Why is he burning the forest?
Was that necessary?
Why is he burning the forest?
Liberals are to push anti-meat anti-bla bla agendas!
They're growing canes for ethanol rather than grassland for beef.
Someone posted that Bolivia started the fires and others have posted that the fires are a normal phenomenon.
>Go anywhere on the internet where there is a talk about the forest fire
it's all so tiresome
he's not burning anything. it's dry season, fires usually happens this time of the year.
I wish that dude who had stabbed him had finished the job
All migacucks must die
guy is military, his VP is military
You cunts are about to see how that shit is done when you are not led by a "bone spur" cunt of a leader.
>explain to us user, we are retards
put on your helmets, let me tell you how it is.
Bolsonaro already said he would remove funding to the NGOs. Prior to his administration tough new laws were written to stop big pharma from doing "biopiracy"
Big pharma countered that shit with the creation of NGOs (the same dark money process that happens in the US and the world with elections).
They accused him of starting the fires (stupid shit, the fires are part of a natural cycle)...he implies that the NGOs started the fired...(((MSM))) say he accuses them of doing that shit.
Watch what will happen next, it will be entertaining.
The medicine of the amazon is for us all and should be at no cost. Nobody should watch a loved one die as their wealth is depleted. Said medicine should not be given for big pharma to control as all they give a fuck about is profit.
If Bolsonaro is burning (or ordering/favouring the burning of) the Amazon, then Muhammad was whiter than Odin.
The Amazon is burning like usual, but the social media coverage is turning it into a catastrophë just to make Bolsonaro look like a crazy mad tyrant.
Gotta love the little baby smokey bears, now my heart is really broken, tax me 50% to make it all better
He isn't burning the forest.
Environmental activists are burning the forest as a false flag
as if this a surprise...I have been watching the political fiasco in Italy...same shit, different country
this fucking needs to stop
aggro and cattle jew dollars
the fucking forest burns every fucking year during this period.
the rains come in sept/oct..it is part of the normal cycle. I have seen that shit my entire life.
that does not mean we should to let it burn you retards
Well he technically is one.
He was a member of the military dictatorship and praised the guy who tortured Dilma Rousseff (broke her jaw and 4 of her teeth so now she can not close her mouth properly, like a fucking mongoloid) as a national hero.
A guy who is not afraid to be called a fascist out of PR reasons, because he is one. A Chad who just doesn't give a fuck.
I will tell you how this will unfold...screencap that shit.
As you have tariffs and a trade war with china, they will say that Bolsonaro is doing this because the USA will not be the #1 supplier of S@ybean to china.....they will claim the amazon is being burned down to make room for more s@y beans when only the state of mato grosso has the climate to grow that fucked up garbage.
>hiding flag
I bet it's left wing commie.
fucking moron, I live in Amazonas
several anons from Brazil have posted the burn maps for fire season, this year has been LESS bad than the past 15 years when it comes to wild fires.
Stop being a fucking retard
t. Amazonas user
It's quite sad he leaves the the mopping up for the generations to come since it will happen after he is dead and buried.
If we take it on a smaller scale it's like a father leaving his farm in ruins to ho his sons and daughters who then has to spend many many generations in poverty to make the farm fertile again.
And if the generations to come cannot fix the farm they have to desert it.
retard, the fires have been less than what we have seen in 15 years
worst fires in history were in 1998 Roraima and 1999 Maranhão
Nigger, this year's number can be record breaking, it's not 15% less, it's way more than the average of the season.
Sources (bitly)
NASA's twitter: 2NrAJPK
NASA'S site: 2TSQEYs
G1: 2NpKcH1
"15% less" bullshit debunked: 30sWHW1
either way, just because it happens EVERY FUCKING YEAR doesn't mean we are to let it burn when we can prevent it.
>accelerating climate change my
How can you be a fascist of a mulatto country?