US schools to be rebuilt with bulletproof cover in corridors

>A US school is being rebuilt to make it more difficult for gunmen to kill students in potential mass shootings.

>Fruitport High School in Michigan is the first school in America to be rebuilt with concrete barriers in hallways to hide from bullets.
>The hallways are curved to prevent a shooter from having a clear line of sight during any potential attack.
>Classrooms have also been redesigned so students can hide more easily in case of emergency.

>Bob Szymoniak, Fruitport High School's superintendent, believes these will become part of the structure of all schools in America.
>"These are design elements that are naturally part of buildings going into the future" he told The Washington Post


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What if the attacker has pic related?

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Why not spend more money on counseling to figure out who's crazy and who isn't?

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>The hallways are curved to prevent a shooter from having a clear line of sight during any potential attack.
Okay but wouldn't this make it hard for the people trying to take him out also?

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Stop punishing the children getting bullied by sociopaths and you’ll stop mass shootings.

Why don't they just have panic button that turns the school into a hall of mirrors?

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Why cant schools just have 2 armed officer at the entrance?

Who is going to do it the sociopath teachers or sociopath government?

Part and parcel living with whites

cops will send in a drone with a claymore like they did on the cop shooter.

my 2a rights are important to me
mixed race brats are not important to me

>Curved corridors

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>Classrooms have also been redesigned so students can hide more easily in case of emergency.
What good is this if a school shooter is a student who will likely know the layout of such rooms after having spent time in them?

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>durr hurrr
You know exactly what i mean.

It worked so well for Hogg

If they know a classroom, why are they gonna risk their yale entry?

I know you meant killing jews and politicians.

liberal faggotry won't allow them

>tfw the schools we send our kids to will be designed like a gears of war level, complete with dozens of chest high walls.

So basically if you commit a crime, you’re immediately given a death sentence? No due process?

The American medical system fundamentally isn't about curing people. It's about selling prescriptions. Who cares if the side effects include disassociation and suicidal rampages, just put lil Billy on clozapine for life and watch the cash roll in lmao

Why not just have a veteran do their duty. We dont need bunkers for children, this is absurd.

What ever makes Mr. Shekelsteins wallet fatter, Goy.

Did the white male terrorist give that to the innocent kids he gunned down while leaving the bully alive?

Destruction of culture and religious values creates a nation of uncaring sociopaths. It's like a cancer, sure you can treat the symptoms but the cancer still festers and spreads regardless of the actions taken.

Veterans go postal

America is one big meme in every aspect. I cant name one, where they arent a total meme. Help me out. Maybe their nature. But even that, Americans dont give a shit about.

Parkland had armed officer. He did not interfere in shooting.

What about trenches? Seems like something you would want in case of indirect fire

Was that the one with sheriff Israel?

It's absolutely ridiculous that every man woman and child is not armed.

America is many countries really, and about three of the five are complete memes

I imagine the swat teams responding to any potential activity at this school will love the curved corridors while clearing rooms

I've thought about this before, and the only things I can come up with are
>Freedom of speech
>Lots of cheap land
>Beautiful scenery

In literally every other aspect America is 10x worse than European countries.
I thank God every day that I was not born there.

I just need some crates and red barrels and they'll be like doom levels

only if including multiple bombproofs and redoubts; plain trench is just begging to get shrapnel'd all up or your eardrums burst!

if an organization or individual with a modicum of power was concerned with mitigating, preventing, or otherwise ameliorating school shootings (lol), they'd best simply abolish the Department of Education and decentralize the necessarily soft targets (read: State indoctrination centers)

Because the people in charge send their kids to private schools and don't really give a shit what happens to the poors

>In literally every other aspect America is 10x worse than European countries.
Imagine actually thinking this

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Britain’s about to sink back into hell and this fag’s here chirping about how he’s glad to go down with the ship

Do they realize they're building our forts for the boogaloo?

you are literally basing architecture around mass shooting now

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Hahaha America’s have shooting *gets stabbed by Mohammad and his 7 child brides

Literally chinks

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he is right though

school is an absolute joke. kids should be put into the work force as young as 13

The best thing that can be said about your cucked out dump of a country is that Donald Trump knows it exists.

if you rubbed a couple of your brain cells together you might realize the largest effect any of this will have is a few more ill-gotten shekels on behalf of the school board's cousin's contracting firm. you can't cheap out on the safety of dem kids, right?? its all a racket, m8

>you are literally basing architecture around mass shooting now
>blue state jew niggers are pushing for emotional knee jerk measures with huge costs for the sake of keeping normies on their heels

Apprenticeships should make a return.

