Vegans are right

please logically explain why you eat meat. theres not a single argument for eating meat besides "its immoral but i still do it because its fun and i dont care". hundred of millions of animal die every year for our collective taste pleasure. we dont need any animal products to be healthy, we just eat them because its tasty and we prefer our temporary taste pleasure over a lifetime of an animal's suffering

animals like pigs and cows dont want to die for your taste preferences. strictly speaking, humans dont need any animal products to survive. theres not a single nutrient that cant be gotten from a vegan diet thats exclusively found in meat. and going vegan is great for your health. going vegan reduces your chances for diabetes, being overweight, cancer and heart attacks. vegans live the longest and consistently have the lowest rates of disease and cancers

try a 22 day vegan diet challenge and see for yourself

seriously Jow Forums, why do you abuse animals yet complain about niggers or jews mistreating you? dont you think its a bit hypocritical? dont you think its a tad bit ironic how you cry that jews and muslims mistreat whites, yet abuse animals much worse?

animal rights are an important political issue, stop sliding you shill jannies

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Other urls found in this thread:


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vegan with 5 white kids.

>animal rights are an important political issue, stop sliding you shill jannies
Doesn't feel good now does it.

dig your head in the sand harder you nigger

this thread is just trying to advocate for animal rights. if dogs were being abused, this entire thread would lose their collective shit and hunt down the guy abusing dogs

stop having so much cognitive dissonance and inconsistent morals and think for your once your life without putting your head in the sand

pic related is a tragedy, but for pigs and cows its okay?

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Hitler would never accept factory farming as it is today

go vegan and die
use sage

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It's not immoral though faggot
Eat or be eaten

because i like meat. now fuck off.

If we weren't meant to eat pigs, chickens, and cows then why do they taste so good?

hitler was an ethical vegan. he was entirely against animal abuse

>vitamin d from some mentally ill retard who stares at the sun all day and eats rotten flesh

vitamin d comes from the fucking sun. just go outside and your body will convert cholesterol to vitamin d, thats how it works. not to mention a large % of americans have a vitamin d deficiency and arent vegan

and if you're vegan and dont get much sun, then you can take a supplement. it doesnt justify killing animals for their flesh

would you be okay with killing dogs or babies for their flesh if we got vitamin d from it?

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Get out

take aids and die nigger

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>would you be okay with killing dogs or babies for their flesh if we got vitamin d from it
yes i would you fucking retard, get rekd

I prefer plant based foods due to taste and the fact I've only ever suffered food poisoning from meat in the past. But lets say you convince all of your country to eat veggies. Then what? The rest of the world will continue to eat meat and laugh at you.

I eat meat cus it tastes good and it's full of protein and fat

aahh, so in principle theres nothing wrong with niggers killing whites in south africa? white genocide is perfectly fine?

john podesta and Jeffrey Epstein are perfectly moral and ethical people, because they are stronger than the kids that they kill and fuck?

pizzagate was a perfectly moral and acceptable behavior?

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There is nothing wrong with killing and eating animals. Do you think a lion is evil?

As a lifelong vegetarian, I honestly don't hate meat consumers, as often times they're less annoying than many within the vegan/vegetarian community. However where I can't stand meat eaters is their stupid denial of the meat industry's use of steroids and their disgusting treatment of animals.

That, and the label that all of us vegetarians/vegans are all globohomo. Some of us are unironically more redpilled than the average meat eater.

Come back when you have a reasonable argument.

Oh it's you again

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One of the main reasons I went veg is because of the disgusting halal/kosher slaughter becoming mainstream. Western slaughter was more humane but this savage non-white stuff is very terrifying for the beast, and I don't want to endorse those disgusting niggers.

Don't eat meat, don't eat halal/kosher.

Vegans can only survive because of modern medicine and are dependent of it and this society. Humans have consumed meat since the dawn of time. Vegans are stupid because they advocate to not eat meat instead of trying to change how animals are treated and so on. Eating meat is the natural option. It has a lot of protein, so if you're not a skinny faggot your bony needs it.

