What's up with the Amazonas fires. Are they real or nasa fake?

What's up with the Amazonas fires. Are they real or nasa fake?

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They're real. And we are raping our planet to appease shitskins

They're real and they're not that unique. It's pretty much poor farmers clearing away the forest to make room for pasture for livestock. It's been happening for decades in SEA where the former largest rainforest in the world was. This is a climate disaster waiting to happen. And it's happening because fat ass westerners and asians love beef and Brazil is a flaming pile of shit.


the white man is the only race having children responsibly

The Amazon fires are to make sure nobody remembers Epstein

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This is the price of soi products.

In the Amazon rainforest, fire season has arrived. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured these images of several fires burning in the states of Rondônia, Amazonas, Pará, and Mato Grosso on August 11 and August 13, 2019.

In the Amazon region, fires are rare for much of the year because wet weather prevents them from starting and spreading. However, in July and August, activity typically increases due to the arrival of the dry season. Many people use fire to maintain farmland and pastures or to clear land for other purposes. Typically, activity peaks in early September and mostly stops by November.

As of August 16, 2019, an analysis of NASA satellite data indicated that total fire activity across the Amazon basin this year has been close to the average in comparison to the past 15 years. (The Amazon spreads across Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and parts of other countries.) Though activity appears to be above average in the states of Amazonas and Rondônia, it has so far appeared below average in Mato Grosso and Pará, according to estimates from the Global Fire Emissions Database, a research project that compiles and analyzes NASA data.

Real but bellow average, it burns every year on fire season.


Literally nothing is happening. Macron and Merkel doesn't want Brazilian products competing in Europe.

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Amazonas is not big on the s()y business.
Hell, it isn't big on any business.
Canada was burning this year too, should we boycott your maple shit?

The first world needs more onions. We need more land to supply the demand.

Funny enough, when we started putting ethanol in gas, they contracted with farmers in SEA to grow the crops and the clear cut acres for fuel farming. Way to cut down on emissions.

Who the fuck cares?They probably light up every year and they'll go out on their own. Demanding we put out South America's fires is a new level of kikery. This is just another excuse for schlomo to vaccum money out of the pockets of whites to give to retarded Hispanic countries.

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If canadas forests burn down they regrow within a year cause of fertile soil and fast growing plants.
If the amazon burns down itll be a desert for centuries until enough small plants grow to enable ground stability for larger ones and eventually trees again. Youre shooting yourself in the foot just to sell us some beef for a few quick bucks. I done even know what to call bolso at this point cause he doesn't have the forward thinking of a fascist or conservative at all...

No doubt. I thought it was good for a forest to burn every now and then? Cleans up all the undergroth and dead shit, makes way for new and stronger forests.

Nigger, the forest is there because it rains, not the other way around.
You aren't smart, stop pretending.
It burns every year, with or without human doing, the only difference is that if a person does it, he can do a controlled fire, whereas if the fire happens naturally by lightning or any other such thing, it's uncontrollable.

>Close to average
>below average
JAJAJAJA, fire shill.
Literally no one wants your shit, nor does your country have anything to offer the rest of the world. This is India superpower 2020 level of coping.
Intentionally burning down your forests =/= natural forest fires. Canada regrows everything that burns and our total forests may actually be expanding as the arctic areas gets warmer.


here is nasa

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Close to "average" means being bellow average, stupid.

Fast Food Faggots cant stop eating burgers , thats why

why cant i see pics from the sky showing the burning...i dont truth anyone anymoar...photos that are not shoop please

Rancher/Arsonist detected

Amazon rainforest fire: How to spot the FAKE photos as Twitter reacts ...

Leftists setting fires to take out Bolsanaro

Ok I just read your other post with the earth observatory link and I have to admit you might be right. I know that fire season is a thing and that burning is at a maximum this time a year, but our media is actually making this out to be a much larger thing than normal, which according to the article it isnt really, so Im guessing this is actually active bolsonaro slandering now...

Still there is a net move towards deforestation over the last decades is there not? I would think itd be beneficial to halt that at some point, but most brazilians on here seem to have an opinion of "lol its our forest we can do with it whatever we want" which I just dont think is a very wise mindset.

shut the fuck off the Left are the tree huggers...you faggot on the right are the ones burning down the forest an looking to blame other...the right are just like jews always playing the fukken victim

here is the truth, my mutt friend,its just dry season

Leftist set them on fire to push fag-agenda

I'm not a faggot who banned the /RWSS/
It's just economic warfare, Macron posted a picture on his twitter from Peru from a guy from National Geographic who died in 2003.
Unless he is taking pictures from the beyond, this is just you folks not wanting your agricultural products since the competition might be bad for local business, I can understand that, I don't understand the fake outrage.

