A message to the (((globalists))) and their degenerate hoards

No one is threatening you, or implying anything. When push comes to shove, people like you are going to come to the abrupt realization, that people like us have been acting in overwhelmingly good faith all along, and that you just pushed your luck too far. At first, you’ll go for broke, and try to openly fight, thinking maybe you will be able to win the day. Only once it is too late, and things have gone full tilt, will a sick feeling crawl up your spine, and knot itself up, in your stomach, and throat. The feeling that a small child gets when they awaken to the fact that they have been artificially propped up, and allowed to succeed. In that moment you pass through denial, the first stage of grief, and you will be painfully aware of your reality, and the good faith shelter of illusion, that we have allowed you to have, will in an instant be ripped away. Filled w/ anger, you will writhe, and wretch, but you will feel futility wash over you like so many waves. Looking around, taking in the lay of the land, for the first time, like a puppy who has just opened their eyes, you will look down at the line in the sand, and you will wimper, promising to go back to the other side. This is when the desperate bargaining comes, but to no avail. Lamenting your predicament, and the foolish path that lead you into our mercy, the lack of awareness along the way, the underestimation of your enemy, and overestimation of your comrades, in a flash, will plunge your heart, and soul into a deep, dark, and profound depression. As you are being loaded into into vehicles, or planes, or being herded, like so many cattle, no longer eliciting acknowledgement, or response in any form, from your captors, you succumb to your fate. This is the final stage of your grief, the acceptance. As I said before, perhaps your path ends at the gallows, and perhaps it ends in exile. I would implore you and yours to walk back your agenda, but that ship has sailed, and that time has passed.

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‘Nuff said.

Gas the kikes, race war now.

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Based and globalist pilled

That goes double for Larpagans and Gaytheists

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Well done!!! I'm glad you followed my advice! Let the kikes know!

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or just keep playing video games and masturbating to porn

In b4 spell check fags

Can I get that eith a rainbow edit? We Reclaim God's Rainbow!!

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I got digits, Someone make the edit for kek! PRAISE KEK!!!


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i have a yeast infection

wash your benis

Ahhh. FedPosters!! I bet you work with Richard Spencer..
>we see your glow faggot

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i did

Trump has been compromised. Deep State is in control.

Dirty benis bastard.

wash it again
Scrape the smegma and rub it into your face skin.