>Then what? The rest of the world will continue to eat meat and laugh at you.

thats an appeal to futility fallacy. even if everyone in the west goes vegan and only .01% of all animal abuse stops, its still a huge amount. other people'e unethical behavior doesnt make it acceptable for us to be unethical as well

if slavery of niggers was legal worldwide, and was just as widespread throughout the world as animal farms, would that make it okay for us to keep nigger slaves?

besides, the western countries set the pace for the rest of the world to copy. once we go vegan they will follow suite. they did the same thing in everything else, from human rights to industrialization to virtually anythign imagineable. we set the behavioral standard for the rest of the world, they just copy us

lions are strict obligate carnivores. they dont have a choice; if they dont eat meat they will starve to death. we on the other hand, have a choice. humans are omnivioures, we can choose not to eat meat

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>niggers continue to be animals
Who cares.

Humans have mixed dentition, some teeth to chew vegatation, others to tear flesh. We are evolved to be omnivores. plus vegan diets make you docile, tired and as gassy as fuck.

>aahh, so in principle theres nothing wrong with niggers killing whites in south africa? white genocide is perfectly fine
no retard, white genocide is bad. we should be killing the niggers
just stfu how can you be this dumb

Moral veganism is based on fallacious thinking. It arbitrarily ranks life in importance based on their perceived cuteness and biological closeness to humans, then places a arbitrary cut off. Even plants, fungi, etc. are alive and feel pain but you choose to ignore this fact.

>living like a dirty monkey
literally subhuman

Reminder that OP posts this thread nearly daily and ALWAYS ignores his BTFO's. Here is screencap from last thread where OP showed his complete lack of knowledge on nutrition and had his ass handed to him, for example he actually thought Vitamin A (an animal hormone) was found in Vegetables.
He is a shill, a complete moron and will only rely on moralfagging because he knows that by definition, Veganism is deficient in over 15 essential nutrients. B12 is essential to supplement as recommended by even the most hardcore industry supported Vegan doctors and organisations. VEGANISM IS MALNUTRITION, OP IS A SHILL, KILL ANIMALS AND DRINK THEIR BLOOD.

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Vegan diets are inefficient and wasteful. Animal protein has complete amino acids and raises your t levels. Factory farms are cruel but necessary bc of over population.

I think your problem is that you conflate horrendous factory farming with eating meat in general. Also, if you were serious about your morals you wouldn't advocate veganism, but rather vegetarianism. There's nothing immoral about drinking milk and eating eggs, inherently.

If cavemen sat around all day pondering the moral and ethical quandaries of consuming meat I doubt we’d be here today.
Little four legged furry things run around. You kill it. Cook it over a fire. Eat it. You’re filled up and it does a service to your body in the form of protein.

>lions are strict obligate carnivores. they dont have a choice; if they dont eat meat they will starve to death. we on the other hand, have a choice. humans are omnivioures, we can choose not to eat meat

So what about bears then? Are they evil?

Meatcucks eat pus, shit and hormones. Animal farming is flooding the environment with bitch hormones and turning everyone into faggots but the meat industry blams s o y in a counterattack.

100% of faggots eat meat.

>ook ook me caveman


okay, why is it okay to kill and abuse animals, but not okay to kill and abuse humans?

what is it about the humans that gives them moral value, but not with animals?

>Even plants, fungi, etc. are alive and feel pain but you choose to ignore this fact
wrong. plants and fungi do not feel pain. there has been ZERO scientific evidence to show this. PLEASE PLEASE give me scientific evidence that shows that plants are sentient and have feelings

they are alive, but they arent conscious or capable of suffering. when i wash my hands with anti-bacterial soap, am i being unethical, because i genocide billions of bacteria? you cant be fucking serious, god, how disingenuous can you get

>Veganism is deficient in over 15 essential nutrients

dude im going to be honest with you, im not a nutritional expert. like i know so little about this stuff. you have to see the scientific literature from both sides and make up your mind. i just give people links on nutrition about a vegan diet, but in all honesty i dont know shit about nutrition and vitamins, im just a stinky neet who cares for animal suffering

heres some videos on the subject of deficiency from a vegan point of view. these are medical doctors with scientific references

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>cares for animal suffering
then why don't you eat eggs

>okay, why is it okay to kill and abuse animals, but not okay to kill and abuse humans?
you don't have to abuse animals to eat them. it is sometimes okay to kill humans.

>modern humans use technology

Kill yourself.

We should just eat criminals. Instead of sending them to jail, we send them to a slaughter house and then buy some premium meat at the mart. whatddya say?