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fuck off i dont truth nasa...fake moon landing now fake pictures of the forest burning...you are not gonna fool me twice

post real sources or fuck off

No, it doesn't. Obviously something was lost to your 3rd world level education. Close to average can either mean slightly above or slightly below. You could look at the data and figure it out for sure, but you would rather shill for burning down your forests while intelligent people look down on you with horror.

can one of you incels post pics of the burning

>Still there is a net move towards deforestation over the last decades is there not? I would think itd be beneficial to halt that at some point, but most brazilians on here seem to have an opinion of "lol its our forest we can do with it whatever we want" which I just dont think is a very wise mindset.
The ideal would be 0 illegal logging, but how can you do that at the same time you are trying economic warfare and forcing people into illegality?
You either employ those folks somewhere else, or they will do something drastic to feed their families, people need to deal with the fact that more than 20 million people live in the Amazon and trying to get rid of them by making them live poorly won't happen, since poor people, by definition, are the ones who most multiply.

Finally this country is burning to ashes.

>Though activity appears to be above average in the states of Amazonas and Rondônia, it has so far appeared below average in Mato Grosso and Pará, according to estimates from the Global Fire Emissions Database, a research project that compiles and analyzes NASA data.
Learn to read.
Some places have a little bit more, some are a little bit less.
They are counting Bolivia in the Amazon when they speak about it since they are currently having an uncontrolled fire of about 550.000 hectares.

>post real sources or fuck off
who else got satellites? i think you are going to have a hard time finding other sources, mutt

>On July 9 of this year, Bolivian President Evo Morales approved the modification of “Supreme Decree (DS) 26075” through the enactment of DS 3973, which addressed permanent forest production lands.

>According to the local newspaper El País, the new decree amends in particular Article 5 of the previous one, stating that:

>“In the departments of Santa Cruz and Beni, compensation is allowed for agricultural activities on private and community lands under sustainable integral forest and land management. (…) In both departments, controlled burning is permitted in accordance with the regulations in force in areas classified by the Land Use Plan (PLUS) as suitable. ”

>Bolivia's leftist government's argument for this measure is based on generating greater economic growth by expanding areas for cultivation.

>In the words of President Morales, during the act of promulgation of the decree, the objective is that “Bolivia will grow economically, not only based on non-renewable natural resources, but also on the agricultural issue”.

>The Bolivian leader added that in the country "there can be no first or second department" for development, because "we all have the same rights and duties."

>Just over a month after signing the decree, with an area of at least 500,000 hectares consumed by fire, Bolivia suffers from the largest fire in its recent history.
Brazil bad, Bolivia good.

everyone has satellites pointing at each other nowadays

based and burned

The American here is so dumb that he can't even realize when he's on the same page as somebody else.

Mr. BR BR is trying to tell you that fires like this are not uncommon during this season. The Media is just making it out to be worse than it is.

Although as an American, I am entitled to my own, probably incorrect opinion based off of nothing rather than raw emotion - and I think the Ranchers are starting fires to show support for Bolsonaro.

fucking qtard flatearther pizzagate migaturd

>amazon on fire
>paints half of argentina red

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Rondônia and Amazonas are Brazilian states, clearly this is what they're talking about because they show them on the map. You cannot make your claim without understanding the total forest cover lost. There isn't enough information in that statement to figure out if it's above or below average, it's like the question:
I give you some money, I take away some money, did you lose or gain money?

Even if your source is correct, it's outdated, it's still not peak fire season, and it doesn't count the fires that are currently ongoing but are twice the normal amount. Is it to much to ask that you subhumans manage your forests like a civilized nation? It isn't hard, if you cut or burn something down, you replant or regrow it. Harvesting resources while the total forest cover remains the same.

everyone who has satellites are kikes nowdays

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only believe what i believe until i believe something differently...now post the true or else

Fake news being propped up by twitter bots, but people who have a bone to pick with Brazil for electing a right wing president will believe it.

