I honestly think Donald Trump is finished this time

I honestly think Donald Trump is finished this time.

How can he recover by this amazing clip by the Simpsons featuring our lovely Squad: youtube.com/watch?v=ErhaWVG0o1I

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No ones watches zombie simpsons



The Simpsons didn't hold back.

No one recovers at all by being owned by The Simpsons!

Is that shit still on the air? Fucksake. Let it die with some fucking dignity.

Bart Simpson is 10 years old. He's been 10 years old for 30 years. It's really not funny any more, and hasn't been for about 20 years.

South Park made them irrelevant. They did the rest to themselves.

LEL just read through a couple of the comments. All about Matt G's trips to #CarIsJames

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Jesus Christ, what are they doing with The Simpsons?

This is just rambling by some worm infested brain dead liberal.

libtards doing everything they can to ensure Trump 2020.


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It's over.

Donald Trump is finished.

He will be resigning as of now.

Can sneedposting finally kill off the Simpsons?

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hahaha fuck dude why simpsons that aint the way to do it man

Impotent revenge fantasy. Now that's comedy.

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Once the sneed meme gets big enough the Simpsons will bring them back in a desperate attempt to raise the ratings.

2.7k likes, 30k dislikes

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Ignore shill threads, they exist stop real political discussion, come and join something with potential

they expected trump not to be caught so soon from the looks of it. 30%-50% of the white right if not like 70% - 90% (probably way too high) are gone from behind trump.

looks like it fell from right underneath trump and co (jizzsrael / israels) feet.

just using the left as a clever distraction - with trump being a leftist just running on the republican ticket.

they ran out of time.

>back to le leddit
Isn't skool starting soon?

Skin tones are prejudice

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>2016 election
>people vote for Trump because Hollywood tells them not to
>2020 election
>people vote for anyone that's not Trump because they can't bear one more second of Hollywood being an ass blasted sore loser

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Wow this is so cringey it hurts. It's kind of funny that in the age of self-publishing, we can see clearly that these people have no real talent, other than, presumably, sucking dick required to get their jobs in the first place.

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The Simpsons are relevant?

I like that. Zombie Simpsons. Zombie Simpsons can almost buy alcohol ffs

rule 34 of holocaust simpsons?

>Donald Trump is finished

is this real life? please just end the Simpsons already

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By this point, I honestly do not care if every Simpsons related thread devolves into sneedposting, the show has been a former shell of itself for ages. This shit is just the cherry on top.
hello FBI lady

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I remember when the show used to be funny. I'm so tired of these bug-chasers thinking they can give me morality lessons.

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Jesus christ that was bad. Im honestly just ready for trumps presidency to be over just so the leftists will stop bitching about this shit constantly

Anybody have that diversity kitten clip. That’s how you kill the simpsons.

trump is finished

Foot rub.

And he has small hands truly epic. It’s literally over.

Russian secret agent Barfonald Blimpf resigned, in-peached, and destroyed by cartoon man. How will he ever recover?