Mossad evidence

Is there actual evidence of mossad agents involved in mass shootings?

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No, everyone who claims otherwise is unironically a schizo, or just plain retarded who believes everything they see some retard repeat on Jow Forums.

Mass shootings in particular?
There's plenty of evidence for involvement in 911 so we know they're happy to throw resources at terror events in pursuit of political goals, if it's not actually Mostsad then it's likely their lackeys
>dancing Israelis

can you post some of this evidence? thanks in advance.

evidence is jewish pilpul retard

This, mossad ranting is schizoposting.

Mossadniggers have better things to do than get incels to shoot up schools.

Any evidence would do well.

I'm not going to post evidence for something that's widely documented, use a search engine and look up "dancing Israelis", also
Ryan Dawson
Christopher Bollyn
You will find huge amount of evidence implicating Israel in all kinds of nefarious shit

Why do people screech 'sloppy job mossad' but only whenever a White man takes action?

(((White man)))

>Google it
Lol fuck off

Yeah my point exactly, you believe only White men are too weak to take action. Brenton Tarrant has done more for the west than you ever will

Well I won't go against BT, whites need to be doing more than just shooting up some random muzzies, this will ultimately achieve nothing. We need to get organised and tear down the kiked governments that want the European raced dead.

>Kiked governments
You know progressivist and Jew aren’t the same thing, right? The Jew is actually your boogeyman

I agree entirely and he himself was aware of this. Organisation needs to be kick-started by someone

Google King David hotel bombing

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user specifically said "use a search engine" you know there are search engines that aren't google right?

The Mossad was founded 1949 and that attack happened 1946, youre so dumb in the head

besides this board and how its moderated?

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It's based on how sloppy the job is. Sloppier the job is, more likely it's you-know-who.

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Mossad was a rebrand of existing terrorist organisations, shin bet etc, same shit faggot

no evidence, go back to sleep user

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The terrorists involved are considered heroes over there to this day, no arrests, no justice

Shalom. Israeli Secret Intelligence Service(mossad) do not participate actual mass shooting. It support for terrorist activities and militant groups.

do you have proof that the terrorists in 1946 didn't go on to form Mossad?
AP has a video of a Movietone news clip

>Schizo kike accuses others of being schizo
Almighty Kek.


You are posting in a shill slide thread. Join us here instead for a real discussion:

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There is, have you ever heard of KKK before?

>you sound nervous pal

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Harvey Weinstein, who produced one of the biggest movies ever, is a Mossad agent. Big if they admit it mainstream.

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check out
and you can check those sources from there if you like

look at these shameful faggots

oops i meant these shameful faggots

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They wouldn't be a very good covert ops unit if they left tangible evidence