/agf/ Amazon FAQ general

So many bullshit being told that it is better to make a dedicated FAQ to that.

>Is Amazon burning?
>Is it abnormal?
No. We are in dry season, and those things happen.
>Is this fire worse than previous years?
No, NASA said that they are average (previously they said it was BELOW average, but (((someone))) pressured them)
>If so, why is threre being such a huge media coverage just now?
That's a HUGE psy-op. Here are the reasons
1) Mercosur has just signed a free-trade agreement with European Union, and now they seem to be regreted by now. This Amazon burning. Soon we'll see some boycott initiatives.
2) Neoimperialism, mainly from France (who actually coined the term "Latin America" when they invaded Mexico in XIX Century). Evidences: Macron twetted "our Amazon is burning"; a) when Macron asked for a G7 summit WITHOUT inviting Amazonic countries (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil). Our Army commander, Gal. Villas Boas, answred properly to him: (twitter.com/Gen_VillasBoas/status/1164719139413536774 - some Hue could translate this);
3) AMAZON SYNOD THAT WILL HAPPEN IN NEXT OCTOBER. Most Catholic bishops in that region are for Liberation Theology.
4) Jair Bolsonaro is in charge of Presidency. As his governement is not alligned with international elites ideology (anti-fag marriage, anti-abortion, anti-pot legalization, etc.) international media will always blame him for everything bad it will happen here.
>Is Bolsonaro to be blamed for
Directly no, as the burnings are not being provoked by Brazilian state. Indirectly is debatable, as he is pro-agribusiness and it is possible (not proven yet) that farmers are partially blamend for those fires.
>So he's indirectly guilt, right?
Also, there is no evidences for that. NGOs could also be blamed for it, as he is cutting their gibs.
Any further questions?

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Thanks OP. Was checking not so long ago to see if I had to do one of these.

>1) Mercosur has just signed a free-trade agreement with European Union, and now they seem to be regreted by now. This Amazon burning. Soon we'll see some boycott initiatives.
It began:
"[Macron said today that] as Jair Bolsonaro "lied" about his intentions in respecting international agreements about enviromental preservation, France will not ratify the agreement between EU and Mercosur"
>Irish prime-minister Leo Varandkar menaced not sign EU-Mercosur free-trade agreement if Brazil won't take any attitude against deforestation

Also, (((Globo))) lied yesterday in Jornal Nacional:
>In weather forecast they said that drought was not an excuse for the fire, as Mato Grosso state had only 22 without raining. But Mato Grosso (903.378,292 km2) is almost as big as Venezuela (912.050 km2), and they didn't say WHERE it rained for the last time.
>They interviewed NASA specialist in Amazon, who said that it is the worst burning in AmazonAS in 20 years. But Amazonas is a state, not the region.


>Finnish Finance Minister is considering to boycott Brazilian meat

Wouldn't self proclaimed environmentalists understand that fires are necessary to clean out all the dead trees and other fuels in order to grow itself back?

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It's just economic warfare, Ireland, France and Germany are attacking us because our products are better than theirs and their agriculture would suffer, causing them fewer votes.

Lembrete de boicotar produto Francês, Alemão e Irlandês, Brasileiro é meio burro, vai continuar comprando o lixo desses subhumanos globalistas.

Another question, isn't agriculture in your country insanely expensive to manage which is why only massive companies can do it compared to the US where family owned farms are still possible? If that is so then why wouldn't the Euro faggots not want to send their corporations to farm the land?

They are using it also to cover epstein

This is about the free trade agreement between EU and some SA countries?

>Another question, isn't agriculture in your country insanely expensive to manage which is why only massive companies can do it compared to the US where family owned farms are still possible? If that is so then why wouldn't the Euro faggots not want to send their corporations to farm the land?
No, Brazil isn't Africa and Americans already came here and said we are keeping in pace with them in regards to agriculture.
Europeons are just afraid of losing votes and shekels since our products are better, less expensive.
It's simply protectionism on their part, while they will accuse the US of doing the same thing with China that they do to the rest of the world.

