Epstein Island Game Project Update

Busy week in general, but I have been working on a lot of backgrounds.
I think the first part will have 18/20 rooms with variable size.

Attached: 3.jpg (1662x829, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Also I have been working on making better palmtrees, here are the current ones.

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And these are the old ones. I try to make everything a little better.

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>pic is called 3
>post ends with triple 3
He is here

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trees look good

Doing God's work, user. I'm pretty excited to play it when it's all finished

Who is he? KEK?

I miss pixel art like this. Good work user.

checked, i love your work

if you could sell the game on steam it would cause news and be a sensation


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that pixel art is fucking awesome. Can't wait to play it.
What is the gameplay gonna be about? Can we contribute something to help you out? Im a professional musician and filmmaker, maybe you could use my skills somehow.

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There better be a dental chair for me to explore teen butthole

The game will be free

Music mostly, Im trying to do everything myself. But I not know anything about music.
Email me at [email protected], i'm always in need for some piece or other for a background or character leimotiff.

Attached: Kek Moloch.gif (960x600, 1.02M)

I actually liked the other frog design. and how the rest were pepes
made the player feel more unique

>masonic trips

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Epic, can't wait to play it!

Reading comments in online newspapers .

>sick of hearing this story
> this is boring

Lots of distraction shills paid to silence it

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I can't wait

Me either

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you have been
truly blessed.
yes, he is. praise be.

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even if that gif was all we got from this project of yours, it would be worth it. mind if i save it?

anyway we can help dude?

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This one? I think I will use them both somehow

Just keep telling me what you think

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I like apu better than "kek". I like the cape.

Keep up the great work


I can help with music. Will send an email later.

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

Liked the demo bump.

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Good job user. Rare to see someone do something creative on our side (more than just memes).

I was thinking about that this week, and while I dont know the reason why. I have some ideas.
This wil get me nothing substantially material, nor will put me in the good graces of almost anybody who is someone. It wont break any chances for me in the future because im not established in any way and I dont plan to.

If this cames ok I want to make some artsy no-game with leftish wrapper, but from a far right (and really far right, not what passes for far right in the media) mythos.
Something like Depression Quest or Gone Home, in the sense that they are no-games, but with Julius Evola/Ragnar Redbeard morals, without being overly preachy.

Still, I have a long way ahead.

Attached: asatruk.gif (670x480, 550K)

Good luck!
Let us know if you want other kinds of help. I'm sure lots of people here would be good at nitpicky bugtesting for instance.

Coming along very nicely user.
Great work.

So it's going to be like an old school adventure game? Are you using AGS?

Yes im using AGS, the demo will give you a solid idea, but is rather unpolished.

AGS is probably the best thing to use for that type of project. You going Lucas can't die style or Sierra save early and often, forget an item you're fucked style?

Mostly Lucas with some leeway.

Protoolsfag here. I’ll shoot an email as well. I’ve got a copious library of Chiptune stuff, and if you want to ramp it up from there I’ve done GBs worth of pieces on NI Symphony Series/Albion libraries etc. If you can dream it, I can play it. I own just about any analog synth plug in, Oberheim, Nord 3, basically everything with keys, and have a 38 deep Kontakt Library.
You want slide guitar? I own Wavelore and Pedal steel. Everything user.
Give me a basic gestalt of what you’re looking for, and I’ll get some things off to you.

I didnt understand shit but that sounds rad. Hope to talk to you later.

Attached: Mort_Garson.jpg (386x258, 27K)

What are you looking for as far as pieces, Old school RPG? All 8 bit stolid to keep it trad? Contra type shit?


Absolutely great.

8-16 bit cheery music, then dark almost like dungeon synth oppresive music.
Also varied leimotiffs for other characters.

What software are you using to make those pixel art assets?


Epstein was murdered


I can try a more appropriate soundfont

Consider it done user. Keep a lookout for the email handle “MIKEOXLONG”.

Good day fellow redditers. How can I play this on my switch?