This again. I eat meat because I want to. I don’t go crying to you about your diet so fuck off. No one made vegans the moral authority on this, nobody cares what you pasty fucks think, and anyone who claims meat eating is wrong for moral reasons is trying to force their arbitrary morality on people. Fuck vegans

>once we go vegan they will follow suite.
You would have to kill every single African and Asian before you had any chance with that plan.

I'm totally against factory farms but what am I spose to do, start setting fires to these places potentially killing innocent people? I honestly don't see a real solution given by you people.

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>eating shit

Reminder that OP is an open leftist that defends homosexuality, which further proves that most vegans are gay. His last thread got deleted so now he's angry. Lmao

Vagans that call me a murderer for eating a steak can go into the trash.


I’m higher on the food chain than them GET IN MY BELLY!

>what is it about the humans that gives them moral value, but not with animals
oh fuck off cowposter, you're not fooling me
get back in the bbq

Can't get all of the necessary fats in a vegetarian diet. Enjoy a sub par brain.
t. Vegeterian.

If only we hadn't dumped all of our mercury in the water, fish would be safer and the best possible thing to eat as it always has been.

I’m not eating your commie plants Jew leaf.

You are posting in a shill slide thread. Join us here instead for a real discussion:

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so you'd be okay with someone stronger than you killing your family because they are stronger?

vegetarianism is still exceptionally unethical. the dairy industry is RUTHLESSLY unethical, pic related is common in the dairy industry. you are still enslaving animals, getting them castrated, financially supporting child murder, and rape when you drink milk and eat cheese. its still unethical, arguably even more so

im not a liberal and i dont identify with most liberal ideas

you just dodged the question, you fucking rat

would you be okay with me killing dogs for fun for my amusement? would you be okay with people farming and eating dogs, or bringing back dog fighting?

how much cognitive dissonance do you have?

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>you just dodged the question, you fucking rat
you've dodged my question mulitple times. please respond to

Because this demonic machine that has everyone in a hypnotic sleep says kill. There’s no more love in this world. I’m going to sleep. Maybe when I wake up this reality was all a Dream.

So you admit the only ground you have to stand on is moralfagging with no knowledge of what is ESSENTIAL for health? Don't you think that should come first before your holier than thou attitude and ad homs shilling a thread every day with no basis to your "we dont need any animal products to be healthy, we just eat them because its tasty and we prefer our temporary taste pleasure over a lifetime of an animal's suffering" part of the thread?
Do you think taste is this magical thing that just appears for no reason biologically? Things taste GOOD because they are GOOD for you, that is why you don't eat raw unseasoned vegetables because you would gag. Go eat some raw potatoes or raw broccoli and enjoy the toxins. Meat can be eaten raw and has been since humans have existed because in its raw natural state, it tastes GOOD. Cooked too obviously. Actual retard, kys. You are using an appeal to authority fallacy by letting these industry funded Vegan "doctors" tell you how to live instead of looking at the data yourself.
Tell me, B12 is ESSENTIAL to supplement as a Vegan, which means by DEFINITION, Veganism is a nutrient deficient diet. Can you debunk that? Didn't think so. Now lets go over the other 14 nutrients you can't get, and you'll realize why most people understand meat is essential while you are literally shilling for a NWO depopulation diet, you castrated virgin hippie! Once again shill, explain any of these deficiencies without resorting to appealing to authority, okay?
Do you have any knowledge about ANTI-NUTRIENTS? They are part of every plant food, they are the plants self defense mechanism and have varying effects, from not letting you absorb minerals, to disrupting protein absorption ect. Without this knowledge, you are just a sick little man crying about "muh animals" while getting sicker every day.

>the dairy industry is RUTHLESSLY unethical
incidentally, I come from a long line of dairy farmers and this is patently false. as with anything else, there are ethical and unethical ways to go about things. i guess it allows you some sense of "moral superiority" to paint it all as unethical, even though it's not. it's possible to only buy your milk and eggs from ethical sources, but if you did that then you couldn't claim vegan superiority, could you? which is what this is obviously REALLY about.

>you are still enslaving animals
>getting them castrated
>and rape when you drink milk
>financially supporting child murder
again, not every farm does this

oh contraire mon frere

e360: You’ve said that there are “friendships” between trees. What is the evidence for that?

Wohlleben: In about one in 50 cases, we see these special friendships between trees. Trees distinguish between one individual and another. They do not treat all other trees the same. Just today, I saw two old beeches standing next to each other. Each one was growing its branches turned away from the other rather than toward each other, as is more usually the case. In this way and others, tree friends take care of each other. This kind of partnership is well known to foresters. They know that if you see such a couple, they are really like a human couple; you have to chop down both if you chop one down, because the other will die anyway.

