Probably one of his best videos

Probably one of his best videos.

>tradition was top tier men get top tier women early in marriage then average men would get average women
>now average men get rejected by everyone because top tier men sleep around with no consequences
>average women enforced the patriarchy by promoting the top tier men and leaving the others behind

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Other urls found in this thread:

I disagree in the past men got top tier women of their class. Even women married down. These are facts some people ignore.

That's so broad a statement that it's unfalsifiable

The alpha males aren't causing the problem, and they get fucked over almost as hard because they still aren't immune to being ruined by a woman once they settle down. Everyone is hurt by the sexual revolution.

Quit complaining and get abs.

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"Abs" shouldn't get you any more women than an expensive car or a nice suit.
Our ancestors were all (more or less) happily married with one wife and multiple children, no matter how they looked or how intelligent they were.

We're the first generation where it's no longer a given. Modern society is the problem, not the abstract "quality" of men.

so a regurgitated a Jow Forums thread in video form is his masterpiece? YIKES..

What do you expect from grifters

Its pretty sad how far behind he is on the times. This was a fucking pre-Trump redpill Molymeme, catch the fuck up.

Decadent societies wane and collapse, supplanted by well-disciplined ones.

Ancestors being happily married is a total fucking Easter Bunny level myth. Women have always been insufferable nags and men were often desperate for a way out. I personally think men were the true winners of the sexual revolution, aside from losing offspring rights. Don't let a minority of incel neets try to dissuade you from taking advantage of it.

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This. Even if you are an incel, you don't want to go back to forced monogamy. All that'll get you is being married to a disgusting cheating hag.

This. Incel neets are pathetic. They have vidyas and the Internet but they fell for the 3DPD meme so they still get butthurt. Neets with 2D waifus are the actual winners of the industrial revolution, the sexual revolution and the digital revolution as well as being the master race.

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>mfw 6'4, ripped and good face
Cya incels

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Exactly right. Incels personal issues don't magically vanish in a forced monogamous society, they just multiply when you throw a shrieking harpy and screaming kids on top, bleeding them dry. Can't manage life now yet think they'd somehow be stellar with 10x the stress and responsibilities. Pure fucking fantasy.

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>I was a good-looking, charismatic, charming, british accented fellow.

love you, stefan.

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>bump good video

incels are just a social construct

>aside from losing offspring rights
That’s a MAJOR problem. The future of all humanity is lost to selfishness, fanatical narcissism, materialism, and selection for greed, destruction, and unmitigated ego.

The world is literally burning right now for the needs of the world-become-female.

People will be too brainwashed to understand what’s wrong, but somewhere inside themselves they will want the patriarchy back. The worst and most destructive wars (for empire and nonsensical monarchical alliances) were un-masculine, waged for the sake of female comforts and safety.

Femininity is a meme. Masculinity is the cure. We invented the “fairness” of the female. On their own, they are more brutish, base, and destructive to themselves and their environments than anything a man could contrive.

For the love of humanity, the earth, and all that is green and good in the world, it must be stopped.

Shit argument. NEETs exist because they do not see a path forward and do not see anything worth putting effort toward. "10 times the stress" is actually therapeutic. But "10 times the stress" is something a waffley, middle of the road hedonist might worry about.

t literal former neet

absolute chad jawline

You have poisoned our civilization
and we will take it back,
even if we have to oven every last one of you!

its true. i am a 32 year old neet living at home with my mother and i cant even keep women in the late 30's with no kids interested in me.
when you think about it, a 38 year old woman with a shit job and no kids SHOULD be my level. seeing as though i am still able to give someone kids. but no, she will wait for "something better". oh well. this is how the white race ends i suppose.

>I was never an incel quite the contrary, but I used to play DD and look at these people... the alphas, like me, but I don't do that, they use incel as a slur and that leads to a lot of bad things, here's a list of bad things: blah blah blaaaaaaahhh
Catering to the incel audience.

Clear reasoning and communication.

show white power vegine

Are you for real? You're not on any woman's level if you don't have income at 32. You shouldn't even be thinking of dating right now. Get a job or get a waifu senpai.


Yea but families had many kids so they had to.

show mexican grape picker vegine

Welfare is great for keeping you alive more or less but it's not good enough to get you a wife and start a family if you're a man.

show poverty stricken vegine

yeah i know but being a 38 year old wageslave woman isnt ideal either

Cringe, yikes, and betapilled.

based this is one of the few red pills pol wont accept, if youre ugly as fuck you aint gonna fuck

Better than you for fuck's sake.
Doesn't even matter what she does, women have value just for being women.
Men have no inherent value. None whatsoever. They are only what they can provide.