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china germany japan france uk and others all have satellites orbiting the planet

last year CA fires, huge fires in siberia and now amazon,,
I'm starting to tinfoil and believing that someone is using a energy based satellite weapon to start these fires

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>it's still not peak fire season, and it doesn't count the fires that are currently ongoing but are twice the normal amount. Is it to much to ask that you subhumans manage your forests like a civilized nation? It isn't hard, if you cut or burn something down, you replant or regrow it. Harvesting resources while the total forest cover remains the same.
It's either one or the other, since the forest is burning you're not harvesting it, so, the farmers are setting fire on their own farms, being subjected to heavy penalties, in such insurmountable amount of money that even selling their property they wouldn't be able to pay just for shits and giggles and nothing to gain from it?
Mind you, I'm not in the Amazon, I'm on Mato Grosso, and even here we have two tanks filled with water at all days on July/August because someone will try to do some bullshit fire or it will happen by other means, like lightning or a damaged electric wire with the wind or whatever.
It's hard to do that there, totally different geography and area so dense and covered with woods, that the forest might catch fire underneath but nothing will happen to the actual trees.
You guys don't understand how huge that place is, you can fly above it and the only thing you'll see is forest and rivers.
It's Five fucking million square kilometers long of pure woodland and rivers.

>Real but bellow average, it burns every year on fire season.

it does burn every year. but this year is 80% higher than last already. and not even peak season yet. More fires this year so far-70,000+ than any other year on record. This is an extraordinary year which is why its on the news.

>and I think the Ranchers are starting fires to show support for Bolsonaro
and i could say NGO's are starting those fires because bolsonaro is blocking their governmet funding
but we dont have proof for any of that do we?

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>who else got satellites?

even brazil have satellites nowadays


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>but this year is 80% higher than last already. and not even peak season yet. More fires this year so far-70,000+ than any other year on record. This is an extraordinary year which is why its on the news.
The only reason why it's on the news is because France doesn't want MERCOSUR and the EU to do a deal, they are simply finding another method for their protectionist policies, I don't blame them, but they are using fake images, old images, images that aren't even from here with animals that don't exist in the Amazon just for economic warfare propaganda.
Mind you, France is the 7th economy in the world, Brazil is the 8th.
It's just the competition playing dirty, again, the same France who tested 193 nuclear weapons from 1966 to 1996 near French Polynesia and irradiated with 500 times more radiation than normal their own lands and people.

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Ok well that doesnt look too bad but its a slight up compared to the last few years. I just dont want bolsonaro to end up being the trade less corruption for less ecoprotection...
Also you dont happen to have a source for the actual cleared area this year? I found one for july that said 2254km2 but nothing for before that or august so far, and I dont know how much I trust this cumulative fire count stat even though it seems to be used in a few papers that look legit on first glance.

I remember seeing entire mountains on fire cause farm clearing gone out of hand in bolivia. I guess its the same as in brazil than with the government unable to prevent it, so they legalize it to save face. Not sue if I like that, even though evo has been a massive net benefit for bolivia during his years in office...

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drop them off in Israel
they're the ones causing all the turmoil, Europe is their puppet.

>I guess its the same as in brazil than with the government unable to prevent it
I can speak in regards to my State, I barely saw fires on private property, most of it was illegal shit and city retards burning trash and spreading to rural areas.
You can't fix retard, the problem is in the cities, or truck drivers on highways throwing cigarette butts on dry pasture.
It is what it is, but this year in Mato Grosso it has been mild.

Same as every year. Globalists dont like balsonaro so they gotta harp on something
Elect some globalist douche in Brazil for open borders and carbon taxes and I guarantee not one word about it.

>Oh no, they didn't post a photo of that exact forest fire! Clearly it's fake news despite a 77% increase from last year.
While some of it is clearing land previously burned, the increase without a major change in weather tells us that the farmers are likely extending their lands through intentionally setting fires. If people in first world countries set forest fires and get away with it, surely someone in the middle of the Amazon isn't concerned with getting caught.

There's no justification for this. The world would rather have the Amazon than some asshole Brazilian's farm. We expect you to properly manage your forests but your country decided to shit itself yet again, and worse it pretending that the problem doesn't even exist.

Also, when they say "Amazon" instead of "Amazonas" which is the Brazilian State, they are talking about 5 countries, not just Brazil.

>While some of it is clearing land previously burned, the increase without a major change in weather tells us that the farmers are likely extending their lands through intentionally setting fires
You can't "extend" your land, you are obliged to protect more than 85% of your own property if you want to live there, you folks don't realize how expensive the tickets are if you break the law, it's millions and millions of dollars.
> If people in first world countries set forest fires and get away with it, surely someone in the middle of the Amazon isn't concerned with getting caught.
I didn't saw anything happening in Siberia, or Canada, or the US, much less Portugal, nobody got caught.
There's no justification for this. The world would rather have the Amazon than some asshole Brazilian's farm. We expect you to properly manage your forests but your country decided to shit itself yet again, and worse it pretending that the problem doesn't even exist.
Nigger, you won't have shit but bullets, that land is protected, people will forget ideology and shoot foreigners if you ever try that meme, that French already got even left-wing nationalists riled up against "imperialists" and they hate Bolsonaro's guts.
This isn't Africa, nigger, you can't even decide between your dragon dildos or which immigrant you will take in next, much less talk this nonsense over "muh feefees" over international propaganda.

