Wise up to con threads

There are a lot of threads here that have 1 goal:
to get YOU onside for a ridiculous cause, in order to make the right look stupid.
These threads are started by the far left/antifa.

--threads claiming everything is a false flag
-crisis actor shit
--women hate threads (the Left love starting these because 100 angry teens reply, and the media can paint this place as juvenile incels who can't get a gf, have no future outside their mothers basements, so they take out their rage on women)
-person swapping (Epstein, Tarrant, Miley Cyrus, et al)
--indefensible shit (to make it look as if the right will defend anything if it SOMEHOW aligns with something right-ish or white-ish, no matter how atrocious
-other stupid shit that makes you look stupid ("cops pouring blood on another cop!", etc)

Please use some critical thinking.

this bro knows:

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>everything bad is the fault of the left/antifa

Beep boop.Got it.

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Fuck off. We know for a fact that Epstein didn't die. The timing of Bourdain's "suicide" was far too convenient.

Attached: epstein bourdain.jpg (983x517, 115K)

The average age on this board is too low that's the issue. They're all retarded gen Z.

Attached: 1566558680895.jpg (498x516, 31K)

kike thread don't fall for it
everything really is false flags and crisis actors

go away shillsteinberg

Show me a real picture of Epstein's corpse, you stalwart shitbag.

what does it matter if epstein is dead or not? as if you need to know that to know whether or not the government is bullshit, the wealthy are bullshit, the fed is bullshit, literally everything is bullshit. we shouldve had everyones head on a platter 90 years ago, and youre all sitting here wondering if epstein is dead.

fucking print this out and put it on your wall you stupid fucking niggers.

prove to the board that him being dead or alive fucking matters?

anti-semitic bump

fuck off, subhuman discord tranny

>Fuck off. We know for a fact that Epstein didn't die
Only brainwashed sheep think he commited suicide, and only retards think he got suicided. They freed him.

What's fake about it? That he mentions a lot of shills try to influemce Jow Forums? That's the truth, and this thread deserves a bump.

Do you want a boomer-only board?


Here's a thread with a (not very) hidden agenda on gif right now:

...do you see what's going on there?

Attached: Transparent-red-no-circle-hi.png (500x494, 28K)

there she is -- the most overrated female in cinema

She was nice to look at though.

>--threads claiming everything is a false flag
-crisis actor shit

Sounds like you have a few more false flags in store

This is true, they want you to argue on bullcrap instead of working on Jow Forums online activism.

Fuck you kike

I know - I'm posting in one of those right now

it is important to differentiate between confirmed false flag (tonkin), suspected false flag (USS Maine), failed honeypot operation (OKC bombing), simultaneous false flag and legit op (9/11), suspected weirdo MKUltra type stuff (Aurora/James Holmes), and mass shootings where all the characters are related or otherwise involved with military intel types (2 many 2 list)

Goddamn what a tangled mess

>--threads claiming everything is a false flag
>-crisis actor shit
>--women hate threads (the Left love starting these because 100 angry teens reply, and the media can paint this place as juvenile incels who can't get a gf, have no future outside their mothers basements, so they take out their rage on women)
>-person swapping (Epstein, Tarrant, Miley Cyrus, et al)
>--indefensible shit (to make it look as if the right will defend anything if it SOMEHOW aligns with something right-ish or white-ish, no matter how atrocious
>-other stupid shit that makes you look stupid ("cops pouring blood on another cop!", etc)
>Please use some critical thinking.
Welcome to Jow Forums newfag. Anyone who hasn't noticed this..... How could you not realize 99.9999% of ALL posts on this boards are for this exact reason. I suspect there is probably only about 100 REAL people that post on Jow Forums. Everything else is bots. The AI has been unleashed.

>Only brainwashed sheep think he commited suicide, and only retards think he got suicided. They freed him.
>They freed him.
Reichanon gets it

The quality has plummeted... but I still keep coming back.

it sure is, very interesting in a sort of detached way to try and parse out historical, recent, and current Happenings that seem to shape discourse and events. naturally, every one publishing information, speculation, etc on these events has slightly or massively differing views and without primary material or firsthand experience it is very difficult to determine any manner of "probability" for various alternative narratives.

the only thing for sure is that the gub'mint and its Leviathan apparatus (pick your level of control ranging from modern deep state to 90s NWO) are lying about everything; specifically telling as much truth as possible while concealing the tasty bits.

i don't buy any of the recent "bot" sentiment; that is, such a high claimed proportion of bots. i think a lot of people forget that plenty of folk greatly enjoy simple trolling, shitposting, or disinformation for their personal amusement; not for Hasbara troll-farms and not chi-com propaganda (at least not most of it!)

I'm old. It all looks like cookie-cutter templated narrative. Was a news junkie for a solid decade. Really sick of it all. It's all lies, bullshit, obfuscation, smoke and mirrors, agenda etc. I am going to make a wonderful old man hermit.

boomers are here and that does not help the quality of the board very much imo

Try harder, retarded piece of shit.