

Everyone should stay within their own l, most WW don’t find Asian guys or non-whites attractive.

> tf

No wonder all the incels in this country are either Asian guys or Indian guys they get zero play what so ever

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I saw two asian guys that got some, the one wakling with the black girl (I'm hoping that they didn't have sex), and the one with hapa children, meaning he married a white girl. Usually see lots of asian guy with asian girl couples when school has just been let out.

My girl cousins both married Chinese guys. My brother dates a lot of white girls but that's because he's surrounded by them...and Chinese girl reminds him of bossy sister and mom...hoping he'll grow out of it soon. He's using condoms at least.

>Everyone should stay within their ow

Also, if you are white, please have more children. Almost all the best customer service I got from Pizza Pizza up to medical professionals are from white people. My fellow East Asians can be professionals but kinda curt, and just generally less forgiving and generous.

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asian guys go for white girls because they are frustrated that white guys go for asian girls (or that asian girls are into white guys). the insecurity about whites stealing their women is strong and it's not reallywithout merit.

I am in BC and the way asian women act around me kind of does make me LOL. I'm in my 30's so am a bit older but the asians here act like sex tourists.

Here's an example: chat some shit to a japanese woman on the street. says she is in the city for a conference. chat for about 5 minutes and she asks if she can give me a hug. Give her a hug like when a teen girl meets a rockstar. Offer to walk her to her hotel. We get to the hotel and she asks to hug me again. so we stand there embracing for a couple of minutes and then i say "lets see what your hotel room looks like"... and that was that. This kind of thing happens ALL the time so i get why the asian men would be frustrated.

Somebody needs to fuck the obese hippos.

I wonder if they have a bad relationship with their dads or aren't grounded in their culture?

I'm sexually attracted to my fellow East Asians, I like pretty boys with pale skin and straight black hair...that said, even though I'm Chinese, I'm thirsty for pretty Korean boys or cute Japanese boys -- but I would never actually date and marry one, just look. I want someone I could share my culture with, someone who would get me when I use a Chinese idiom, someone I could raise a future child with. I would ultimately be happier with a swarthy farmer from the interior as long as he gets the history stuff.

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google image search

>Possible related search: ugly jewish kid


it's definitely transitioning that way for many white women.

Only the infertile or std ridden females like blacks. Blacks will settle for whatever.

Ave true to Caesar

>Blacks will settle for whatever.
I was in Chinatown several months ago and there was a disgusting coon there calling out to EVERY east asian female that passed by, from girl child up to old woman, in mangled greetings Cantonese, Mandarin, and Japanese. I wished and prayed then for some yakuza or triad to show up, but alas.

Of course not. It's a fetish.
Do you think the vast majority of people are footfags, or ass lickers, or into bestiality

i feel like part of it is that i am around asians so much that i am comfortable around them, understand them, and know how to not come off as some sort of autist.

I'm older, bearded, and kind of what gays call a "bear" - so well past youthful handsomness but the women seem to just go nuts when i talk to them. 18 year old college girls up to women in their late 40's all respond well to me. Last week i picked up a chinese-peruvian in the street and fucked her the same day - she was vacationing. Said she runs a chain of chinese restaurants with her parents back in Peru. Was good looking and seemed a higher class than the chinese that i live around in my city - so upper middle class - i'm guessing 21 or 22. Seemed very normal.

i think i am just relateable to them because i know exactly what asians are like and am non-threatening. i dress well, am okay looking, and am reasonably charasmatic so who knows.

Chinese, japanese, and koreans seem to love me (including locals) and i can pick them up pretty much any time i am out running errands. When i was younger they would stare at me while putting on makeup when i was going to and from work on the bus. Latinas, Jewesses and Indians like me. Indians are a bit less obvious about it.

Filipinas and blacks hate me and wont even make eye contact.

I also speak decent chinese from studying with a tutor and hearing it all day at work, so there just isn't really a cultural barrier when dealing with chinese women. I dont know any korean or japanese but i just get the sense when i am around them that for whatever reason they just seem to be instinctively comfortable around me.

I have an insane autism for current events, politics, history, and have a pretty deep understanding of asian affairs. maybe that is part of why they are comfortbale around me.

The funny thing is that when i moved out here the women hated me and for years i couldnt connect with them at all and it took years to understand them.

Generally no. But they are thots.

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Credit score and bank pin or GTFO

This also those pics are non English speaking Eastern European girls. Some kike in occupied Palestine tricked them by telling them it meant stop racism so that (((they))) could post the pics as pure kike race mixing propaganda just like OP is using them for. Remember what kikes actually think of niggers.

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look at their empty gazes, these girls are dead inside user, probably touched by Daddy past an age they can still remember

i think asian guys here in BC seem to like indians. I saw a group of maybe highschool maybe college age youngersters. 4 guys and 4 girls and the guys were all east asian and the girls were all indian. to me it was very strange.

only worthless bitches that will have slave children for the elite

an elite that has no future

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