What part of the science can’t you accept?

A. CO2 is rising (has risen from around 280ppm pre-industrialization to an average of 410ppm now)

B. The CO2 rise is principally caused by human CO2 emissions

C. CO2 is a greenhouse gas

D. CO2 increases can have a global warming effect

E. CO2 increases do actually have a warming effect right now

F. The CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions (sulfure dioxide, methane etc.) are the prominent forcing greenhouse gases even if water vapor has more greenhouse potential

G. Global warming is a bad thing for humanity

H. Global warming is a bad thing for most of the Western world

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Other urls found in this thread:


I thought that potato drown at sea....

She has a MASSIVE fucking forehead

Didnt she want to ban condoms?
If so, I fully support her.

So switch to thorium breeding nuclear plants... oh wait you can't because the left helped the big oil and coal companies brainwash everyone against it for a 'nuclear disaster' that killed no one. Sucks to be you, not living on the cost, idgaf. I will watch you drown though.

I think earth was too cold and needed some warming up.

>caused by human CO2 emissions
>Global warming is a bad thing for humanity
It brought certain areas out of permfrost and has allowed cultivation
>Global warming is a bad thing for most of the Western world
Elites and globalists love it. THey fly around in jets and boat around in yatchs and then fly their staff around the same to talk about it.

They make money on (((dem programs))).

Dont believe it?


You really think Al Gore needs 800.000 per year on a board to discuss global warming? Or he is so poor he needs the 50k speaking fee?

Oi Vey! Keep believing its real! Keep gibbing your shekels!

Holocene. Look it up faggot.

a. Co2 levels are at their lowest level they've ever been in any of Earth's observable history.

b. wrong

c. What does this even mean?

d. "can" have? Wrong. Warming always precedes rises in co2 - this is peer reviewed

e. Wrong.

f. What does this even mean? Sure?

g. Not really.. Climate has always changed.

h. Bad for people who need welfare.

t. biophysicist

Temperatures aren’t rising. Data has been faked. Research it for yourself

>D. CO2 increases can have a global warming effect

Jow Forums is just tribalistically against Greta cause people here are NPCs to the full extent.

Sometimes I feel like I'm arguing with the same three dudes here. One of them schizo and the other two retarded.

Not about the science, it's about your kike globohomo solutions. Rising sea levels? We'll build sea walls. Fuck your global government.

> CO2 is rising
only a positive thing, as it provides more nutrients to trees and plants
> The CO2 rise is principally caused by human CO2 emissions
> principally
and what percentages of total CO2 emissions is this?
> CO2 is a greenhouse gas
not just a greenhouse gas, but a vital part of natural cycle
> CO2 increases can have a global warming effect
solely? I want to see your scientific evidence to prove this
> CO2 increases do actually have a warming effect right now
solely? I want to see your scientific evidence to prove this
> CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions are the prominent forcing greenhouse gases
speak English lass, rewrite your point
> Global warming is a bad thing for humanity
how come?
> Global warming is a bad thing for most of the Western world
How come?

>CO2 increases do actually have a warming effect right now
Ozone depletion is occuring, CO2 has nothing to do with it. Here is a lefty link just so you can believe it.

read this and try to refute it

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I believe nuclear is a great way to combat climate change. It is a shame we aren’t working more on it.

Based and basedpilled

operation sink the goblin is still on.

as she gets closer to NY, it becomes easier for a NY/NJ user to drive their boat out and sink her.

Attached: C52gToQWcAAS3Ob.jpg (1200x687, 167K)

now this is schizoposting

you're the retarded swede that believes an unproven, unfalsifiable conjecture is actually a law

you can thank Climate Church and their acolytes, Green voters, for it.

Is it the CO2 that causes boys to dress like girls?

The solution part.
As always with these hoaxters, the solution is "give us money"

This is you coping with being a brainlet.


Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane (are you ready, baby?)
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane (come on, come on, come on, come on)
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane
Here I am

You should probably tell that to your side then. Bernie sander's new plan to cut emissions would eliminate nuclear and natural gas generation. Literally no faster way to make the US's emissions skyrocket.

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plants breathe co2 and produce oxygen.
china is to blame for pollution.
rainforest on fire.
"berg" on a boat shilling for shekels.
german thinks global warming is possible when hot air rises and escapes atmosphere.

and here i sit waiting for a real fire.

>B. The CO2 rise is principally caused by human CO2 emissions

The absolute state of this sciencelet

Humans emit at most 0.1% of greenhouse gases

>Lets ban cars
The largest 16 shipping vessels emit more pollution than all the billions of cars in the world. But you dont hear about that...

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Holy shit! We are all gonna die from man made climate change! Quick give us more money so we can stop this!

Yeah but it's your people doing it Moshe. Didn't you get the memo?

>E. CO2 increases do actually have a warming effect right now
>huuurr duuurrrr corellation = causation
I ate cheerios this week and my car ran out of gas. Eating cheerios therefore causes my car to run out of gas.

nobody cares

twice the co2 thice the plants nigger mohamutt

pretty sure B can't be proven. its just a correlation. could easily be caused by variations in solar radiation.

based retard, you picked this mong to be your spokesperson, who thinks a 2 week sail is a viable alternative to a few hours flight, not to mention it's both more expensive and more damaging to the environment.

just like commies, no matter how radical your ideas are and how determined you pretend to be, if you are group of literal subhuman weak niggerfaggots you will achieve nothing.

According to the science there is absolutely nothing we can do at this point except invent some radical new technology.

Also, if global warming is real it's going to kill coastie scum and third worlders. I don't care.

>The largest 16 shipping vessels emit more pollution than all the billions of cars in the world. But you dont hear about that...
I honestly would not doubt this but do you have a source? I could research and do the math myself but meh.

most CO2 caused is from active vulkanos
a single outbreak causes more CO2 in 24h than India did since brits introduced them to trains

lets tax vulcanos!

>a. Co2 levels are at their lowest level they've ever been in any of Earth's observable history.

Pic related says otherwise

>b. wrong

Why? What’s the cause of the spike in pic related if not humans?

>c. What does this mean?
A greenhouse gas can store energy... essentially any gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation. Carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons are examples of greenhouse gases.

>d. Warming always precedes rises in co2
D. was about whether an increase in CO2 can cause warming. Just that it was the other way around historically doesn’t mean it cannot cause warming now.

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Still not supporting a world government. The biggest threat to freedom.

I tried to talk to a group of you hippies once about nuclear, and they all repeated 'nuclear is dangerous' over and over again, those exact words, like braindead retards. You made them believe that. Go shame them or you aren't serious about the environment.

I'd worry more about this

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>> greenhouse gas

Annnnnd thats where the lies begin

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fuck off nigger, i don't care, and i don't believe in your faggot BS.

they escaped by sticking electrodes in her face to tap her natural electric energy

We could've had nuclear powered vehicles by now... banning eugenics is one of the greatest mistakes of the twentieth century, and we will now drown in shit because of it.

Should Greta go to jail for releasing all that bad and scary CO2 crossing the ocean on large boat? I think so too.
Lock up Greta for climate crimes!

Hey how about you tell us the average including epochs before the Holocene when life flourished instead of cherry picking your data?

A. So what
B. So what
C. So what
D. Can may might so what
E. I assume you have an experiment, otherwise you don’t have science
F. I assume you have an experiment, otherwise you don’t have science
G. More arable land and more fertilizer is bad lol
H. Like you care
Fuck off luddite

>e. wrong

Why? Explain pic related.

>f. what does this mean
It means that water vapor is the principal reason why our atmosphere isn’t freezing everywhere. But CO2, methane etc. can cause small changes in overall temps of a few degrees Kelvin

>g. climate has always changed
Yes, which means it should also be changing due to the global warming we are causing, no?

