Superpower of 2100

Which country do you think will be the most powerful in the world in the year 2100?

Please discuss in this thread and vote on my poll

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the world will not exist after 2040.


anyone have a chance except for India

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India of course
and yeah china too

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Algeria and it's niggers will become servile to Indians soon

lichtenstein. they bout to annex austria and krautopia

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learn how to use a toilet then we'll talk

no one will talk with you nigger

Somalia. No seriously. When shtf, experienced pirates will be dangerous in this waterworld.

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no one will even look at your ugly shit colored face for even a second without vomiting

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they're just so fucking ugly lads

Many years of severe inbreeding, but that doesn't matter when you can rule the seven seas!

Algerians are useless niggers anyway

stupid nigger, you will always have an african skull

Wait til' the russian bear wakes up

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not sure. really don't care right now either.

ah fuck off i've seen Burgers and Bongs uglier than that Somalian Nigger
Kikewood just picked the ugliest nigger they found and decided to give me a rule in some movie and now ignorant fucks like you thinks all Somalians are ugly and inbred like him
Pajeet North Africans are Caucasian while you poos are Australoid subhumans larping as Aryans and shit

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>Somalians are ugly and inbred like him
They are though.

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no, you have mixed with africans, you have nigger DNA. post DNA results

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>No Philippines listed

Shit poll

no one is that pic is good looking but come on bong they don't come close to the level of ugliness that actor reached

>Other people are capable of being uglier so they aren't that ugly

God damn the cope

Still inbred niggers though. Why are you defending these creatures kek? Clearly you haven't been culturally enriched by them.

Algerian Nig Nog BTFO.

>mixed with niggers
Pajeet we used to castrate our Black slaves like any other part of the Ottoman empire, the only Sub Saharan nigger admixture we got is exclusive to the residents of the Sahara (lower than 10% of the population) and despite that they still look way more attractive and human like than the Australoid subhumans in pic related
PS: that ugly ape you posted would be worshiped by the incel poos in your country

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my point is not all of them are ugly, i didn't try to justify the way they look because others are ugly too
i don't judge people based on their looks rather than their actions, for example i hate poos because they shit in street not due to the way they look

> india beating US
> israel
*wheeze* israel is a puny insect of countries

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I voted United States to stick to the Chinese shills. If I’m being honest though, prob China.

USA forever. We should just embargo china and theyll be as poor as dirt

>rather than their actions
What part of cultural enrichment didn't you get you stupid inbred? These niggers are just useless welfare rapefugees. If you had these shits in your city, you would understand.

>These niggers are just useless welfare rapefugees
in your cucked shithole yes, but not here we have our own share of nigger refugees and immigrants (even though they only stay here for while till they make enough money to pay for the boat ticket to '''sneak''' into Europe via the med sea) they behave normally and don't bother the locals because we know how to kee^them in check for example is a nigger dares to even harass a local women we will crack his head open and the police won't even bother to stop us
the problem lies with you faggot you are a cuck and your government is cucked i can't really blame niggers and shitskins for taking this opportunity to take advantage of the situation

Oh please, spare me your excuses. This is why no shitskins can be friends of ours- you all look out for each other trying to destroy us. I never really understood why the French hated you, but now I do.

looks the opposite
your people like niggers because of kinship

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ah fuck off cuck when you ran out of argument as usual you use the ''Hurr Durr you shitskins want to destroy us''
am fucking whiter than you Jewish-Angloid mongrel and no one gives a shit about you or Europe anyone you are no longer irrelevant and you know what? from now on i'll start helping the niggers who comes to my town by giving them tips and instruction to immigrate to your country so your sister can enjoy more BBC

Fuck off Nig Nog.


Hahahaha look at this nigger chimping out. I hope the French take back your country and genocide you all.
>whiter than you
All you shitskins are obsessed with being white.

>Poolywood and buety contests in India always picks the 0.01% of the population
even the lightest skinned poo in your country still looks like a shitskin compared to us
not to mention that you poos are Australoid mutts with big ass eyes you can easily spot a poo from his face
and you poos have obsession with white skin you consumes white bleaching products more than any country in the world

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oh no the Amerimutt is chimping
you're arrogant and delusional, really sad
you will always be a cuck and niggers will keep flooding your country and yes am whiter than you, deal with it bong

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>you will always be a cuck
People are waking up. Soon there will be wars...