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bump with and old few sprites of Jordan Peterstein

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Looks awesome, user! :)

Seriously, OP. I don't get what your deal is about refusing to shill your patreon, but you absolutely should. We don't care and are more than happy to help you out if it makes developing this game smoother.

You're an absolute legend bro.

I know that Argentina is white. But nigger, that's pretty good pixel art.

Checked!! You truly are a most based and blessed user. Heartfelt thanks to you

Agreed. The reason there is so much leftist propaganda is because there's so much financial incentive to produce it. Leftists donate like crazy to game, movie, music, tv, podcast, etc. projects that push their narratives. Meanwhile the right rarely produces any of the above, and are much less willing to support such efforts financially. We need to collectively improve our willingness to put our money where our mouths are and help support our own content creators. I am more than willing to donate to OP myself.

Make sure to do a part where apu witnesses color programming and multiple personalities manifesting.

Splitting personalities with pain.

please include prince phillip

If you don't include midi Shadilay why even live

Andrew* my bad

Gib patreon

OP you should include the ghost of Terry A Davis. He can show up when you need to hack a security system or decrypt the blackmail files

HAH! good idea

Make sure he calls someone a nigger

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yep thats the one
has a lot of character

very nice

Wish I knew it, myself.

>It promises to be a game full of surprises.

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Any idea how many characters, and their personalities? The recurring themes should reflect their behavior

Like the idea of really cutesy, then really disturbing music. Or are you going for happy, then dark? Is the game going to be more comical or more serious? An even mix of the two?

Cheers on your work

good ideas

patreon /tarotofkek

Bump for interest.

patreon com / tarotofkek

Feel kinda weird shilling it, mostly if its only on an update.

Yeah, with careful attention on toes.

Based argiebro, the demo looks great, also funny that /v/ got BTFOd by Jow Forums because they can't even start their game. Wish you the best vecino

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You white devil. You took our land.

Reminds me so much of Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis

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I can really see the improvement, great work op

>dat aspect ratio
>taking Sophia instead of going your own way route
That game was awesome, guy made Indy his own. If only the last crusade game had been made in the later scumm too.

Thanks for posting it. I know the weird feeling, but honestly right-wingers supporting one another shouldn't be such a taboo concept. It only weakens us and our own ability to produce content. Will look into making a donation / how patreon works later when I get home. You mentioned the game will be free, are there any plans to try and greenlight it on steam?

Does AGS have an iMUSE type music and sound interface? iMUSE let you environmentally change music based on scripting like when a roaming character enters, time lapse, etc.

What game is /v/ trying to make? If it's redpilled, we should consider actually supporting them rather than mocking their struggle.

me too

I could include the midi, but he’s looking for a competed project. I’ll mix, master and send it in whatever format is needed. Fucking midi... my sides dude

Are you capable of releasing a .sh version ( a version for linux?)

Not for now really, should I research about it? The game will be free.

I think so, yes. I could ve wrong, but I can put/take out, dim or louden by command.

Yeah that's similar then. Monkey island 2 is a good example of what iMUSE could do. Every character has a theme that blends and plays as they're present.

Mfw selling email addresses makes money.

If you want, passively monetize. Just have a boot screen that says "I made this for free, but if you want you can pay me here"

Yup. I can set triggers like that for music and sounds.

I haven't really played for the last few years, but I'll play your game user. I wish you the best.

based and redpilled

Have you considered using gamejolt as a platform when you release it?

So he went back with the pepe face?

why the constant change of back and forth?

Like it.

True as Clinton body count.

I can't speak for OP but I was in one of these threads previously where a couple anons seemingly convinced him to not use pepe because apparently a crazy leftist owns the copyright to pepe's image and has sued right-wingers in the past for using it. I feel like I miss a ton of these threads though and miss out on a lot of updates/changes and the context behind them.

Based and Argentina pilled

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This is great stuff user. Keep it up. Sorry if you already said, but what framework are you using?