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Induction cannot be justified within an empirical worldview.

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So the "world is ending in 10 years" - climate alarmist were right all along? Only for the wrong reasons.

Here you go

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I really don't care.
when I die, I die.
when we die, we die.
nature will continue with or without is, even if it has to get rid of us.
fix it or cope.

My people. How stupid does one have to be to unironically believe this? If a bunch of Jews are committing crimes all Jews are guilty of those crimes? If an American conspires with other Americans to subvert a country in South America for example are all Americans guilty?

Yeah I guess

>B. The CO2 rise is principally caused by human CO2 emissions

Clearly "B" is garbage.

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I hate this threads because people that have 0 knowledge from science are posting things they dont udnerstand.
>Climate was always changing!
Yeah it was and everytime you could blame either the sun, catastrophes or some other natural reason for it but not this time. The rise of the temperature with no other reason on sight than man made CO2 is pretty clear.
Even more annoying are people who say:
Are even bigger morosn. Tis WOULD lead to more plants IF humans didnt exist. But what is happening right now:
>More forrests are destroyed because of humans
>because of human waste the space for forrests is shrinking
>We arent actually fighting the spread of desserts but rather helping it spread

>G. Global warming is a bad thing for humanity
No its not.

If it ends up wiping out half or more of the human population it will be a resounding success.

I dont get what my fucking money has to do with it.

I dont know how hamstringing my military, and industrial capabilities is going increase my survival odd against 1.5 billion chinks and another 1.5 billion street shitters that are all increasingly hostile and imperialistic.

Sorry, you dont have to convince me of the carbon argument. You have to convince me why i should pay my sheckles to breathe when the fucking locustmen are trying to spread thier fucking plague accross the planet.

When we wipe those motherfuckers off the planet then we will be in a good spot.

any link between co2 and sea level is entirely the made up and actually the result of something else entirely

Your pic related is way too narrow a frame. Zoom out.

>G. Global warming is a bad thing for humanity
>H. Global warming is a bad thing for most of the Western world

I dispute these points. UK is nice and warm. Pretty comfy to be honest. Personally, I think we should try and burn more coal. Make it even more comfy.

What’s “my side”? I am a right wing conservative who is pro nuclear power and pro natural gas power plants.

I still believe it’s important to fund reforestation and e-car infrastructure to make sure global warming isn’t as rapid as right now.

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burn the coal pay the toll

fuck off faggot I want more meat and more electricity and I'm going to enjoy making this little bitch cry about it.

do you even know what that pic is telling you, dumbshit

See. What I find wonderful is that the paid shills being, well, paid to say it's all a hoax, can't really refute when someone gives them evidence. And the common base dweller here just nods in agreement because that's easier than getting out of their ass and looking outside.
This is not what Jesus would have wanted.

want to talk about science lmao
Hey how many genders do you retards believe in now 30
Do you pick and choose the science you approve and believe because apparently biology isnt one of them
SCIENCe says there are two genders and the body parts you fucking grow should remain attached in order to sustain the species and allow your body to function properly
BUT you retards dont believe in that science, RIGHT? Its a choice one can make based on feelings and emotions (not science btw) and then a hack and slash surgery because well the science was just wrong in this area and you didnt feel like having the body you were given

>Lets take some obscure headlines from the most extreme positions to look like idiots

Funny enough many of these are right for example:
We actually have rising sea levels and the constant flooding had islands and areas lose to the oceans

Big chunks of the rainfforrests in Indonesia were actually lost

Actually glaciers are missing now

This is actually true in many parts of the world by now

This never happened see above

This is actually true lol

This is actually true as well

Is that downy ball done yet

Humans are a natural reason.

Horrible tits.

Thorium fuel very easily breeds weapons grade uranium, that’s why we don’t use thorium.