Glow in the dark NASAniggers.

There's only one solution to stop ecological damage on such a scale.

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Maple syrup is basically found exclusively in Quebec and some parts of Ontario. The forest fires in Canada are all west coast.


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>You can't "extend" your land, you are obliged to protect more than 85% of your own property if you want to live there
Yet, there's evidence that shows intentionally set fires in these areas for the exact reason I said. The fine could be a billion dollars, few people would have to pay it because it's nearly impossible to catch someone in a forest setting a fire. Your point doesn't make sense because if they're obligated to protect 85% of their lands, then why does mass deforestation still happen?

"The cattle sector of the Brazilian Amazon, incentivized by the international beef and leather trades, has been responsible for about 80% of all deforestation in the region, or about 14% of the world's total annual deforestation, making it the world's largest single driver of deforestation"
>Nigger, you won't have shit but bullets, that land is protected, people will forget ideology and shoot foreigners if you ever try that meme,
At no point did I suggest invading your country, although obviously you wouldn't stand a chance against any major of the military forces because you have few allies and no one gives a damn about your country beyond when you fuck it up to the point that we have to step in.
>much less talk this nonsense over "muh feefees" over international propaganda.
At no point did I mention my feelings, either, but if you must know, my feeling is that you're a subhuman JAJAJA monkey that has no right to exist outside of swinging around on branches in the Amazon.

Amazonas doesn't have most production in Brazil, mostly are Midwest, South and Northeast, too, yet still here we are.
The North, where the Amazon is, is the poorest region since no development is brought there and they are obliged by heavy regulations to protect the woods.

the fact that the first time I've ever heard a story about fires in the amazon just so happened to be right after bolsonaro got elected leads me to believe this is totally manufactured. the amazon is huge. I'm guessing every year there are thousands of fires, but that has never made huge international news before.

you faggots say that about literally everything that people pay attention to, as seen by your filters now filtering 0.

>Literally no one wants your shit, nor does your country have anything to offer the rest of the world.
>Brazil GDP: 2.05 trillion
>Canada GDP: 1.65 trillion
STFU leaf.

>there's evidence that shows intentionally set fires in these areas for the exact reason I said.
What evidence?
If you have evidence, you should denounce them to the Brazilian environmental police and protection agencies, since setting up fires is illegal, could result from 4 to 8 years in jail and heavy penalties.
>although obviously you wouldn't stand a chance against any major of the military forces
You folks said that about Vietnam, Brazil would make that shit seem like a Holiday to you guys.
If ticks and mosquitoes don't kill your sorry ass, the geography and weather will.

Its a natural thing that happens. It kills the bigger trees and then the ash provides the soil with nutrients so that the smaller plants to grow in. The cycle repeats when those grow bigger and so on.

They are real, but they are not abnormal. We are in dry season, and shit happens.

you're right

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I'm starting to hate the media more and more each day. I think more people are starting to see through their bullshit, but certainly not enough people.

This shows how you can mislead statistics
If someone see this it will believe that Amazon is burning high. But if you notice well this graph says about BRAZIL not about Brazilian Amazon. Below Amazon we have cerrado (savannah-like) ecossystem, which is used to be burnt to the ground this season

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Two amazonic states declared state of emergency (both ruled by governors from govt-aligned parties)
Kek, only bulbassaur shills think this is normal

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They're created by Israel's DEWs

So wait, are amazon fires normal? What does this mean?

This graph shows that the fire this year is litterally in the average.

That the MSM, both foreign and local, are spreading fake news ahead of the G7 summit

>So wait, are amazon fires normal? What does this mean?
It's dry season, wildfires by human or environmentally caused are normal.
Imagine Arizona and New Mexico had actual shrubs of grass on the desert instead of just sand, with trees and other shit, if a lightning falls or if something produces a spark, add wind and you have uncontrolled fires.
It always happened, always will.