>This is about the free trade agreement between EU and some SA countries?
Sounds obvious when they use a normal yearly event for propaganda and on the next day they threaten our agriculture.
It's called "fire season" in the Amazon because there are fires, Bolivia right now is having 500.000 hectares of their country still burning, you haven't seen any of these guys threatening them.
They threaten us because we are competitors and their economies are already in shambles.

I'm a bommer millenial (39) and I was really wanting to travel to Paris/Rome/Berlin to celebrate my forties. With all this bullshit I'm at the eve to change it for Japan. Unfortunately the cheapest flights are those who pass by US (i.e., I'll also have to pay extra $ 160 for the US visa)

In regards to Gen. Villas Boas's tweets ( twitter.com/Gen_VillasBoas/status/1164719139413536774 ) here is a proper translation to english:

With a hardly seen clarity, we are witnessing one more european country, this time France, through its President Macron, commit direct attacks towards brazilian sovereignty, which includes, objectively, threats of the use of military power.

According to him, the topic will be discussed at the next G7 meeting in 2 days. The question arises as to where the moral authority of that country would come from, which, as Ho Chi Minh said, is the land of the Enlightenment, but when traveling they forget to take that with them.

It is the same France that from 1966 until 1996, despite worldwide claims, carried out 193 nuclear tests in French Polynesia, exposing Tahiti, the most populated island in the region, to radiation rates 500 times higher than the maximum recommended by international agencies.

According to a report from UOL Notícias, dated 11/03/2015, a team of French doctors estimated in 2006 that cases of cancer increased on the islands of the region due to those nuclear tests that hit French citizens themselves.

The uninhabited atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa are still hiding 3,200 tons of radioactive material of different kinds, the product of the French army's nuclear explosions, the same one Macron uses to threaten us.

The issue goes beyond what is acceptable in the dynamics of international relations. It is time for Brazil and Brazilians to stand firmly against these threats, for it is our future as a nation that is at stake.

Let us unite around those who have sought to bring to light the truth about these environmental and indigenous issues. I refer to Minister Ricardo Sales, Aldo Rebelo, Evaristo de Miranda, Luiz Carlos Molion, Lourenco Carrasco, Denis Rosenfield, Professor Francisco Carlos, General Rocha Paiva, General Alberto Cardoso and General Heleno.

This happened because of how s.o.y. worked here:
>Until the 80's, all savannah (cerrado) region was considered unfit to agriculture, as the soil was too much acid
>In the 90's, Embrapa (one of the few public companies which actually works) developed a s.o.y crop that could grow very well in savannahs
>then agriculture started to expand in Centre-West region
>As this region is the less populated one of the whole country (even North has more people until today), the land is/was extremely cheap and rich people/industries could buy really HUGE pieces of land (the biggest s.o.y. produces has 105,000 hectares of land).
>Also, that regions has some of the shittest roads of the country, and it is a logistic hell to deploy all the production into our ports. Thus, only big ones can thrive there.

from your list I guess only Rome would be a reasonable place to visit nowadays. Paris is a no-go zone nowadays and Berlin isnt much far away from such state too

I'm a /trv/fag. I know how Paris is bad... But I made a places of interest list and I discovered thare are 39 places I would like to know there and in outskirts (e.g. Versailles and St. Denis church).
>The question arises as to where the moral authority of that country would come from, which, as Ho Chi Minh said, is the land of the Enlightenment, but when traveling they forget to take that with them.

I know your nations are massive, the scale of these fires seems unbelievable for outsiders but this is normal in the Amazon region. So this is a psyop, fking surrender monkies will resort to murder to protect their farmers.

>page 5

>but when traveling they forget to take that with them
Marion du fresne did when he came to NZ, believe whole heartedly in the "noble Savage" ideas of rousseau. Got himself ands his crew killed and eaten.

Bump for truth. Stupid fucking friends on faceberg need some redpills. Thanks for the info hues.

based and ayahuascapilled

Die globohomo

Best way to redpill the morons is to bring up the mega fire in 1999 in Maranhão
worst in Brazilian history and STILL the jungle is lush as ever in the region

Actually the biggest redpill is that rain dance works. See 1998 Roraima fire

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LOL nice
Thanks Simian brother, I was looking for that article

They use the same global warming fallacy when they talk about deforestation index. Most of the arguments say that is is being worse than the previous year, which is true. But when we wide the timeline it happens this...