More Co2 means more plant growth

CO2 rising has diminishing effects on the temperature.
The global climate is not a simple positive correlation where more CO2 results in higher temperature.
Long term high CO2 levels would cause a global cooling effect, not a global warming effect.
Even if the West wanted to change carbon emissions, the shitholes of the world won't do anything differently, and they are most responsible. All the claims that the United States is the worst polluter count US-owned companies operating in other countries toward the US total.
Fuck off shill.

>A. CO2 is rising (has risen from around 280ppm pre-industrialization to an average of 410ppm now)


so wait
wait a minute
co2 went from being 0.028% of the atmosphere
to being 0.04%????????


>chart begins at 1960
>allahu akbar

Attached: yasss kween slaying lewks.png (260x478, 222K)

>Humans are a natural reason.
Das ist das Dümmste was ich seit langer Zeit gelesen hab e und ich lese seit Jahren den Spiegel, Bild und Vice

Ha ha. Not burning that kind of coal user. Still, things are looking pretty good. Personally, I hope it accelerates. Who needs that much jungle in one place anyway. If I was a planetary forest manager (think Park and Rec on a global scale) I'd look at the current earth and be like, this is so retarded. Thin out the amazon so people can get around it and plant more trees in other parts of the world.

> Retarded
> Checks flag

Way to absorb the propaganda Fritz.

Attached: Modern German's are faggots.jpg (960x540, 68K)

>Pic related says otherwise
That pic shows the modern vertical spike within one pixel. The resolution of past spikes is not high enough to get samples in that short of a time period. If CO2 dropped back down in 150 years the graph would still look like past trends.

The three past peaks on the graph could just as easily jumped up as high as modern levels for 100 years then dropped back down, but would never show up with our limited testing ability compared to modern air sampling.

Attached: Untitled.png (700x453, 36K)

>What’s “my side”?

>Humans emit at most 0.1% of greenhouse gases

Source? There are 3200 gigatons of CO2 in the atmosphere. We release around 36 gigatons a year, that is more than 1% of the current CO2 in the atmosphere. Half of that goes into the ocean and carbon sink, the rest stays.

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You invoke the name of science and yet cite zero sources. Even just citing one per statement is not enough. Two or three citations per statement should be minimum. Cite scholarly sources.

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Yep, if you want to shut down any of these assholes just ask for pre-20th Century data.

>Bu bu... it wasn't recorded back then.

So you are just basing your argument off of decades of data on a billions of years old planet.

T drumpfs

correlation =/= causation

Holy shit this is low quality bait

>global warming
Dont you know they changed that? It's called "climate change" now because of instances of record low temperatures in various areas.

>Sometimes I feel like I'm arguing with the same three dudes here
You're correct, because those of us with brains ignore what this child says. She doesnt bring any solutions to the table, just complaints.

>CO2 rises
>forests grow in abundance
>global passive cooling from the forests brings temperature down
>maximum thermal capacity of CO2 is 2,3°C
>currently contributing about 1,8°C
>sufur dioxide is a petrol emission now that catalytic converters are mandatory on diesels and power plants
>methane is an agricultural byproduct

>the global warming and climate change people never use the sun's output in their models and don't account for solar output variation
Climate change plans are a direct assault on Western economies by attacking our industries, the convenience of our homes and the sovereignty of our people.
You are a faggot but then again you are OP.

>trusting anyone on the government payroll

But we know how much fossil fuels we burn. That translates to around 36 gigatons. The concentration in the atmosphere increases by around 20-25 gigatons per year. Where else should these gigatons come from? We also measure volcanic activities globally and that’s just around 1-3 gigatons per year depending on activity.

What? literally the opposite is true

C02 and other greenhouse gasses also reflect a significant amount of solar radiation back into space before the radiation can even penetrate our lower atmosphere. This reflection of solar radiation occurs at a high enough rate to effectively counteract the warming effects.