Perhaps if you actually Googled something before posting your opinion, you know that the rate of fires has doubled, likely because Brazilians are more brash with Bolsonaro in power and their rise in nationalism allows them to be useful idiots in support of doing things against their own interests.
What's your point? GDP per capita is what matters, and GDP isn't a measure of total exports, retard.
>you should denounce them to the Brazilian environmental police and protection agencies, since setting up fires is illegal, could result from 4 to 8 years in jail and heavy penalties.
I'm sure that would work, just like reporting anything in your crime ridden shithole country. Someone should tell Brazilians that murder is illegal want watch one of the world's highest rates drop overnight.
>You folks said that about Vietnam, Brazil would make that shit seem like a Holiday to you guys.
You have nothing worth holding, they would just bomb the fuck out of you and cripple your infrastructure. Or they could go back to assassinating your leaders, rigging elections, and installing puppets in place. Either way, no one fears a conflict with your country and you're retarded if you could possibly think that.
>If ticks and mosquitoes don't kill your sorry ass, the geography and weather will.
Motherfucker, you can live outside year round in your country without as much as a sweater. If it was actually tough to live there, like northern countries that have a low population to prove it, you wouldn't have millions of idiot countrymen.

>just like reporting anything in your crime ridden shithole country. Someone should tell Brazilians that murder is illegal want watch one of the world's highest rates drop overnight.
Murder has already decreased 33% on the first 8 months of the Bolsonaro government in comparison to last year.

They are very real and are being caused by illegal immigration to the USA and race mixing and crime and drugs and not worshiping jesus christ as your lord and savior!

think of this as the brazilian equivalent to what our media has done recently about wildfires in the US. They really were nothing too out of the ordinary, and certainly nothing like the wildfires of the 1930s dustbowl, but the media hypes it up to no end so they can blame global warming or trump or whatever else they don't like.

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>The murder rate has decreased a whole 33% we're now only the 13th most murderous country in the world! Wow!
Congratulations, fren. Maybe one day you'll be lower than Colombia...

Ahhh ok, I gotcha. Thanks for the info, anons.

A good chunck of these murder rate is because drug factions fight each other in coastal states over the control of drug export.
All this so euros can snort cocaine.

Is it possible to access the wildfire pictures from NASA from previous periods?

The pole shift is getting close. All farm-able land is getting cleared so that once we get through to the other side we can get crops up and growing ASAP and try to save as many from starvation as possible.

even varadkar says he'll kill the deal to save the forest. nothing for the irish beef farmers.

the big corporations set it on fire, now they dont need to de-forest anything and can blame nature for it

The real issue is deforestation to make room for agriculture and beef production. Brazilanon here will say something like
>but we have to do that because the other big countries have the edge on us, and besides they underwent massive deforestation decades and centuries before we did
Yea, no shit. And it's been a disaster for us. Leaving the forests be, not exploiting their wealth, minimizing human impact, these are all things I value more than economic growth. I would singlehandedly plunge the world into economic depression for a hundred years if it meant an end to unsustained human growth, keeping-up-with-the-Joneses-tier economic policies and resource mismanagement. Look at the disasters that occur when nations justify their economic policies by pointing to their competitors. This is what allows China to fuck up their soil, water and air, the price to pay to sit at the big boys table. Russia and America are empires that promote the destruction of traditional ways of life and ethnicities to compete with each other. I'm convinced this species will go extinct as a result of its own actions because of the inability to think ahead of ten/twenty years.

>Close to average can either mean slightly above or slightly below.

even if its slightly above, why are you so butt hurt about the ordeal? why did you start caring about it now? maybe it has something to do with the fake outrage that's being created to tarnish their elected president, the same way that most faggots like yourself screeched about trump leaving the Paris climate agreement without knowing what it actually entails... you lot are just a bunch of retarded goy's programmed to regurgitate whatever your masters want you to say... kys you goo gobbling leaf

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do you have any source on that?need to shove this type of info in some peoples faces

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No, shitskins aren't putting water on wildfires, which occur naturally especially in any overgrown patch of vegetation. I'm not sending my children to die in another Vietnam just so you can piss on a smoking pile of wood that will regrow within 2 years to virtue signal.

You don't understand the argument. No one knows what the total forest loss was for this years because it isn't even peak season yet. Judging by the doubling of total fires, it's likely that the loss will be way beyond average, which is what most scientists are suggesting.
> why did you start caring about it now?
Canada and Russia cannot be the only countries with vast forest reserves, we're already carrying the idiots that deforested their own countries.
>aybe it has something to do with the fake outrage that's being created to tarnish their elected president,
Their president and increase in nationalism allows for part of their population to be useful idiots as long as they can be assured that it's good for Brazil, hence why there's such an increase this year. Just look at all the idiots literally supporting burning their own country down.
>most faggots like yourself screeched about trump leaving the Paris climate
Terrible strawman. I don't give a shit about that.

Imagine living in a shithole country like Portugal and being upset that adults are discussing current events.
It has nothing to do with their president, just that last year was extremely violent and their gangs largely got it out of their systems. How the fuck do you intend to shove what is still one of the world's highest murder rates in anyone face? You're literally retarded.