So my body gets the proper nutrition it deserves. Try not to starve to death while you type your weak ass response.

I'd cut that tumor off and throw it on the BBQ.

>>why is it okay to kill and abuse animals, but not okay to kill and abuse humans?
hilariously stupid fucking question
its like asking me "whats the point in living if you're going to die anyway?"
shit thread so far

symbiotic relationships are not the same thing as "being friends". any mention of "friendship" is used colloquially. honestly you're a retard if you think plants have feelings.


i eat meat cause it tastes good, please let me enjoy my meal, thank you

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I eat meat.
And I dont think it's healthy to never eat animal products like meat or egg.
But you shouldn't eat it everyday either (too much meat can cause diseases, as much as not eating it).

Don't be stupid vegan, be intelligent human.
Industrial an crual "meat factory" should be banned. But quality animal product should be available to enjoy from time to time (egg like every other day, and meat twice /three times a week).
I dont have anything to back up my saying, it's just what I think.


>and this is patently false
cows have to be repeatedly raped and have their kids taken away and killed on their first day of life. this isnt immoral?

>as with anything else, there are ethical and unethical ways to go about things
sure, thats why im telling people to go vegan, to stop animal abuse

>i guess it allows you some sense of "moral superiority" to paint it all as unethical, even though it's not.
im just trying to stop animal abuse, i dont really care if you are upset that vegans are morally superior. and they are btw, even richard dawkins thinks so

>it's possible to only buy your milk and eggs from ethical sources
this is a oxymon. you cant have ethical murder and enslavement. you cant ethically kill an animal who doesnt want to die, to take ethically take its newlyborn calf away. fucking 1984 double speak

>you are still enslaving animals
>getting them castrated

heres the screams of piglets getting castrated. virtually all male pigs in north america are castrated, because their meat tastes better and they grow larger when they're castrated. you can see videos of it in dominion in the op, if you actually watched it. they castrate them in all western countries

>>and rape when you drink milk

literally cows are put on a "rape rack" as its called in the dairy industry to forcibly impregnate her. this LITERALLY is what rape is

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Your not more redpilled than anybody. You are incredibly blue pilled. Becuase you swallowed the vegan pill.
Vegan diet will make people sterile within 3 generations.
You want me to go against millions of years of evolution for your shit sense of mortality?
The Indians did that, and as a result they still shit in the streets.

KEEP IGNORING THE NUTRITIONAL POSTS SHILL, WE KNOW YOU ARE ONLY GOOD AT MORALFAGGING WHILE YOUR BODY ATROPHIES AND YOUR BRAIN DECAYS. The reason Vegans are so obsessed with slaughterhouse footage and violence towards animals is because they subconsciously crave to cut the neck of one of those animals and drink their warm blood straight from the source, one of the most nourishing experiences there is. But their twisted ideology keeps them away from doing that so they have to obsess over it to keep those cravings in check, but they will never keep them back forever.

My diet consists of vegetable and meat. It's tasty, delicious, fulfilling and beautiful. Everything what a man needs. Sometimes I remember fir the little fellow who gave it's life so I can take my daily need of proteins but that's how life is. One day I'll also return and feed the earth with my remains and so the circle goes.

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if god didn't want us to eat animals then why did he make them out of bacon and steak?

>cows have to be repeatedly raped
you keep using that word as if its connotation is going to have any impact here. let me give you a tip: you can drop the verbal spectacles--no on here gives a shit about your emotionally charged word. that being said, the cows line up to get milked. they want to get milked, and they are literally asking for it. it could not be further from the "rape" that you keep hilariously describing.
>have their kids taken away and killed on their first day of life
again, for the third time, not all farms do this. so no, milk is not inherently immoral. that being said, you still have not given your reason as to why you don't eat eggs.
>i dont really care if you are upset that vegans are morally superior
they're not. they're intellectually inferior, because there's absolutely nothing wrong with eating eggs. milk you could argue--but only because you have to keep the cows pregnant, but nothing hurts the vegan more than seeing through his pathetic lie that he is "morally superior". there's literally 0 that is morally superior about refusing to eat eggs, and it's actually just retarded and it makes me look down on you.
>even richard dawkins thinks so
who gives a fuck
>this is a oxymon
no, it's not. that's not what an oxymoron is.
>you cant have ethical murder and enslavement
do you think the animals care about "enslavement"? no they don't. as far as murder goes, that's how life is. if you can't handle it you should just kill yourself. nature is far crueler than even humans. there are humane ways to slaughter animals.
>you cant ethically kill an animal who doesnt want to die
sure can. not everything that's alive gets to not die just because it wants to. this is well within my ethics.
>heres the screams of piglets getting castrated
anecdote. not every farm is unethical, for the 5th time. you're conflate unethical practices with eating meat, which is a desperate attempt at appearing morally superior. protip: you're not morally superior.