Attached: 20190819-Gráfico-desm-Amazônia-1988-2018-Econ.png (608x662, 117K)

I mean it's your jungle, do as you like.

About French protectionism: last month French Parliament barely approved the EU free-trade agreement with fucking Canada (266 pro, 213 against, 74 abstentions)

friendly reminder that they said the amazon would be a thing of the past by 2000....back in 1980

remind you of anything?


Also, we need to talk about Norway. They want to be seen as good guys, and they are wonderful within their country, but they ALWAYS fuck abroad.
>"Toxic Waste from Norwegian Hydro Threatens Amazon and Drinking Water Supply in Brazil" tnp.no/norway/panorama/toxic-waste-from-norwegian-hydro-amazon-water-brazil
>How Borregaard plant polluted Rio Grande do Sul in the 70's ferreiramacedo.jusbrasil.com.br/artigos/222923504/borregaard-um-marco-da-luta-ambiental-no-rio-grande-do-sul

Did the CIA/Mossad convince those retarded abos to set the fires using Jonestown MKULTRA techniques so they could get access to the oilfields and undo the arming of the Brazilian population?

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There is neither oil nor shale in Amazon. We do have plenty of other sfuff there, including the world's biggest iron ore mine - enough for the world demand for the next 200 years.

My sister-in-law is a forestry engineer. Talking about another fire around here she told me that in tropical/sub tropical areas fires are actually a good thing.
Most of the old and weak plants and trees take all the water and sun avoiding new to grow. When those disappear the seeds start to get all the fertile soil to grow. Back then a jungle was on fire and 3 years later it was back.
The problem is not the fire, it's the agriculture. Also, the soil might be ruined but the climate is the same, so all the green will come back in a snap.
It's like Las Vegas with the sand, nature finds a way to recover.

Brazil nuts do not germinate unless you have a fire.
Most often the only trees left following an amazonian fire is the Brazil nut tree which have evolved to thrive in said conditions.

We had a huge fire in Chapada dos Veadeiros (Goiás state, savannah region) in 2017, the worst ever.
In the following year the region was going to full recovering(except for the fauna, who suffers most in wildfires)

Brazil nuts do not germinate unless you have a fire.
Most often the only trees left following an amazonian fire is the Brazil nut tree which have evolved to thrive in said conditions.

Sure you have slash and burn in certain areas but it is not the entire region that is good for agriculture. The amazon looks flat but the valleys and ridges serve very little when it comes to agriculture.

I went trekking in CdosV
What a fucking epic place to trek

Funny how the media picks arbitrary dates like "10x as many fires as in 2013!"
When statistically 2013 was the anomaly year of fewer fires

Media is out to instill panic in the herd, so we bow down and accept global communism

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Your sister in law is a government school diversity retard and you should be ashamed at using a vagina in your appeal to authority

Brazilians are subhumans after all...
a bunch of kikesuckers started a CRIMINAL FIRE in the CENTRAL REGION, far away from the Amazon and near urban centers, people got scared and now kikes are trying to push whatever bullshit they want with it (veganism, retardism,...).

This requires a rich soil and proper climate. Amazon doesn't have both of them.
Now keep repeating whatever Shlomo told you hundreds of times, golems.

Brazil should wise up and tax France and the rest of the world who claim the Amazon forest isn't theirs. Make them pay to upkeep that jungle. Including in that dumb Paris Accord.

In the car scene we really don't need to do it. French cars have a horrible reputation here, being just above Chinese ones.

Related with Mercosur:
>Uruguaian president Tabaré Vasquez has a malignant tumor in his lung

Godspeed huebro don't let kikes decide your fate


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Dumb Brazilian monkeys. We need the first world countries to manage the forest. Brazil proved they can't do it.

Yeah, look at the such great job they did in Europe.

(((first world countries)))