Hypergamy and ((("""feminism"""))) creating the so-called patriarchy that women bitch about is an obvious point that had never occurred to me. You'll never get the guys benefiting from that setup on board with any of this, though, so nothing will change. All you can do is redpill potential beta orbiters/providers, and I would say there's been a lot of that over the past few years judging by Twitter/Youtube comments.

Ugly dudes fuck all the time. I've seen fat dudes with 5/10 faces with girlfriends all my life. You're just not that likeable.

we have value of semen

Do you realize how easy it is for women to get semen? Are you fucking retarded?

>if you're not in the very top 10-20% of males you ain't gonna fuck
FTFY. For a man, there is absolutely no difference in being average and being ugly: both cause total irrelevance. In fact, being ugly due to physical deformations might actually be slightly better since it will at least get you some pity points for being exploited by virtue signalling whores.

The math doesn't work out brah

change "men" into "upper class men" and you are correct

modern reddit type men are 1-2 level attractive level maybe it was vaccines but some dudes are fucked up

All the data on this shows that women marry across and up on socioeconomic measures, and that's a quality that's cross cultural, it's basically universal. So it's nothing to do with culture or society, it's biological, it's hypergamy. And it basically means that women in general when given the opportunity will tend to trade up, and it was things like marriage that kept that in check, until the laws changed and divorce because easy and also landed women with a payout.

>aside from losing the most important thing in life and literally the purpose of existence, it's great!
You're a fucking retard

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He also said he was tall. The cancer must have shrunk him.

It isn't necessary a women thing. Men hit up on women they see they have control over, which usually means they hit up women a little lower on the socioeconomic status.

Must be tough in Poland. What do you guys do? Hit on Romanians?

You literally just proved his point. Men date down, women date up.

Women are more easily brainwashed by media and pop music. So they think acting like a stupid hoe is acceptable. It goes further than that. They're animals who cant control themselves. Muslims are the only people who seem to understand how to manage women. Indians seem to get it as well. They're not supposed to be given complete free will and autonomy. They're animals.

Thanks kikes.

Well yes, it's a dynamic that exists between men and women and so the behaviour of women effect the decision making of men, and vice versa. Men tend to date down because trying to date up basically doesn't work for them, and rejection by women is generally not pleasant, so it's not something men are generally going to subject themselves to.

It's funny though because it cuts both ways. Women are the gatekeepers for sex because fertility is their core value and men generally have to work to earn access to that. When it comes to commitment that's the value that men have, being a provider and protector while women are having babies. And so men hold the key to commitment, they're the ones who ask to marry (or not) and they're the ones that decide to keep the relationship going long term, and the women risk wasting their fertile years on men who eventually dump them, meaning they have to start the whole process all over again. Where as men can have kids at almost any age.

So we both have our own power, something we're in control of. Except that women gave up all of that in favour of winning over high status men by being loose. Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free. So it's great for the high status males in the top 10% of the population but bad for everyone else, bad for most women and bad for the 90% of the rest of the males. It's a huge cultural mistake driven by things like progressivism and feminism and stands to fall apart within a few generations. If nothing else because the tradcons will simply outbreed everyone else. These liberals do not have birth rates that are above replacement rate, so they're a shrinking population. This is why they have to recruit in schools with feminism studies and why they go after children.

Nah, he's not magically transformed into an ambitious and productive chad of society. Give me a fucking break. Just shifting the problem. He himself is the problem. He's still the same loser, he just goes from an incel in a basement to a literal cuck wageslave who has a wife and kids that hate him, gets skipped over for promotions, second mortgages his shitty house, and blows his brains out sucking off a shotgun in front of a McDonald's on the start of his 5th year without a vacation and his 7th year without "getting" to fuck his own wife.

He was no Chad, pure delusion. Max he was 4/10, but back then even a 4/10 could get a girlfriend.

The point was that frameing it as a "woman thing" isn't entirely accurate.

People here yell about hypergamy being some sort of an intrinsic female attribute, when it takes two to tango. Men can't act "confident" and "be themselves" in presence of equals - you have to be guarded in that situation.

I hope you don't breed.

You like to put you head on the dort to avoid te harshness of nature dont you.

It is a woman thing.
It's not that men wouldn't want to date up, it's that most women are not interested in that.
So it's necessarily going to be rare no matter what men would want. The only ones who could change that is women, but in the large scale it's never going to spontaneously happen. It never did in nature, and it never did in society without some degree of social engineering to make it happen.

Have someone punched you? You're slurring your speech and make no sense.