>as much as not eating it

thats not true. eating a vegan doesnt cause any diseases or cancers. please link me the scientific evidence thats explicitly shows that not eating animal product causes cancer or diseases or any health problem. heres some evidence showing that eating meat does cause cancer

> But quality animal product should be available to enjoy from time to time
but its still murder for your tastebuds. you dont need to eat animal products to have good health. please give me the scientific evidence that shows that you explicitly need to eat animal products. these animals go to the same slaughterhouses at the same age. they are killed at a small fraction of their natural lives, and they dont want to die. how is killing something against its will "ethical"?

>I dont have anything to back up my saying, it's just what I think.
okay, but i do. you just make shit up, i reference it with science

thats like a nigger saying "if god didnt want us to rape white women and kill them, why did he make it so pleasureable?"

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>literally cows are put on a "rape rack" as its called in the dairy industry to forcibly impregnate her. this LITERALLY is what rape is
wow, big scary words = unethical. the fact that you people think like this is sickening. just because the words to describe it are bad does not mean the practice itself is bad.

Because I squat 600 lbs, I am an apex pedator, not a gazelle.

shut the fuck up you stupid fucking nigger.

That's not a valid argument though. That's like saying we should all smoke cigarettes and drink soda everyday just because we're not in nature. Logical fallacy.

can I get a video thats not made by or targeted at young women?


I wonder if bulls ever ask for consent. Infact the whole animal kingdom is kind of rapey.

Someone needs to shoop in Sparkle Boy's coruscating Kaposi lymphoma.

It's impossible to be healthy long-term on a vegan diet. Prove me wrong. No personal anecdotes allowed.

>thats not true. eating a vegan doesnt cause any diseases or cancers. please link me the scientific evidence thats explicitly shows that not eating animal product causes cancer or diseases or any health problem. heres some evidence showing that eating meat does cause cancer
>still arguing the health angle
buddy, you've already been blown out of the stratosphere from the "health" angle. i suggest you drop it. it's extremely obvious the healthiest diet is not vegan.

>please give me the scientific evidence that shows that you explicitly need to eat animal products
no one is arguing that you NEED to.

>okay, but i do
except you don't. you've been completely blown out in regards to the health aspect of veganism, and the rest of your "evidence" is literally anecdotes and subjective moral arguments.

>how is killing something against its will ethical.
You're right, next time you get a cut, don't wash it because killing bacteria is unethical. When you start to get sepsis, no antibiotics, unethical. Do the plants you eat want to die? They grow towards the sun; stop eating them too. If you don't subsist off synthetic proteins, fats and carbs you are a piece of shit murderer.
Here's the reality: we are all on this rock because life increases entropy faster than the earth just getting bombarded by the sun. Everything is born for the specific purpose of consumption and death.

>same thread every day
>conversions [0]
Does it hurt knowing you'll never have /leftypol/ back?

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You can't get lean protein from non animal sources

>we just eat them because its tasty
Eating meat is healthy. It is the best source of protein. It is the food that we evolved eating over millions of years and as such your body is perfectly accustomed to it, unlike carb dense breads, pastas, sóy and other vegan bullshit that needs to be processed. It is the best fuel you can put in your body. If you eat proteins and fats while keeps carbs low you'll feel more energetic and your mind will feel clearer.
Not a single winner of "The Worlds Strongest Man" contest has ever been vegan.
You are denying nature in more ways than one. Even if you care about every oh-so-precious life, nature doesn't. Animals are dying in their millions every day to predators, and the vast majority die horribly. When (civilized) man kills for meat, he does so in the kindest and more pain free way possible.
And even if you opt for your "vegan" diet, you can't grow an acre of your precious sóy without annihilating every creature in the immediate vicinity.