More like Pic related.
nafri Niggers

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Lol she is just french or half french literally none of you looks good
even the most irrelevant countries have better looking than yours

I am not optimistic at all. I answered Russia because I think it would be the most isolationist, and every country on the list will get destroyed somehow.

>People are waking up. Soon there will be wars...
wars between who and who? by that time you'll all be mixed with niggers and shitskins just like your Amerimutt friends
race war my ass i'll never happen

As climate change raises temperatures Africa will Zerg the rest of the world with bbc refugees and destroy the planet.

why yes w are an African country of course we have niggers (even if it just a minority in the Sahara)
but what's your excuse burger? your nigger population is bigger than all the niggers in North Africa
stay mad Pajeet, you'll never be this white
you can't have a pale skin you are not fully Caucasian you have no colored hair/eyes like we do and yet you still talking?
if i visit your shithole the poos will worship me as their white god

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Bold to assume China will still be one country in 2100

Yes believe what you want to believe. When the day comes when the French reclaim your lands and you are hanging from a rope, laugh then.

Bold to assume modern China is a country.
It's a mish mash of mutts.

>when the French reclaim your lands
but James France is now a Neo-Algeria....

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I don't talk to OOOGAAA BOOOOGGAGA Niglets like you. Its a waste of time.

By 2100 there will be no physical countries. All consciousness will exist in virtual spaces as we harvest our solar system for minerals to begin building a Matrioshka brain around our sun.

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dumb fuck unlike you cucks they just execute dissenters

You do realise that is what will cause your lands to be taken back again? Frenchies love a bloody revolution and they are getting sick and tired of this current clownworld. If you just left us alone, none of this would happen.

NCR not listed

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USA or Australia
Makroeconomic reasons

I hope poos will not try to focus on the chemical industry tho...

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will you feel more comfortable talking to a fellow mutt?

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Kazakhstan world power 2100 watch it you losers

>Frenchies love a bloody revolution
Kek look at the yellow vests they that shit was embarrassing witness, frog citizens are cucks they can't do shit
maybe if you faggots stop meddling with our politics and economy and let us develop on our own without holding us back we may consider it
and those frogs are string up shit in Islamic countries like Mali, Chad and Niger they cause lots of people to die due to infighting (and they even supply them with weapons) this shit is happening now and the (((media))) doesn't cover it and you Jow Forumstards think you are the only victim because Jamal immigrated LEGALY to your hood? muh white genocide

Based belgian bro

>frog citizens are cucks they can't do shit
Again history will repeat itself...
>Mali, Chad, Niger
Niggers kill more of their own than we do. Stop lying. I'd more than happily leave those shitholes so the niggers kill themselves off. Look at Mugabe begging for the white man to return as niggers can't farm or business- they are the ones who want us there.

Britain and Canada wouldn't be in the top 10, and the US won't be in the top 3.

>they are the ones who want us there.
ah fuck off the people are protesting to put an end to the French influence in their country and you know what happened? now the Burgers joined the show their military presence is growing up recently in the region
is it shocking to see a dirty politician puppet shilling for the west? his opinions don't reflects those of the people
>Niggers kill more of their own than we do
my god that you see why people hates you? no one will shed a tear on the west once it falls you deserve it for being asshole

Again you cannot read. I don't want us to be in your shitholes, YOU need us. We created everything good in this world. I wish we could just leave all you niggers to kill one another. Maybe then Africa will finally reach it's true purpose- the world's largest nature reserve.