>For a man, there is absolutely no difference in being average and being ugly: both cause total irrelevance.

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In nature, apes and monkeys have sex with lower status males, but secretly - to not rustle the alpha male

The same thing happens in Brazil.


Sounds like you're an incel looking for cope from the Molymeme.
>"lol btw did i mention i was quite the good looking, charismatic stud back in the day?"
I've never seen anyone up his own has more than Molymeme.

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It's women who get fucked over the most by the sexual revolution. First of all the barrier of entry for being an attractive man has never in history been lower. If you're not grossly overweight, decently groomed and wear good fitting clothes you're already more attractive than 90% of modern men.

For a man who only wants sex the game has never been easier as long as he puts in the minimum amount of effort. It's women who are stupid and get pumped and dumped endlessly and end up poor, unwanted, childless and without a family at 40.

A man can fuck around until 50 if he wants and then start a family.

You haven't seen Vox Day then.

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>muh bonobos
Are you seriously going to argue that it's not generally the stronger males that reproduce?
You guys aren't serious.

>starting a family at old age and dying when or being to old to spend time with your children past teen years.

Youre not very deep.

Also this is the first time in history where men who want to learn about the reality of the sexual game can do so, without societal bluepills clouding their judgement.

Basically what in the past only natural alphas understood, now any old beta can learn and fake it till he makes it.

Just the autism that ruins the package?

look its stefan moneyjew trying to get back into the grift running low on frustrated male losers who now rather run to Peterstein to watch Disney Movies.

cool change of topic brah

dont worry, with the aging population, his welfare is goign bye bye in the near future.
Him and all the dole bludgers will be starved out of society.

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I'm not saying you should do that, I'm just pointing out that men have it better. At least they have the option of starting a family, even late. Blaming women is pointless. Women never have any power. They're just being brainwashed and used by disruptive (((forces))). Women will always just follow what the societal trend is.

>never in history been lower
>90% of men don't qualify

>not in severe rationalization-based cognitive dissonance

It's impossible for women to marry down. The only criteria women have for determining their "tier" is physical. Women have no natural or even dependable character, philosophies, skills or talents.
The quality of a man is a 3-dimensional spider web of traits on a spectrum and how he uses those traits. Every single time a man enters a relationship he is compromising and dating down.

its really interesting when you start looking into the data.
"Evil" Men are almost always more moral and reasonable on all accounts.
fuck what jews have done to our once grand civilization.

Second best 3D Asuka desu.

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People like you are most susceptible to female manipulation because you never expect it coming.

Stop being blinded by online hookup culture. It has nothing to do with the reality of dating. Of course online hookups are hard cause you're competing with a literal infinite number of men. You're basically trying to play at NBA level when you try to hook up online, obviously only the best will succeed there. But you can go outside to your local community and meet women in person and then you won't have to compete with 10000 other men.

yeah thats why his mother threw him out of the house when he was 15 because he was such a good looking and charismatic stud back in the day lol

didn't his wife lose her psycho therapist loisense over his bullshit philosophy concepts?

A guy like this from a broken home turning everything to shit he touches hes not in any position to give relationship advices to anyone.

stop larping, muhammed

I dare you to say the same after comparing gay culture and lesbo culture.

>But you can go outside to your local community and meet women in person and then you won't have to compete with 10000 other men

Ahahahahahaha as if the average western woman doesn't have tinder with 1000 messages for men every hour.

Uhh. I'm impervious to female manipulation. But go ahead and explain your comment because it makes no sense. Women are inferior to me in every regard. I'm an eagle and they're rats. They couldn't possibly manipulate me because they possess nothing I want and I don't care for their suffering.

if molymeme or that lanky zog cocksucker judenstein are male role models then we in the west are in deep shit

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>to dumb to realize the entire pool of women has been POISONED
too bad your lacking brains.

Doesn't matter. When you meet a women face to face in some random activity in the real world you have her undivided attention. She can't just swipe left and see a chad, she's stuck with you and at most a few other men involved in the same activity.

Online she can instantly get rid of you and get some validation from a chad. IRL when it's just you and 5 other men, you might be that chad.

dude, peterstein has so many flaws and so many poisonous concepts he sells like snake oil if hes a ziocuck is rather low down on the list.

I think moneyjew and peterstein share an audience.

>care about the social fabric of society
>"you must be an incel"
>ancap flag
neck yourself jew.

Based and homopilled

>>care about the social fabric of society
reminder that moneyjew is the mastermind of the concept of defooing. Much social fabric there

>I'll state that well-known and reputed individuals are bad without giving reasons to look cool

You can't seem to answer as well