Tl;dr: Nobody gives a fuck about your moral grandstanding and it goes against nature itself. Eat a steak faggot.

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Shut up, Faggot.

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You cannot compare animals to humans.
Humans are superior, thus we are have more moral value, because we are moral agents, animals act on their instincs.
You would kill a gorilla harming a human, you would kill a lion attacking a human, but you wouldn't kill a man who's attacking animal, understand?

>Humans are superior, thus we are have more moral value, because we are moral agents, animals act on their instincs.

okay, so animals have aboslutely no moral value at all?

its okay to go around killing dogs and cats as much as we want, torturing these animals, keeping dogs in factory farms and eating them, because they are stupid and we are smart?

would you be okay with eating monkeys, btw?

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why don't you eat eggs? how can you just continue to do a behavior when you can't even justify it?

Actually, the best source of protein is eggs. Turns out, hunters that ate babies were more likely to survive than those that risked their life hunting adult animals. Albumin from eggs has 90%+ absorption. Nature is metal as fuck.

There is no logical argument against hurting animals either, we just assume hurt is sinful and derive everything else from there, but take that preconception away and veganism has no meaning.

>okay, so animals have aboslutely no moral value at all?
it depends
>its okay to go around killing dogs and cats as much as we want, torturing these animals, keeping dogs in factory farms and eating them, because they are stupid and we are smart?
it depends
>would you be okay with eating monkeys, btw?
it depends

You're mentally ill. You have bought into blank slate universalism to the point of having no sense of preference. That's why you view all migrants as your countrymen, and all animals as your pets. Normal people put their own before complete strangers of any kind. Every anial you have talked about does the same. If you completely go against nature you are antiscience. Simple as that.

>okay, so animals have aboslutely no moral value at all?
he never said that and no one in this thread did either. why do you bleeding heart types always try so hard to paint the other side as being some kind of sadist hitler? what does "moral value" even mean? god the more you talk the more i hate you.
>its okay to go around killing dogs and cats as much as we want, torturing these animals
he didn't say that and you missed the point. the point is your own behavior shows that you value human life more than animal life, yet your rhetoric is trying to treat them as being equal, which is disingenuous
>keeping dogs in factory farms and eating them
literally no one in this thread has defended factory farms. you continue to conflate unethical practices with eating meat--they are not identical.

>okay, so animals have aboslutely no moral value at all?
They do but not as much as human, so stop comparing to them.
>its okay to go around killing dogs and cats as much as we want, torturing these animals, keeping dogs in factory farms and eating them, because they are stupid and we are smart?
No, doing irrational thing is always stupid, if you don't have a reason to kill cow don't, but if we need it's leather, flesh then go ahead.
>would you be okay with eating monkeys, btw?
This varies from culture to culture, In India they don't eat cow, because of muhh holy being, in egypt the same about cat.
and personally I'm okay with red meat (cow, lamb)
but morally speaking, killing a cow and monkey is no different at all

we can get all of our protein needs from plant sources. lentils, beans stuff like that work fine. we dont need to exploit animals for our protein

and dietary cholesterol is strongly linked with heart disease and dimentia

great question dodging

>There is no logical argument against hurting animals either
yeah, thats why vegans dont hunt animals. although we do kill animals who eat our crop food, because we have to kill them. if we dont kill animals who graze on crop food then those animals will multiply and eat all of our food. we have to shoot intruders defensively

>but take that preconception away
so if we do that, does that mean we can do around killing and raping humans as well?

>You're mentally ill
thanks for the psychological revelation, dr freud

>That's why you view all migrants as your countrymen
im strongly against imigration of shitskins. please dont put words in my mouth

>and all animals as your pets
i look at pet ownership as slavery and i think its immoral. i dont have any pets

>If you completely go against nature you are antiscience
this is a false dichotemy. just because i dont really care for cows or pigs doesnt mean i support them getting enslaved or killed for my burgers. i just want them to be left alone. im just against animal exploitation

i dont really care for niggers either, but im strongly against slavery

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Who's the blonde chick in the first video? I'd like to milk her.

Yes I agree that the way that big meat industries treat animals is kike tier stuff but eating meat is part of nature, are you going to say a wolf is bad because he eats deers, fuck off kike we are at the top of the food chain and animals should know their place in the natural order

>great question dodging
really hilarious that you are this hypocritical.