You are not even capable to understand that if the West fall the entire world will follow within 10 years. And remember your country is a shithole and it still exist because we let you.
When we will decide that your country doesn't exist anymore you will understand what it means to be inferior colonised.

if you vote for russia then you are literally retarded

Still Israel

>West fall the entire world will follow within 10 years
This yet still he goes on how his people are so superior. The computer/mobile he is currently using to post on here was made by a white man. Even this site was made by a white man. What have Algerians done for this world?


no, that is not somalia, I bet you never heard of this country

>I don't want us to be in your shitholes
and i don't want my people to be in your degenerate shitholes
>YOU need us
it's the other way around you need our natural resources and use the niggers and poos as cheap labor
>We created everything good in this world
you just ruined this world with your (((globalism))) shit
now everyone is forced to throw his lifestyle and culture to adopt your shitty degenerate culture
you are the reason why we are in this hell you kike puppet
let it fall cuck, am waiting for this we will rbuild our country again an Islamic nation with no globalism or western imperialism all the traitors who sold this country will get shot in front of the people

If you don't think China will be in charge you are dumb as fuck.

>Hurr durr cheap chink city.

Yeah we will be a third world hell hole and are shit will be even more fallen apart. China will pull ahead because we are so crappy and our country might not even exist shit is so splintered and mutted.

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this sums up Jow Forums well, anons always say all the happenings almost happen but they never happen


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Glad there's 6 lads that believe in Brexit and Greggs.

>i don't want my people to be in your degenerate shitholes
Really? Yet you gloat how France is an "Algerian" nation in your previous posts.
>niggers and poos
Those are the kikes, not us. You shitskins are slaves brought here to ruin our countries.
Kek, we civilized you. Show some respect. You wouldn't have your cities if it wasn't for the French.

How do you feel about the fact that your country exist only because we let you ?
How does it feel to be in one of the weakest country in the world ??
And don't worry about your islamic shit, crusaders will come again to make you remember your place.

I hope so

>How do you feel about the fact that your country exist only because we let you ?
the same way you feel that your fake meme country exist because France and Britain allow you
>How does it feel to be in one of the weakest country in the world ??
at least our army is stronger than yours
>crusaders will come again
i hope you do, it won't be fun to fight you in your current state, a feminine cuck who tolerate homosexuality and serves his kike lords
yes really i want them but if they refuse to and favor an infidel shithole over their homeland then my friend they're all yours
>slaves brought here to ruin our countries.
you mean like how you and the rest of the Nato slaves were brought to our countries to destroy them in the name of Israel
>we civilized you
if by civilizing you mean giving us (((democracy))) (((capitalism))) feminism LGBT right degeneracy kike media and more than no thanx you can take it back

The US most likely, China is a flash in the pan.


>name of Israel
Not my fault. I don't support the kikes, but I do defend my homeland.
Nigger, you wouldn't be on here posting if it wasn't for us. You would probably still be goatfucking or whatever you guys used to do before you were civilised.

Paris will change it's name to Pooris by 2030, lots of poos are moving there as i've heard

India > USA > China

lol 3 votes for canada

China and the ethnostate

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softpower - israel
hardpower - china
the problem about china is that just like usa it has a lot of stability issues so it may colapse in the near future. Basically, i am unsure if china will exist in 80 years, but if it does, it will be number 1.

Japan seems to be the only "civilized" industrialized nation unwilling to give it all away.

Ireland duh

>Not my fault
>but I do defend my homeland.
Kek loo at this cuck, if you cares about your country you'll defend it from the kike menace that controls every aspect of your pathetic life but all what a faggot like you can do is shitpost on Jow Forums
>you wouldn't be on here posting if it wasn't for us
that's my point, you faggots only bring degeneracy, like you said you are the reason why am i wasting my time on this gay anime imageboard instead of working to improve my life and country
>You would probably still be goatfucking
lol, if the jews didn't settle in your shithole centuries ago to bring you (((civilization))) you would be now sheep shagging with your Welsh brothers

Israel may eventually officialize their conquer of north America, Romanov style.

>you are the reason why am i wasting my time on this gay anime imageboard instead of working to improve my life and country
Look at this cope. Yes I'm sure you would be. I'm sure the countless other Algerians in your country not on here are doing a great job.
>mfw this nigger thinks kikes brought civilization

lol she is really ugly for a female. Even males look better than her and i am not a faggot

>are doing a great job.
nope, they are wasting their time on another form of ''civilization'' you brought us, fucking vidya, social media, jewtube,porn sites, nigger rap and tranny music......
yes all this things thanx to you Bong

don't be so certain,
lest you jinx the worst of europeans - hitler was only 70 years ago...