Kek. Good posts.

Power fantasy.

Yes. Armed security would be worthless as they would be underpaid as fuck leading to shitty candidates and terrible discipline.

Never happening.

Poe's law at it's finest. Based.

Homeschooling. This is the answer you were looking for.

>lives in staw roofed hut and pays 60% taxes
lol please nigger

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Sure hope they fit these bulletproof schools lightning rods too.

another good:

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They already do. That's how they know who to recruit to stage false flags. If they actually do anything about it, the jews won't be able to take over the country

but michigan went red...

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when the fuck are parents going to stand up for their children and demand armed security in every school in the country? every "solution" that authorities come up with involves the students having to do something to save themselves. how about the ADULTS stop cowering behind their police cruiser and defend their fucking children?

Might as well give the students body armor and helmets, call it a "military school" or something.

Fuck you

Good God this girl is ugly

Which was a surprise, they're still blue

What's with the Mudshits?

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>internal US pressures make the US rebuild into a indestructible stronghold
>in the meanwhile, the UK is banning butter knifes and bicycle wheels

Or maybe you could stop prescribing opioids to children and do something about your single mom problem?

Islamoniggers are fucking everywhere. Can't escape them.

save the map to your next run...

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Pic is from the BBC article.

Tranny mass shooting speed runs when?

Stop replying to every post like a fucking retard you stupid half turkish mongrel

now, now, that would make sense, and not generate a continual state of fear

Is someone litterally going to mod a CS map or something of this building? Imagine the lulz with the current narrative.


it's a mix here. west and southwest of lower peninsula is very conservative. Detroit and college towns are deep blue. remnants of unions still very influential (and frighten away new business).

don't count on Michigan staying red in the next election.

>Yes. Armed security would be worthless as they would be underpaid as fuck leading to shitty candidates and terrible discipline.

Yeah, it's an issue with all guard jobs really. Pay should be high to attract candidates who would be willing to do other than call the cops in event of shooting, but it's not really financially viable to pay good salary for someone who will most likely never have to actually put his life in line in his career.

That thought is illegal, Bong. Expect a visit from your Muhammad overlord soon to educate you on proper British thinking.

Just arm the teachers. If they can put up with bullshit niglets and entitled white girls all day without snapping, they deserve to pack heat. Hell, maybe some of the assholes in class will start behaving if teach is open carrying.

Think you mean bullshit niglets and entitled spics.

This is hilarious. I remember when the magnetometers where being installed in schools after the much famed Columbine Massacre.

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>wasting money on fear mongering while low teacher salaries result in bottom of the barrel, lazy instructors who let the behavior problems and bullying slide until one of their students snaps under the wretched classroom conditions
Ok I guess

Hear shots try running away from them but curved walls and barriers cause so many echos you have no idea where they're coming from.

Wow maybe just start letting them stay at home and be taught by online teachers ffs..oh yeah that wont get gun control on the dockets will it.

Reminder that "How many more kids have to die before you let us ban guns" is a threat by the elite, not a question

Lmao, bring back castles
That would be aesthetic

ever since we put armed guards(usually 2 but our schools are usually smaller than American ones probably) terror attacks on schools ceased.
I’m sure it will be as effective against shooters.
Or just have few armed teachers.

We should simply ban school shootings.
Mass shootings in general should be b& here.

Mass replies are worse than mass shootings

>avoiding bullets shot by jk

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Most teachers are super pacifist ultra liberal women who want to be their students’ friend, they don’t snap, they just accept the abuse from the kids like battered housewives. Arming vapid whores would be extremely dangerous because they’d instantly get their shit stolen by wild niglets.

Unironic answer: we don't care what you think. Most of us couldn't find your pretend country on a map, because you're that unimportant. You're welcome for us paying your defense budget for the last 60 years BTW, nice to see that you've put the money you saved to good use by destroying your continent.

I kinda laugh too britbong but it's kinda hypocritical to laugh at yanks when you have Muhammad's cock in and around your mouth

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That's probably the only answer that would work effectively desu

Counseling doesn't work for low IQ people and psychology is a pseudoscience

>bragging about your country's failed educational system and economic cuckoldry.

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>Implying goyim don’t deserve to have nigger tier education systems and be economically fucked repeatedly

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>We don’t care what you think
>Let me tell you repeatedly how much I don’t care
Are you a woman? How are you this stupid?

Wagies gonna wage.

>People will defend this
When exactly did America become a bad parody of itself?

How about I mass gas you?